man in the moons───月球上的人
bark at the moon───吠月;徒劳无功
dark of the moon───(DarkoftheMoon)《月黑之时》(电影名);月暗期
be in the loop───参与其中
in the mood───兴致勃勃
babe in the woods───天真无知的人
dark of the moons───(DarkoftheMoon)《月黑之时》(电影名);月暗期
down in the mouth───垂头丧气;沮丧的
long in the tooth───岁口大的(马);年迈的,年老的
Have you even seen the man in the moon?───你曾经在月亮上看到过这个人 吗 ?
Continuing in a serious vein , he tackled the lead role in Man in the Moon.───接着凯瑞又以同样的戏路主演了《月亮上的男人》.
She looked for the man in the moon.───她在月亮上找这个男人。
He knows nothing, just like the man in the moon.───他一无所知, 就像是月中人(对事物缺乏了解).
She didn't need that meat any more than the man in the moon.───她根本不需要那些肉.
To know the wonder of stardust sky and the wisdom of the man in the moon.───知道梦幻般的星空的神奇以及传说中月上人儿的智慧.
The man in the moon knows more about this than I do.───我对此事一无所知.
The mother pointed out the man in the moon to her little boy.───母亲把月中人影指给她的小孩子看.
But right now, he added, the man in the Moon looks a little like Rodney Dangerfield. "The Moon wants – and deserves – respect."───不过,接下来,这位看起来有点像罗德尼.但泽费尔德的月球中人补充说,“月球想要,并且应该得到——尊重”。
When the man in the moon cut his hair?───月亮上的男人什麽时候剪头发?
He doesn't need these razor blades any more than the man in the moon.───他根本不再需要这些刀片.
Her dad said there is a man in the moon.───她爸爸说月亮上有个男人。
The Man in the Moon has become the latest victim of contraction in the housing market.
To know the wonder of stardust sky and the wisdom of the man in the moon.
For the man in the moon hill can hear the tide aside.
The Man in the Moon has become the latest victim of contraction...
But right now, he added, the man in the Moon looks a little like Rodney Dangerfield. "The Moon wants – and deserves – respect."
Have you ever seen the man in the moon ?
He was silent and aloof, like the man in the moon.
The mother pointed out the man in the moon to her little boy.
Then you take him in your garage and say SIT and he looks at you like you are the man in the moon talking Swahili. He acts like you have two heads and he has never heard the word SIT before.
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