watch over───看守;监视;照管
carry over───..留到以后处理;继续存在
hash over───详细谈论
made over───转让;移交;修改
make over───转让;移交;修改
makes over───转让;移交;修改
warm over───重新加温;重提
warms over───重新加温;重提
Now he was to march over to the opposite camp.───现在他却要走到相反的阵营中去了.
Hudgens, a star of the "High School Musical" series, met with FBI agents at her lawyer's office in March over the hacking of her Gmail account.───系列电影“歌舞青春”一炮而红的哈金斯三月份曾经在其律师办公室与FBI探员碰面,会面的重点是她的Gmail账户被黑客入侵了。
In a few minutes they would begin a march over forty miles of strange country.───再过一会儿他们就要开始行军了,40英里地,都是情况不明的荒山野林.
Inc. said Monday its traffic increased 2.5 percent in March over the same month in 2009, despite a 0.7 percent decline in its flying capacity.───公司(American Airlines Inc .)周一宣布,其2010年3月份客流量同比增长了2.5%,尽管其运力略微下降了0.7%。
It is inconceivable that the UN Security Council would now impose a no-fly zone over Syria as it did in March over Libya: Russia and China would veto it.───联合国安理会3月曾通过决议在利比亚设置禁飞区,难以想象其在叙仍能如此,因为俄罗斯与中国将否决有关提案。
He would march over there right now and pound on her door and demand to be heard.
At the end of March over 800 people attended the demonstration at Gweebarra bridge.
Lately, Sridevi has stolen a march over her rival.
- march towards beauty
- march is the third month of the year
- march hare
- marching bands
- march over
- march break
- marched off
- march out of