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词汇 meters away
释义 meters away
meters away发音



beavers away───努力工作;勤奋工作;辛勤劳动;埋头苦干

gets away───离开;逃脱;出发

keeps away───防范;不接近

makes away───急忙离开

melted away───v.消失;融掉

melts away───v.消失;融掉

miles away───相隔千里,千里之外;心不在焉


I'm only meters away from you, now.───现在,我和你只有几米的距离。

clear mountain air exaggerates every exterior sound so that the sheep in the pen a hundred meters away sound as if they have surrounded the yurt.───山上清新的空气夸大了每一声室外的声响,所以百米外羊圈里的羊叫听起来好像它们已经包围了这个蒙古包。

It's built only a few meters away from the site of the original Shakespeare Globe of the 1600s.───它建在离十七世纪修建的莎士比亚环球剧院地址仅几米之外的地方。

He saw beautiful landscapes, witnessed enormous whales just meters away and enjoyed what he called God's whispering at him through the wind.───他看到了美丽的风景,身边游过的巨大鲸鱼,并且非常惬意地享受了回响在风中的上帝之音。

Since the main structures are often very fragile, old buildings have been known to collapse with the restoration team just meters away.───由于主建筑体通常非常脆弱,老建筑曾经在仅距修复团队几公尺处坍塌。

What he discovered was that lung capacity in these children was far weaker than in those kids who live at least 1500 meters away.───他发现这些孩子的肺容量远远低于那些在1500米以外居住的孩子。

You can use it up to 15 meters away from the Dior phone with its wireless Bluetooth technology.───通过无线蓝牙技术,你可以在离迪奥手机15米以内的地方使用它。

View as people do not know if two people each, less than 2 meters away from the relative standing, they will feel very awkward.───景如人,若是两个相互不认识的人,距离不到2米相对而立,就会觉得很别扭。

A few meters away, thousands of pilgrims from around the world visited the ancient grotto believed to be the birthplace of Jesus.───在离教堂几米远的地方,来自世界各地的成千上万名朝圣者参观了据信是耶稣诞生的地方。


Israeli soldiers posted at a military position some 80 meters away from this house ordered the rescue team to leave the area which they refused to do.

The tribune seats were exquisite - dead center of the track, just meters away from the asphalt.

Reflection of laugher can be heared hundreds of meters away.

At that point, explosive charges cut the cables, and the mother ship powers off to crash-land a few hundred meters away.

After a fish emerges from its hiding spot, it swims a few meters away and doesn't immediately rebury itself.

It ripped through a tollgate about 20 meters away from the explosion site, and shattered all the windows of buildings located within a radius of 3 kilometers.

For our Models, the control range can achieve to 500 meters away.

I could barely see the hornbill at first, and they could just tell from hundreds of meters away, that high up on a tree, was a silhouette next to some leaves (which was a hornbill).

From the hill base, the Hunter and the surviving Elites had re-formed their line and were retreating, already fifty meters away.

  • meters to feet conversion
  • meters away
  • meters to centimeters
  • meters to inches
  • meters to miles




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