

词汇 legal holiday
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n.<美>法定假日; 例假


legal holidays───法定假日

federal holiday───联邦假日;联邦假期

general holiday───公休

annual holiday───年假;一年一度的节假日

Roman holiday───损人利己,幸灾乐祸;《罗马假日》(电影名)

half holiday───半天假

tax holiday───免税期

federal holidays───联邦假日;联邦假期

general holidays───公休


The factory has not defines the marriage leave, the bereavement leave, the paid leave and others legal holiday.───工厂定义婚假,丧假,有薪年休假等其它法定节假日。

Legal holiday arranged employees to work on, paid no less than 300 percent of normal wages.───3法定休假日安排员工工作的, 支付不低于本人正常工资的300%.

Middle age the qingming festival is very important, if not as a legal holiday, they will also take time to go home "qingming festival".───中年人对清明节十分看重,即使不是作为法定假日,他们也会抽空回老家“做清明”。

Ask a boss the man of about, why to allow leave the child to play game, he says: "Legal holiday, the country allows, minor can be hit. "───问一位老板模样的男子,为何容留孩子打游戏,他称:“法定节假日,国家答应,未成年人可以打。”

Congress followed up in 1938 by designating Armistice Day a legal holiday, dedicated to the cause of world peace.───1938年,国会将停战纪念日定为法定假日,献给世界和平事业。

Thanksgiving Day, legal holiday observed annually in the United States on the fourth Thursday of November.───感恩节,美国的法定节日,在每年十一月的第四个星期四庆祝。

The Mid-Autumn Festival is one of the two most important holidays in the Chinese calendar, and is a legal holiday in several countries.───中秋节是两个最重要的农历节日之一,并且在几个国家定为法定假日。

Even though Christmas is for many Americans a religious occasion, the federal courts have upheld its status as a legal holiday.───尽管对很多美国人而言,圣诞节是宗教纪念日,但联邦法院始终明确这是一个法定假日。

And in 1941, Thanksgiving was finally sanctioned by Congress as a legal holiday, as the fourth Thursday in November.───1941年,美国国会最终通过决议,将感恩节定为美国法定假日,的时间是每年11月的最后一个星期四。


We annual leave, 5 days working, legal holiday, social insurance.

Independence Day is one of America's principal legal holidays.

Independence Day is one of America's principal legal holiday.

In 1938, Congress designated Armistice Day a legal holiday, dedicated to the cause of world peace.

Work in legal holiday, by not under piece rate of legal working hours 300% pay salary reward.

Legal holiday arrange labourer working, the payment couldn't less than trinal salary.

As we all know MayDay is national legal holiday.

Legal holiday arranged employees to work on, paid no less than 300 percent of normal wages.

Work in legal holiday, by not under rate of legal working hours 300 % pay salary reward.

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