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词汇 line of fire
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line of fires───n.发射线

line of force───[天]力线

zone of fire───射击目标区;射击地带

line of forces───[天]力线

zone of fires───射击目标区;射击地带

line officer───指挥部队的军官;部队长

line of flight───飞行线;[航]飞行航线

field of fire───射程

line of sight───[光][生理]视线;瞄准线


High temperature high - pressure line of fire damper points.───耐高温高压阻尼点火线.

And I want to get you out of the line of fire too, just in case. "───我也很想把你从火线上调开, 以防万一. ”

The planes then strafed the position, leaving a line of fire and destruction 50 yards long.───然后飞机对着敌方位置扫射, 身后留下了一道50码长的燃烧和破坏带.

He cheerfully blows away any bad guy stupid enough to get in his line of fire.───他兴高采烈地将那些蠢得跑进他发射线内的任何坏蛋炸死。

Until he appeared in "In the Line of Fire" Malkovich had been an action-movie virgin.───出演《火线狙击》以前,马尔科维奇从未演过动作片。

This enables the head and upper torso to be removed away from the line of fire.───这就能使射手的头部和上身离开火线.

On this day, read a good book and stay out of the line of fire!───在这一天, 你在家读本好书吧,不要去触碰火线.

So today in crossing line of fire for you on the next breath on the location.───所以今天就在穿越火线为大家讲解下关于呼吸定位.

The man and his son had been pushed into the line of fire by their captors.───父子俩被那些掳走他们的人推到了枪口前。

Bosses have their own issues and you might just be in the line of fire.───老板们都有自己的事情,而你可能正好撞到了枪口上.

Crossing the line of fire today in the focus of the discussion related.───今天在穿越火线的重点就讨论相关.

He cheerfully blows away any bad guy stupid enough to get in his line of fire.───他兴高采烈地将蠢到撞上他枪口的坏家伙全都干掉。

Crossing the line of fire of guns of different details of the game!───穿越火线中不同的枪的打法的具体介绍!

The UNSC battle group maneuvered behind the moon, denying the enemy a clean line of fire.───UNSC的战斗群机动到月亮后面, 拒绝给敌人毫无遮掩的射击线.

I was lucky not to be in the line of fire.───我很运气没在火力范围内。

I do not want to be in the boss line of fire today.───今天我不想遭到老板的非难.

And sometimes, Earth is in line of fire.───并且地球也不时会进入这一“火线”!

Until he appeared in "In the Line of Fire" Malkovich had been an action-movie virgin.───在出演《火线》之前,马尔科维奇还是一个动作片的生手。


Residents within line of fire were evacuated from their homes and advised to take refuge at the Shuttle and Loom pub.

Until he appeared in "In the Line of Fire" Malkovich had been an action-movie virgin.

And sometimes, Earth is in line of fire.

A young girl was in the line of fire .

Because they pop up in the line of fire.

Be careful to stay out of the line of fire .

He threatened to throw him-self in the line of fire should even a single grain be tossed.

Unfortunately he was in the line of fire and got shot.

Retailers are in the immediate line of fire and were first to bear the brunt of cost cutting.

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