

词汇 legal battle
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legal eagle───精明的律师

naval battle───海战

sea battle───海战

lengthy battle───漫长的战斗

epic battle───史诗般的战役

gun battle───n.枪战

legal age───法定年龄;成年

legal basis───法律依据;[法]法律根据

legal bill───[法]法律草案


She finally won the legal battle for compensation.───她终于赢得了这场要求赔偿的法律斗争。

They are continuing their legal battle to seek some redress from the government.───他们正继续打官司以向政府寻求一些赔偿。

He initially submitted a claim for ownership of the shack and became entangled in a legal battle, but has now withdrawn the claim.───他最初提出了棚屋所有权的要求,并卷入了一场法律纠纷,但现在已经撤回了要求。

Most likely, though, the court ruling will be the last in a nearly decade-long legal battle in one of Japan's highest-profile cases.───最高法院的判决可能将是这起近十年之久的法律纠纷的最终判断。

The corporation's chairman Lee Kun-yao has long predicted such a move by U. S. courts and said he is fully prepared for a long legal battle.───友达董事长李焜耀早已料到美国法院的这步棋,表示他已完全做好长期司法抗战的准备。

The Vatican said it considered the case closed and added there was no point dredging up the "deplorable" comments in a legal battle.───梵蒂冈表示,它认为该事件已经结束,没有必要为这种“可悲”的言论闹上法庭。

In this country, resolution of legal conflicts generally takes place in a legal "battle" between those citizens.───在我国,当事人之间的法律争端通常是通过一场法律大战来解决的。

But analysts believe that the next legal battle is still likely to continue for several years.───不过分析人士认为,接下来的诉讼战仍可能持续数年。

In 2006, a woman in Guangdong province won a legal battle with a clinic that used a toxic gel in her breast implants.───2006年,广东省一位女子状告一家诊所施用有毒凝胶为她做隆胸切除缝合,最后获告捷诉。


They are currently facing a long legal battle in the US courts.

They are engaged in a long-running legal battle with their neighbours.

They've been engaged in a legal battle with the council for several months.

The legal battle was over who should have custody of the child.

The long legal battle ruined him financially.

They are bracing themselves for a long legal battle.

They are continuing their legal battle to seek some redress from the government.

She was involved in a long-running legal battle.

The result of this legal battle sends an important message to people in similar situations.

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