

词汇 lend a hand
释义 lend a hand
lend a hand发音

v.帮助; 插手; 扯篷拉纤


to lend a hand───伸出援手

bear a hand───出一把力;参与;帮助

hand in hand───手拉手地;联合

hand to hand───逼近地;一个个传过去的

near at hand───在手边,在附近

and a half───了不起的;而且比这多得多

dead hand───死手;(不能变卖的)永久管业

elder hand───老手

end around───首尾循环的


I'd be glad to lend a hand.───我很乐意帮忙。

I was in the neighborhood, so I thought I'd lend a hand.───我就在附近, 所以我想我该帮把手.

The neighbours are always willing to lend a hand.───邻居们总是乐于帮忙。

The organization might be able to lend a hand in specific situations.───该组织或许可以在某些情况下助一臂之力.

All the teachers were asked to lend a hand with the school concert.───所有老师都被请来帮着这场校音乐会.

I went over to see if I could lend a hand.───我过去看我能不能帮上忙。

Ask the boys to lend a hand with moving the piano.───求那些男孩子来帮忙搬搬钢琴.

I had to get a porter to lend a hand with luggage.───我得去找个搬运工来帮着搬行李.

Ask the boy lend a hand with moving thd piano.───让这男孩帮忙搬一下这架钢琴.

Folks around here will always lend a hand if you need it.───如果你需要,这周围的人通常会帮一把.

Don't just stand by. Can't you lend a hand?───别站在一边旁观, 你不能帮一下忙 吗 ?

I'd be glad to lend a hand.───我乐意帮忙。

With a bit of luck he might lend a hand.───幸运的话,他会出手相助.

I had to get someone to lend a hand with the luggage.───我得去找个人来帮我搬行李.

Their brigade sent six young men and their ox team to lend a hand.───他们大队派了6名青年和耕牛队来帮忙.

John! Lend a hand with this table, will you?───约翰, 帮帮忙, 搬一下桌子好 吗 ?

Don't just stand by. Can't you lend a hand?───别袖手旁观! 你不能帮一下忙 吗 ?

I thought at first she was going to lend a hand.───我开始还认为她会施以援手呢.


He seemed quite willing to lend a hand and came straight round.

And they're on hand to lend a hand in the air pistol shooting gallery.

At harvest time all the villagers lend a hand.

I went over to see if I could lend a hand.

I'd be glad to lend a hand.

I just thought I'd come up and lend a hand.

Women came by from other camps to lend a hand, bringing prashad.

If a comrade paused to lend a hand, it often meant that two would drown instead of one.

The neighbours are always willing to lend a hand.

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