

词汇 looking forward to doing
释义 looking forward to doing
looking forward to doing发音



looking forward to───期待;盼望

look forward to───盼望,期待

looked forward to───盼望,期待

looks forward to───盼望,期待

locking forward───向前锁定

looking down on───看不起;轻视;蔑视

coming forward───涌现;自告奋勇;被提出来讨论


We were looking forward to doing business with you. But that's the best price I can offer.───我们很期待和贵公司做生意,但这是我可以提供的最好价格。

you looking forward to doing more editing work?───你还希望做更多的编辑工作吗?

I'm looking forward to doing it!───我正期待着做这件事呢!

He said the players are also looking forward to doing something positive for their country at the Nations Cup next year.───他表示球员们也希望能在明年的非洲杯上更进一步,争取好的成绩。

It is against an old club, but that's all behind me now and I'm just looking forward to doing the best I can for Liverpool now.───而这次又是我的老东家,现在我都抛之脑后,我希望代表利物浦拿出我最佳的状态。

we were looking forward to doing business with you. But that's the best price I can offer.───我们很期待和贵公司做生意,但这是我可以提供的最好价格。

Looking forward to doing business with you in a mutual benefits and good cooperation.───期待与您在互惠互利和良好的合作的业务做。

Looking forward to doing business with you.───期待与你交易

For our homework tonight, we have to write a description of the street where we live. I'm looking forward to doing it!───我们今天晚上的作业是,我们必须写一篇描写我们所居住街道的短文。我正期待着做作业。背诵并默写下面的范文我的课外活动


We are now looking forward to doing the same in the online world.

  • looking out
  • looking glasses
  • looking around
  • looking my eyes
  • looking-glass self
  • looking for love
  • looking in the album
  • looking forward
  • looking-glass house
  • looking at
  • looking back
  • looking forward to hearing from you
  • looking forward to doing
  • looking down on




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