n.说得好听的话,空口的应酬话; 空口答应[应酬话]; 口惠
lip services───空口的应酬话,口头上说得好听的话
air service───空军;空中勤务
in service───服务中;运行中;执勤队
air services───空军;空中勤务
fire service───消防署
maid service───客房清洁服务
wire service───通讯社
All the parties pay lip service to environmental issues.───对环境问题,各方都是口惠而实不至。
The machinists only pay lip service to the safety regulations and one day soon there is going to be a nasty accident.───机械师们对安全条例只是口头上表示遵守,总有一天要出大事故的.
But during this period of debate around European citizenship, there was more lip service than substance.───这是欧盟公民权的辩论期, 口惠大于实惠.
Some people pay lip service to education, but don't vote taxes for better schools.───有些人空谈发展教育, 但不赞成增税以兴建更好的学校.
Don't give me lip service. I want to see some action!───别跟我说好听的, 我要见你得行动.
Unhappily, he had done no more than pay lip service to their views.───不幸的是,他对他们的观点只予以口头上的支持。
They praised the judge, but it was all lip service.───他们称赞这位法官, 不过只是口惠而已.
But I just think that it's time that we paid lip service to our lip service.───但是我觉得现在 应该 是我们2个有点实际行动的时候了.
John paid lip service to Helen's new hairstyle.───约翰无诚意地赞美海伦之新发型.
CMEA members have reverted to separate bilateral deals with lip service to multilateralism.───经互会成员国只是口头上侈谈多边贸易,实际上却已回复到各族的双边交易.
He paid only lip service to the dictator.───他只以空洞的应酬话对付那个独裁者.
Those who pay lip service are greater enemies than those who speak openly against you.───那些口是心非的人比那些会开反对你的人对你的威胁更大.
Trades unionists pay only lip service to the need for research.───工会成员们讲有必要进行研究,只不过是说说而已.
It'shows that we are taking action and not just paying lip service.───事实证明我们正在采取行动,而不是口头上说说.
He only pays lip service to our program.───他只是口头同意了我们的计划.
Unhappily, he had done no more than pay lip service to their views.───不幸的是,他对他们观点的支持只是口惠而实不至。
It's just lip service. My wage is not enough if that.───屁话, 瞎写写,要这样工资早不够花了.
He lip service to religion just because it was good for business.───对于宗教,他只是口上“说”“说”,因为对他的生意有利.
He was merely paying lip service.───他那番话不过是表面文章.
If the answer is very easily, then what [ Mr Wen ] said was just lip service.───如果飞弹可以很容易地重新部署, 温家宝 的说法就是口水.
Cooperation closing rank need sincerity and positive action, not just lip service and slogan shouting.───合作是需要双方诚意和积极的行动, 而不只是空口说说或高喊口号即可.
Don't let your staff think you're only paying lip service to the problem.───别让你的员工觉得你只会口头上应承,而根本没想实际解决问题.
They paid only lip service to the need for research.───他们只是口头上说有必要进行研究工作.
He lip service to feminism, but his wife still does all the housework.───他口口声声支持女权主义, 但他家的全部家务仍是他妻子的事.
I paid lip service to the theory of recovering the lost territory.───我简短地提到了关于收复失地的理论.
During election season some politicians give only lip service to their voters.───在选举期间,一些政客对选民只是说些不诚\\恳的承诺.
People pay lip service to their dreams of freedom, but many feel frightened by it.───人们为了实现自由,花钱被骗, 但也有很多人害怕.
We give lip service to the claim that we're going to die, but at some level, we don't really believe it.───我们口口声声说我们会死,在某种程度上,我们并不真正相信。
Those who pay lip service are greater enemies than those who openly speak against us.───口头献假执殷勤的人比公开反对我们的人是更大的敌人.
Don't give me any lip service.
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