eating away───腐蚀,损坏
getting away───离开;逃脱;出发
salting away───腌制;储蓄
sweating away───通过出汗而减轻
carting away───拖走
casting away───丢掉,浪费;使失事
falling away───消失;抛弃
Business requirements become an urban myth, rumored to exist within the organization, but somehow melting away under the light of scrutiny.───业务需求成了“都市神话”,似乎存在于组织中,但仔细分析却又找不到。
But the Conservatives' lead has been melting away.───但保守党的领先优势正在减少。
Before Him all my sorrow is melting away into deathless love and gladness, and I give myself to Him forever.───我在祂面前,一切的忧愁都化为不熄的爱和欢乐了,我愿意把我自己奉献给祂。
sometimes talking, listening and feeling are understood being all that are needed to help a child's frustration before melting away.───或许你是想表达这样的意思:有时候交谈、倾听和感受是必要的,有助于孩子摆脱挫折。
It was an exceptional meal, the company was delightful and, as I ate, I felt all my normal reserve melting away.───这是一顿不同寻常的晚餐,餐伴非常讨人喜欢,用餐的时候,我感到自己惯有的拘禁消失得无影无踪。
It must be textured for traction, embedded with heating elements for melting away ice and snow, and able to survive years of traffic.───该玻璃必须具有浮凸结构以产生附着摩擦力,内嵌加热元件以融化冰雪,而且可以承载数年的交通量。
Like a slug melting away as it moves along, like a stillborn child, may they not see the sun.───愿他们像蜗牛消化过去,又像妇人坠落未见天日的胎。
These little town blues, are melting away. I'll make a brand new start of it - in old New York.───这些小城的忧郁,在渐渐融化。我要启动一个全新的开始–在陈旧的纽约。
Melting away by the inner tube silk arc tube and outer layer of epoxy glass tube.
As it was melting away I hurried off to finish welding a large ingot mold from heavy angle iron .
When I think of you I descry in my mind a vast mountain in the distance melting away to the horizon.
I am not going to see Illimani melting away completely, but the young will.
The margin of time for averting crisis was melting away.
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