

词汇 make use of
释义 make use of
make use of发音

v.使用,利用; 假借; 藉; 借


make game of───嘲弄;捉弄

make much of───极为重视;充分利用;理解

make as if───假装

make fun of───取笑

make hay of───使混乱;使对自己有利

makes of───了解;用…制造

make a fuss of───大惊小怪;过分体贴

main cause of───主要原因

take care of───照顾;注意;抚养


Compensation trade is one of the key Methods: To make use of investment.───补偿贸易是利用投资的主要手段之一.

We had better make use of something inexpensive.───我们最好使用某种便宜的东西.

We are building many petroleum chemical corporations in order fully to make use of the petroleum.───为了充分利用石油我们正在建许多石化公司.

We train them to make use of reference books.───我们训练他们使用参考书.

They attempt to make use of the clansmen activities to resolve these two problems.───他们企图通过宗族活动来解决这两大问题.

So, you can make use of pumpkins, corn, and other vegetables as decorations.───因此您可以利用南瓜 、 玉米或其它蔬菜作装饰.

An effective solution is that allowing users make use of the idle bandwidth temporarily.───一种有效的解决办法就是允许用户暂时使用闲置的频带.

Therefore , exhibitors shall not make use of these materials before censoring.───展商在审查前不可使用这些资料.

But don't make use of personal comments or questions like " Boy, you've put on weight! "───但千万不要用牵涉个人的评语或问题,像是: [ 唷!你体重又增加了!

However, some exposure make use of the cuniform test imaging a lot of trouble.───但一些曝平安装的布局使得楔形尝试条的搁置显像很便当.

The factory has begun to make use of the waste matter.───这个工厂开始将废料加以利用.

We must make use of our untapped reservoirs of talent.───我们必须利用我们尚未利用的人才.

As Creator of time, God can make use of it without becoming involved in it.───神作为时间的创造者, 能使用时间而不用卷入时间之内.

In ideological and political education it is necessary to make use of praise and criticism efficiently.───在思想政治教育中,如何有效地运用表扬与批评,具有十分重要的现实意义.

Make use of the IEEE 754 standard to will count 176.0625 expression for Shan accuracy floating number?───利用IEEE754标准将数176.0625表示为单精度浮点数?

At last , we have learned to make use of favourable international conditions.───现在我们算是学会利用这个国际条件了.

Not all nursery schools make use of the opportunities open to them.───并不是所有的托儿所都能抓住他们面临的机会。

You should make use of the English that you are raised to all chance.───你应该利用一切机会提高你的英语.

Make use of audit risk model and study internal auditing risk characteristics.───利用审计风险模型,研究了内部审计风险的特征.

The text and links for rerun pictures will make use of this newly available information.───文本和链接将利用这些新信息重返图片.

Skilled readers make use of context and prediction.───能力强的人会利用上下文及推测来理解文意。

Without doubt , the national bourgeoisie tends to vacillate , but we should , nevertheless, make use of its positive side, uniting with it as well as struggling against it.───民族资产阶级 当然 是动摇的, 但是要利用它的积极的一面, 要有团结有斗争.

We can make use of light from the sun to light a match.───我们能利用太阳光点着火柴.

How can design make use of the controller's natural organization of ATC knowledge?───怎样设法利用管制员的atc知识的自然的组织?

Make use of the connections you already have, and all parties will generally be much happier.───采用你已经拥有的联系方式, 大家皆大欢喜.

I do hope that people will make use of footpaths and treat them with due attention that is needed.───我真希望人们使用人行道并给予应有的关注。

There was a gate, but as a general thing he was too crowded for time to make use of it.───有一扇门,但就像平时一样,他太着急了,没有时间去利用它。

I do not see why we should not make use of this analogy.───我不明确我们为什么不能利用这种类比.

Parents must make use of their natural ability to empathize.───父母必须发挥其天性,设身处地从子女的角度感受。

Human ingenuity allows some people to make use of pollution.───人们会利用垃圾.

Parents must make use of their natural ability to empathize.───父母一定要利用他们天生体恤别人的能力。

They make use of advertisements to plug the new product.───他们利用广告广为宣传这种新产品.


Without doubt , the national bourgeoisie tends to vacillate , but we should , nevertheless, make use of its positive side, uniting with it as well as struggling against ...

  • make sure that
  • make the
  • make a funny
  • make die
  • make up
  • make me tick
  • make a deal with the devil
  • make my words
  • make the idea
  • make itTO
  • make a video
  • make dumpling
  • make a fist
  • make choice
  • make the effort
  • make up forever
  • make my move
  • makeshift greenhouse
  • make a request for
  • make any noise
  • make a survey




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