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词汇 light upon
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lights upon───偶然遇见

lighted upon───照亮

light on───偶然遇见(碰见,发现);停落于

light pen───[计]光笔(等于lightpencil)

light up───照亮;点亮

lit upon───偶然遇见

lighting upon───偶然遇见

to light upon───照亮

hit upon───偶然发现,偶然碰到


Their findings threw much light upon the customs of that area.───他们的发现有助于人们理解这个地区风俗.

And God set them in the firmament of the heaven to give light upon the earth.───就把这些光摆列在天空,普照在地上。

Whom would they discern there, with the red eastern light upon his brow?───他们会依稀看到那里站着一个人,额上映着东方的红光,那会是谁呢?

You have walked among us a spirit, and your shadow has been a light upon our faces.───你的性灵与我们同行,你的影子宛如照亮我们脸上的光。

A combination of these two theories will surely shed more light upon meaning construction of texts.───二者的结合有助于我们更好地阐释语篇的意义建构过程.

And God set them in the firmament of the heaven to give light upon the earth.───上帝把它们安放在天穹中,以照亮大地.

You have among us a spirit, and your shadow a light upon our faces.───你的性灵与我们同行, 你的影子宛如照亮我们脸上的光.

The moon threw its silvery light upon the lake.───月亮把它的银光洒在湖上.

Illustrations throw light upon the text.───插图有助于理解正文.

Can anybody cast light upon how this chair got broken?───谁能查清楚这把椅子坏掉的原因 呢 ?

Here are some facts which shed a more human light upon him.───这里有一些事实可以更好地说明他是具有人情味的人.

Can you throw light upon these problems?───你能把这些问题解释清楚 吗 ?

And God set them in the firmament of heaven to give light upon the earth.───他把光体安置在天空,好照亮大地.

It's still dark, but there is a spreading light upon the eastern horizon.───天色还很暗, 但在东面的地平线上,有一抹亮光正在扩散.

Love is word of light, written by a hand of light , upon a page of light.───爱是光明的词汇, 有光之手撰写于光明的纸页上.

The production of a work of art throws light upon the mystery of humanity.───一件艺术品的产生往往可以说明人性的神秘.

This information light upon the mystery of the President's death.───这消息给弄清总统神秘之死提供了线索.

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  • light work
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  • light and day
  • light line
  • light headed
  • lightheaded in early pregnancy
  • light up with
  • light intensity
  • light supper
  • light rat
  • lightning storm
  • lighting out




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