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词汇 land reform
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land reforms───土地改革

land form───地貌;地形


land forms───地形



welfare reform───福利改革

bad form───不合礼貌的举止;讨人嫌的行为



He is a bearded, sandal-wearing liberation theologian, a campaigner for the poor and for land reform.───他是个蓄须的、穿凉鞋的自由神学家,是一位为穷人和土地改革而奔走的活动家。

During the land reform each person got 1.3 mu of land.───土改时每人领得一亩三分地.

In the former , land reform can proceed step by step.───在巩固区逐步进行土地改革.

a national indaba on land reform───全国土地改革大会

In the countryside, the land reform continued at a wiser and less brutal tempo.───准备工作做得十分周到,而且并不仅限于军事方面.

Third World policy has leavened with diplomacy, elections, land reform and emergency help with debts.───它对第三世界的政策也增添了诸如开展外交 、 进行普选 、 实行土改、为偿还债务提供紧急援助等项内容.

Since the land reform, the productive force has been developed.───土改后生产力发展了.

To date, the most significant measure is the land reform announced last Sunday.───至今, 最引人注目的新政是上周日公布的土地改革.

Before the land reform my family hadn't a single room or a strip of land.───土改前我家房无一间,地无一垄.

Argumentsover land reform and human rights need settling.───有关土地改革和人权的讨论需要定夺.

In many Third World regions land reform remains a prerequisite for development.───在许多第三世界国家中土地改革仍然是经济发展的一个先决条件.

Since then, the village has been held up as a symbol of rural land reform.───自此以后, 这个村被作为农村土地改革的象征.

The Party led us to carry out the land reform.───党领导我们实行了土改.

We had to arouse them to carry out land reform and emancipate themselves.───要把他们发动起来,搞土改闹翻身.

Field Mouse had then come into the village and begun the land reform.───接着,地老鼠来到村里开展土地改革运动.

They carried out land reform in 1952.───他们在1952年实行了土改.

We need correct methods for Party consolidation , just as we need correct policies in land reform.───像土改要有正确政策一样,整党也要有正确方法.

During the land reform period , Qiu Xingfu's father settled here and was given a house.───当年土改时,邱兴富的父亲从外地来此落户,分到一间房.

issue of land reform was one that dominated Hungary's parliamentary elections.───土地改革是一个左右匈牙利议会选举的问题。

But an land reform program alone is no guarantee of successful agricultural and rural development.───土地改革方案是不能保证获得农业和农村发展的成功的.

But an egalitarian land reform program alone is no guarantee of successful agricultural and rural development.───但是仅仅实行一种平均主义的土地改革方案是不能保证获得农业和农村发展的成功的.

Third part: the appraisal of women in the Land Reform movement.───第三部分: 对土地改革中妇女运动的评价.

So much for land reform and the struggle for power.───以上谈的是土地改革和夺取政权的斗争.

After years land reform sand, sand most land has been used effectively.───经过多年沙荒地改造, 大部分沙荒地已经实现了有效利用.

The issue of land reform was one that dominated Hungary's parliamentary elections.───土地改革是左右匈牙利议会选举的主要问题。

Wetzel is currently chair of the Professional Land Reform Group.───维瑟先生现任英国土地改革专业委员会主任.


Overall the patterns established by the 1946 land reform have been remarkably enduring.

And the land reform bypassed this problem altogether.

The theoretical literature on the effects of land reform on production is inconclusive.

Despite a land reform initiative in the early 1980s, rural society remains polarized.

However, poverty levels among land reform beneficiaries remain high, as do the levels of dissatisfaction that they express.

Land reform was popular and the National Front politicians, what remained of them, could hardly impose it.

Not only was the Republican programme of land reform halted, it was reversed.

The issue of land reform was one that dominated Hungary's parliamentary elections.

They require more traditional land reform actions and are the potential basis for an alliance between conservationists and land reformers.

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