shadow theater───影剧院
shadow theaters───影剧院
dinner theater───宴会厅
little theater───小剧场
movie theater───n.电影院
dinner theaters───夜总会
convection heater───[建]对流加热器;[电]对流电暖器
The youth attended the private Westminster School in London until he was 16, when he began studying acting with Michel Saint-Denis at the London Theater Studio.───少年时代的乌斯季诺夫就读于伦敦的威斯敏斯特私立学校。16岁时,他开始在伦敦剧院工作室师从米歇尔·圣丹尼斯学习表演。
Like many actors, Law, twenty-nine, began his career on the stage, joining the National Youth Music Theater in London at the age of twelve.───和许多演员一样,29岁的裘德·洛的演艺事业发迹于舞台,他十二岁时便加入伦敦国家青年音乐剧团。
It was built around 1598 in London using timber from an earlier theater and was jointly owned by members of the theatrical company to which Shakespeare belonged.───它大约在1598年左右建于伦敦,用木材在一家旧剧院的基础上建造的,为莎士比亚所在的戏剧公司的几个成员所共同所有。
Theater: Comfort Food Is In at London Theater Buffet───剧场:安慰是在伦敦剧院自助餐食品
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