

词汇 motor oil
释义 motor oil
motor oil发音




motor oils───车用机油

motor pool───车辆调配场


motor hotel───汽车饭店

castor oil───蓖麻油(等于ricinusoil)

croton oil───n.巴豆油

motor boat───n.摩托艇

motor home───汽车房屋

motor road───汽车路


Pe toil Motor Oil: Manufacturer of automotive, commercial, industrial and marine lubricants.───潘佐尔机油: 润滑油制造商的汽车, 商业, 工业,海洋.

I looked at my dad, his knuckles swollen and cracked from farm work and his fingernails tipped with black crescents of motor oil.───我看着我爸爸,他的指关节因农活而肿胀开裂,他的指甲尖被机油染成了一轮黑色的新月。

Goop and gunk drains out with motor oil.───黏稠的东西和机油一起流出来.

If you don't change the motor oil, your car engine will wear out very quickly.───如果你不换机油, 你车子的引擎会耗损的非常快.

In your yard, recycle used motor oil.───在你的院子里,循环使用油马达。

Jess: This motor oil case is still really slippery.───洁丝: 这个机油的案子还是很棘手.

Please also give me some motor oil forthe engine of my car.───请给我一些马达用油,供汽车的引擎使用.

A circular rigid glass tube was used as the airway, and Newtonian motor oil lining liquid.───呼吸道模型是玻璃直圆管, 以具有生物流体性质的机油作为阻塞液.

Exyernal motor oil pump enable good ventilating and cooling conditions, safety operation and prolonged service life.───由于电机、油泵外置,其通风冷却条件好, 运行安全,寿命长.

Food is to the men as motor oil is to the machines.───食物之于人,犹如机油之于机器.

Motor Oil, Hydraulic Oil, Gear Oil, Grease, Car Care Products and Winter Products Oil and Lubricants.───采购产品马达的油, 水力的油, 齿轮油, 油脂, 汽车关心产品和冬天产品油和润滑物.

Manual Transmission Fluid -- MTF Made to replace ATF and motor oil in manual transmissions.───手动变速箱液 - 的MTF;来取代石油管理局和电机在手动变速箱.

Castrol Limited: Worldwide producers and marketers of synthetic and conventional motor oil and lubricants.───嘉实多有限公司: 全球润滑油生产商和营销商的合成和常规机油和.

Kool - aid , chewing gum, nail polish motor oil , rust, paint and wax removal. Restore original look.───切底清除留在地毡上的果汁色素 、 香口胶 、 指甲油、机器油 、 油漆、蜡等之污渍,令地毡回复原貌.

Franchise: hydraulic pumps, hydraulic motor oil, hydraulic valves, hydraulic annex and accessories.───专营: 液压油泵 、 液压油马达 、 液压阀 、 液压附件及配件.

Evaporation. Ultra fast drying. Resistance to motor oil and detergent bleaches . Excellent gloss . Blocking resistance.───自然快干, 耐汽油、清洁剂、漂白剂等,高光泽,耐磨抗刮.

If the filter has been saturated with motor oil, it should be discarded and replaced.───如果过滤器已被机油浸透,就应该丢掉并更换一个。

The other 5 percent is represented by supplemental plasticizers, motor oil and chemical marker.───另外5%则是辅助可塑剂, 马达油和化学标记物.

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  • motor pool
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  • motor insurance
  • motor vehicles
  • motor hotel
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