less of───少于…...
Of almost 500 big businesses recently surveyed by McKinsey, a consultancy, 34% expect to spend less on R&D this year and only 21% think they will spend more.───根据麦肯锡咨询公司近来作出的一项调查,500强企业中的34%预计今年在研发中的花费减少并且仅有21%的公司认为将增加支出。
g has to be less than r for this to make sense because if g--if it's growing faster than the rate of interest, then this infinite series will not converge and the value would be infinite.───必须小于r才行得通,因为如果g比利率涨的还快,那么这个无穷序列就不会收敛,价值就是无穷了
But it will not be easy to push the m without undermining sales of its o the r, less wholesome wares or appearing to nanny its customers.───但推动这类产品的销售,势必损害旗下其他非健康食品的销售,或者似乎要当顾客的保姆。
- less cautious
- less r
- lesson five
- lessened means
- less mess
- lessee uk
- lessons with troy
- lessening time
- less developed countries
- less chips
- lessons and carols
- less important than
- lesson one
- lesson plans
- less serious
- lessen define
- lessons learned
- lessen the effect of
- lesser prairie
- less then
- less important