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词汇 lion cubs
释义 lion cubs
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lion cub───幼狮


tin cups───锡制的杯子

lemon curds───n.柠檬酱(酪、羹)

lemon curd───n.柠檬酱(酪、羹)

Indian clubs───n.(体操用的)瓶状棒

cushion cuts───长角阶梯型

golden clubs───黄金俱乐部

suction cups───吸杯,吸盘


lion cubs can't climb up a ladder.───幼狮子不会爬梯子。

No, they are lion cubs.───不,它们是小狮子。

The lion cubs can't climb up a ladder.───小狮子不会爬梯子。但是它们想学习。

Yesterday went to the Zoo* again. Another litter of lion-cubs, which are a bit bigger than a domestic cat & spotted all over.───昨天又去了(原注)动物园,又看到一些小狮子出生了,都只有家猫这么大,满身斑点。

Calvin Coolidge, like Roosevelt, had it all, lion cubs, a goose, a bobcat, a raccoon and a pygmy hippo named Billy.───卡尔文•柯立芝,像罗斯福一样,什么都拥有,狮子,鹅,山猫,浣熊及一只名叫比利的河马。

The tiger cubs can't jump through a ring. The lion cubs can't climb up a ladder.───小老虎不能穿环.小狮子不能爬楼梯。

And three rare white lion cubs made their debut at a safari park in Germany.───三头珍贵的白色幼狮在德国野生动物园初次登场。

Two lion cubs feeding, Ngorongoro Crater, Tanzania.───两个狮子幼崽在吃奶,坦桑尼亚

Two Asian lion cubs play with their parents during their first public appearance at ZSL London Zoo.───伦敦动物园里,两只亚洲狮宝宝第一次随父母跟公众见面。


Lion cubs too play games that help them master the skills that will be essential for their success in later life.

In fact the campaign, in which her modesty is protected by strategically placed lion cubs, was deemed to risque for the city of Venice and removed after complaints.

When lion cubs are young, the mother stays with them while the father hunts for food.

And three rare white lion cubs made their debut at a safari park in Germany.

Her people all roar like young lions, they growl like lion cubs.

Lion cubs depend on their mother to feed them.

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