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词汇 marking down
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backing down───放弃;让步

racking down───调低

taking down───崩落;向下开采

talking down───说服,驳倒

warming down───整理活动

cracking down───v.镇压;打击;处罚;制裁

smashing down───撞倒,摧毁

striking down───杀死;击倒

tracking down───追捕


Wal-Mart began by marking down the prices of ten best-sellers—including the new Stephen King and the upcoming Sarah Palin—to ten bucks.───沃尔玛首先把十大畅销书—包括新史蒂芬国王和萨拉帕林---的价格降到10美元。

Marking up all your view columns with up/down arrows is not necessarily making your application any easier to use, but it certainly will make it slower.───所有视图列都标记上向上/向下箭头不一定会使应用程序更容易使用,但它一定会使应用程序更慢。

In contrast to some rivals, such as Lehman’s Dick Fuld, he seemed prepared to bite the bullet, selling toxic assets at a steep discount and marking down those he kept.───同一些对手不同,比如说雷曼总裁迪克福尔德,塞恩似乎早就准备好了吃子弹,大幅折价出售不良资产以减少其持有的不良资产额。

By marking down the shares of renewables firms, the markets seem to be assuming that the government will indeed ignore it.───市场看来是真以为政府将置之不理了,才使可再生能源企业股价降低。

Some forecasters, seeing weaker prospects in a key industry, are now further marking down their numbers for this year.───而现在,一些预测人士考虑到房地产这个重要行业前景变弱,又进一步下调了他们对今年增长率的预测数字。

The inevitable flight to safety means more foreign capital leaving emerging Asia, marking down assets and weakening currencies.───不可避免的向安全资产逃亡的现象,意味着更多外资撤离亚洲新兴市场,导致资产价格下跌,货币走弱。

The best that can be said for devaluation is that it would hasten the default, and marking down, of much of Latvia's private debt.───真要说贬值带来的好处,那就是它加速了违约,并且折减了拉脱维亚大多数的私人债务。

FOR Federal Reserve officials, marking down America's economic outlook has become a depressing routine.───对美联储官员来讲,降低美国经济增长前景已经变成让人沮丧的例行公事了。

"The retailers, to capture market share, were obviously marking down very heavily. "───BDOUSA国家零售业主管AlFerrara说,“零售商为了抢占市场份额,很明显都在狠狠的降价。”

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