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词汇 lines up
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lies up───躺着

line up───排列起;整队

lined up───整顿;对准

links up───会合;连接;联系

lives up───活着

bones up───抓紧温习;突击钻研;刻苦用功读书

fires up───生火;煽动

fixes up───修理;解决;改进;为…作好安排;商妥

gives up───放弃;交出


It is a stereotype but it's a statistically robust one and nobody lines up to protest this.───它是个刻板印象,但这是有数据支持的,而且没有人会排队去抗议这个。

Make sure your privacy policy lines up with what you're doing with the data.───确保你的隐私策略符合你对数据所做的动作。

In the morning, everyone lines up and practices smiling.───在早晨,大家站成一排训练他们的微笑。

Sam lines up blocks, books, boots, cars, and other objects, all the way from his room to his mother in the kitchen.───萨姆把他的积木、书、靴子、汽车和别的东西排成一行,从他的房间一直排到妈妈所在的厨房。

Requests line up to pass through each of these steps, and once the step has completed, the request lines up for the next step.───请求排队通过每个步骤,完成一个步骤之后,再排队进入下一个步骤。

Photo of the Day: Best of March 2008 Poised to plunge belly-first into the ocean, a colony of gentoo penguins lines up for a dip.───2008年3月最好的每日一图。一群巴布亚企鹅排成一行为了第一次泰然自若的跳进海洋。

The writer process(es) lines up to access the data structure, and is held back until the semaphore is made available.───写进程排队等待访问这个数据结构,在这个信号量可用之前会一直阻塞。

As the defending team lines up a four-man wall, the captain of the attacking team discusses the options with his two main free-kick takers.───当防守球队排成四人一队的人墙,攻击球队的队长与他的两个主要任意球罚球球员讨论选择。

The way Papineau sees it, the "Great Oxidation Event" lines up nicely with a rise in continental rifting and widespread glacial deposits.───以怕米诺的方式来看,“大氧化事件”和大陆裂谷升起和广泛的沉积物出现正好连起来。


But how this complaint lines up with the alleged conspiracy and fraudulent conduct is not clear to me.

In typesetting, type that lines up vertically on the right , with a ragged left margin.

This Christlike attitude lines up with the absence of spiritual competition James called for in his epistle (James 3:14-17).

Another little group lines up with empty tin cans by the single water truck, waiting for the daily ration.

As the defending team lines up a four-man wall, the captain of the attacking team discusses the options with his two main free-kick takers.

Moveto a new chart when nothing lines up correctly.

The term justified means that the text lines up down both left and right margins, just like in a book.

Cyclists traced greasy lines up and down the tarmac.

Everyone lines up in ranks, all facing the instructor.

  • lines of credit
  • lines of business
  • lines up
  • lines of color




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