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词汇 marine biologist
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marine biologists───海洋生物学家

marine biologies───[生物]海洋生物学

marine geologist───海洋地质学家

marine biology───[生物]海洋生物学

marine geologies───[海洋]海洋地质学



marine geology───[海洋]海洋地质学



Dolphins are very social mammals, as Dave , the Marine Biologist told us.───船上海洋生物学家Dave告诉我们,海豚是非常具有社交能力和喜欢群居的哺乳类动物.

Marine biologist Phil Hastings is their keeper.───海洋生物学家菲尔·黑斯廷斯(Phil Hastings)就是这些鱼类的守护神。

Job Prospects: Marine biologist, evolutionary ecologist.───就业前景:海洋生物学家、进化生态学家。

In addition, there is a Marine biologist who is doing her own research.───此外,还有一个自己做调查研究的海洋生物学家。

You are listening to a marine biologist Joe Pawlik at the University of North Carolina, Wilmington.───您正听到的是威明顿市北卡罗来纳大学海洋生物学家乔·鲍里克的声音.


Join marine biologist Aiden Martin as he travels to South Africa in hopes of better understanding what causes the unbelievable acrobatics of these kings of the shark world in the "Kill Zone."

A marine biologist then sets out to destroy the creature by training two killer whales to go after the slimy menacer .

Mexican marine biologist has discovered a new shark species in the murky depths of Mexico's Sea of Cortez , the first new shark find in the wildlife-rich inlet in 34 years.

In 1962 a marine biologist named Rachel Carson published Silent Spring.

Rachel Carson is a famous marine biologist and bestseller writer of America.

Standing in Tennessee's Clinch River, a marine biologist holds three species of freshwater mussel, the most endangered animal group in North America.

In another we see the same man, older, studiously working over a microscope as a marine biologist.

You are listening to a marine biologist Joe Pawlik at the University of North Carolina, Wilmington.

She had early ambitions to be a marine biologist, and always claimed that lack of formal educational opportunity prevented her.

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