

词汇 long trousers
释义 long trousers
long trousers发音



long houses───长屋(北美易洛魁人和其他印第安部落的长形议事厅)

skiing trousers───滑雪裤

cargo trousers───长裤

short trousers───短裤

long house───长屋(北美易洛魁人和其他印第安部落的长形议事厅)

long mosses───长苔藓

long primers───长引物

long process───漫长的过程



Put on long trousers.───穿上长裤。

Move in the day to safety is convenient for the guidelines, best to wear long trousers, to prevent scratches.───搬家当天穿戴要以安全便利为准则,最佳穿长衣长裤,防止划伤。

only time Dad shows his knees is on holiday, when he wears shorts instead of his long trousers.───父亲只有在度假时才会露出膝盖,因为那时他不穿长裤而穿短裤。

He said it is unfair that girls can change into skirts during the hot weather, while boys have to swelter in long trousers.───他说,在炎热的天气里,女孩子可以换上短裙,然而男孩子却必须穿着热死人的长裤,这样不公平。

The only time Dad shows his knees is on holiday, when he wears shorts in-stead of his long trousers.───父亲在假日穿短裤而不穿长裤是他露出膝盖的唯一时间。

Chinese executives should at least wear long trousers, he reckons.───他认为,中国的管理者们至少要穿长裤。

That dress has long sleeves, a high neck, and long trousers of a light materials.───那种衣服有长袖子、高衣领,还有质地轻柔的长裤子。

long trousers and long sleeved shirts with a collar be worn ?───穿带衣领的长袖衬衫和长裤

All passengers must put on warm clothing, long trousers, Long-sleeved shirts or jackets, strong shoes and head covering.───所有的旅客必须穿戴保暖衣服、长裤、长袖衬衣或茄克杉、结实的鞋和帽子。

  • long-tailed duck
  • longitudinal and cross-sectional
  • long-suffering meaning
  • longer hair
  • long way down
  • long-staple wool
  • long neck
  • longboat key
  • long position
  • long away
  • long rafelldown
  • long lai
  • long-tailed goral
  • long tails
  • long game player
  • long sleep
  • long overdue
  • long journey into night
  • longwood fl
  • longbow kit
  • long staple cotton




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