

词汇 legal adviser
释义 legal adviser
legal adviser发音



legal advisers───[法]法律顾问

legal advice───法律意见;法律谘询

special adviser───特别顾问


well advised───稳妥的

external adviser───外部顾问

political adviser───政治顾问

legal services───法律服务



The legal adviser recommended applying for an injunction against the directors of the company.───法律顾问建议申请针对公司董事会的强制令.

We engage you as a legal adviser.───我们聘请你当法律顾问。

The legal adviser recommend apply for an injunction against the director of the company.───法律顾问建议申请向公司董事发禁止令.

The letter stated: " my legal adviser intend to apply for attack ( sic ) of earnings. "───该信说: “ 我的法律顾问打算申请收入的攻击 ” ( 此处虽有错却是原文 ).

Fifth, speeds up enterprise legal adviser who raises a high quality troop.───五是加快培养一支高素质的企业法律顾问队伍.

He is our legal adviser.───他是我们的法律顾问.

Phoenix aluminum group legal adviser Dai Qin said during the interview.───凤铝集团法律顾问戴勤在接受采访时说.

He is my legal adviser.───他是我的法律顾问.

She refused to promote Colin above the low rank of "legal adviser."───她拒绝提升科林,只让他做低级别的“法律顾问”。

I have come in the capacity of a legal adviser.───我是以法律顾问的身份来的.

I am submitting the claim for damages in accordance with the advice of our legal adviser.───根据我们法律顾问的建议,我提出获得损失赔偿金的要求.

The legal adviser recommended an injunction against the directors of the company.───公司法律顾问建议申请针对公司董事会的强制令.

She refused to promote Colin above the low rank of "legal adviser".───她拒绝把科林由“法律顾问”这一低级别往上提。

I submit the claim for damages in accordance with the advice of our legal adviser.───依照法律顾问的建议,我提出获得损失赔偿金的要求.


Li Jinjin, the union's legal adviser, was also released after serving a similar term of imprisonment without trial.

He is my legal adviser.

She refused to promote Colin above the low rank of "legal adviser".

Nigel Burke is a lay legal adviser.

He was the State Department Legal Adviser under Secretary of State Dean Acheson.

We engage you as a legal adviser.

The position of legal adviser to a large and growing industry can be of high importance and interest.

A solicitor is an independent legal adviser who may be able to help you through the apparent maze of new laws.

You ought to consult an independent legal adviser.

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