

词汇 a white elephant
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n.沉重的负担, 无用的累赘东西


white elephant───白象,灰色象(在印度、东南亚被视为神圣之物);无价值的东西

white elephants───白象,灰色象(在印度、东南亚被视为神圣之物);无价值的东西

Asian elephant───亚洲象

Indian elephant───印度象,亚洲象

white elephant stall───白象摊

satellite telephone───卫星电话

white elephant stalls───白象摊位


That super size desk is a white elephant to his room.───那张他房间里的超大书桌很大而无当.

The big garden square is a white elephant in my city.───白色大象,意思就是花费多不中用的东西.

The car he bought was a white elephant.───他买的那辆车是无用之物.

A car is a white elephant forr me.───对我而言,小汽车是个昂贵而无用的东西.

A motor car would be a white elephant to him, because he can't drive.───汽车对他来说毫无用处, 因为他不会开车.

Host a White Elephant Exchange in which friends and family bring unwanted gifts and all take turns pulling a number out of a hat to pick the next bizarre present.───举办一场无用的礼物交换活动。突施妙计让你的朋友或家人把他们不中意的礼物换成另一件不寻常的。

My uncle does not want that house. It is only a white elephant to him now.───我叔叔现在并不想要那所房子, 那对他来说毫无用处.

Over the years, this old recreation vehicle has become a white elephant in our yard.───多年来, 那辆老的娱乐用车放在我家院子里成了没用的累赘的东西.

This radio is really a white elephant to me.───这台收音机对我来说真是个累赘.

a seductive view. But it may yet prove to be something of a white elephant.───诱人,但是它可能证明在某种程度上仅仅就是一头白象而已。

Its sister ship the Kuznetsov survived, but by the time the Soviet Union ceased to exist, the Varyag was a white elephant marooned off a port in the Black Sea.───它的姐妹舰库兹涅佐夫仍在服役,不过当前苏联分崩离析之时,瓦良格号这一白色的庞然大物却漂泊在黑海一港口之外。

There's a white elephant sale today.───今天有珍品要廉价拍卖.

Mike doesn't want the house, it always has been a white elephant.───迈克不想要那房子, 它一向是个累赘.


Now people in the West calk a useless thing "a white elephant".

The big garden square is a white elephant in my city.

This radio is really a white elephant to me.

There's a white elephant sale today.

The dam has become something of a white elephant.

The car he bought was a white elephant.

That is a white elephant.

Saracen ambassadors bring Charlemagne a white elephant complete with exotic trappings.

A car is a white elephant forr me.

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