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词汇 licensing laws
释义 licensing laws
licensing laws发音




licensing hours───许可时数

cosine laws───余弦定律;余弦法


piercing saws───穿孔锯

licensing regime───许可证制度

canon laws───教会法;教会法规

coping saws───弓锯(锯曲线用的)

existing laws───现行法律

gaming laws───渔猎法;狩猎法


I know zoning and licensing laws in my community and how they might affect my business.───我知道我的大纲,并在法律许可和社会如何影响我生意。

Our licensing. Laws are quite strick.───我们的营业牌照条例非常严格.

The sale of alcohol in Britain is strictly controlled by licensing laws.───在英国经营酒是受酒类专卖法严格控制的.

of alcohol in Britain is strictly controlled by licensing laws.───在英国经营酒是受酒类专卖法严格控制的。

reducing alcohol availability through the enactment and enforcement of liquor licensing laws, taxation and pricing;───通过颁布和执行酒精饮料销售许可法、征税和定价,减少可获得酒精的机会;

But classical music might not have much effect on the consequences of more licensing laws.───可是,古典音乐对于酒类专卖法令不断放开的结果却可能没什么作用.

The licensing laws are strict.───领照条例很严格.


Since Edinburgh's licensing laws were liberalised in the 1970s, Lothian and Borders police statistics indicate that late-night violence has escalated.

But Britain being Britain, where the licensing laws are as restrictive as ever, they had no choice.

While trains are exempt from the licensing laws, stations are not.

The club's owner showed a cavalier attitude to the licensing laws.

It leads to calls for increased marketing restrictions, unwarranted price rises and restrictive licensing laws.

The Electric Circus closed down, due to ridiculous licensing laws, in October 1977.

In compliance with the licensing laws the children's rehearsal wasn't to be held until later in the afternoon.

They say: There are no rules outside the normal licensing laws.





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