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Lawrence of Arabia───阿拉伯的劳伦斯(电影名)

Lawrence frame───劳伦斯框架

Lawrence frames───劳伦斯框架

balance of trade───贸易差额

balance of trades───贸易差额

force of habit───习惯势力

Maurice of Nassau───莫里斯(荷兰三执政之一)

Prince of Peace───耶稣基督

Prince of Wales───n.威尔士亲王(英国皇太子之封号)


The film "Lawrence of Arabia" was based on the book and made Lawrence's story even more popular.───阿拉伯的劳伦斯》这部电影就是根据这本书拍摄而成的,并且让劳伦斯的故事更加出名。

And there, over 40 hours in early 1962, Maurice Jarre watched the first rough cut of David Lean’s “Lawrence of Arabia”.───那儿,1962年初的40多个小时里,莫里斯•贾尔看了大卫.里恩的《阿拉伯的劳伦斯》(或译《沙漠枭雄》)的初步剪辑。

Not that long ago, a pukka British accent could at least get you a casting call as an army officer, a judge or Lawrence of Arabia.───就在不多久以前,一个纯正的英国口音至少可以让你成为一名陆军军官、一位法官或阿拉伯的劳伦斯(沙漠枭雄)。

Spiegel recruited him for "Lawrence of Arabia" only after Walton and Arnold had proved unavailable.───萨姆•斯皮格尔招他进来,仅仅因为请不到沃尔顿和阿诺德。

IF ANYONE could have been America's Lawrence of Arabia it was Colonel William Eddy.───如果有人能称为美国版的阿拉伯劳伦斯,那威廉•艾迪上校当之无愧。

As a student of medieval walls and turrets , Lawrence [of Arabia] viewed the citadel of Aleppo as a natural stop on his 1909 journey.───(阿拉伯的)劳伦斯于1909年的旅行中,以研究中世纪城墙和炮塔的学生身份,参观了位于阿雷柏的城堡。

The film "Lawrence of Arabia" was based on the book and made Lawrence's story even more popular.───《阿拉伯的劳伦斯》这部电影就是根据这本书拍摄而成的,并且让劳伦斯的故事更加出名。

RAILWAYS have not made much news in the Middle East since Lawrence of Arabia blew up the Hijaz line in 1918.───1918年,自从阿拉伯的劳伦斯炸毁HijaZ铁路之后,铁路一词对中东来说就不是什么新鲜事了。

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