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labour markets───劳动力市场

labor market───劳动市场;劳工市场

labor markets───劳动市场;劳工市场

Barbour jacket───芭比夹克

labour charges───人工支出;人工费用(labourcharge的名词复数)

bear market───熊市;[金融]空头市场;[贸易]卖空市场

bond market───债券市场

labour force───n.劳动力

labour forces───n.劳动力


This is the common sense that a lot of people on current labour market out sigh.───这是当前劳动力市场上许多人发出的共同感叹.

young people enter the labour market each year.───年轻人每年进入劳动力市场。

But this does not affect his value in the labour market at all.───但这丝毫不会影响他在劳动力市场的价值.

Consumers'troubles are mounting as the boost from fiscal stimulus fades and the labour market worsens.───财政刺激计划的提振作用逐渐减弱,劳动力市场恶化,消费者的麻烦正在上升.

A good economy will tighten the labour market and push up wages, further boosting consumption.───一个好的经济体会让劳动力市场紧张, 推高工资然后推高消费.

The Scottish labour market has been remarkably successful in absorbing the increase in the number of graduates.───苏格兰的劳动力市场在吸纳新增毕业生就业方面异常成功。

A million young people enter the labour market each year.───每年有100万年轻人进入劳动力市场。

Take the young man ashore with you and show him the way to the labour market.───把这年轻人带上岸并指给他去劳务市场的路.

As a consequence, the unprecedented rate of deterioration in labour market the past year should ease.───受此影响, 过去一年就业市场史无前例的恶化步伐应当会放缓.

Inflation in China is becoming systemic because of rising wages caused by a tighter labour market.───由于劳动力市场趋紧导致工资水平逐渐上升,中国正在出现系统性通胀.

Rural labour market brought redound to education from many channel.───农村劳动力市场从多个渠道给教育带来了回报.

Without labour market reform, Spain is unlikely to make a full recovery in the long run.───从长远来看,没有劳动力市场的改革, 西班牙就无法实现全面复苏.

In a tight labour market, demand by employers exceeds the available supply of workers.───在劳动力走俏的市场上,雇主的需求超过工人的供应。

The case for more reform, especially to the labour market and welfare state, is unanswerable.───这个关于德国经济需要更多改革, 尤其是劳动力市场和福利国是否需要改革的争论仍没有定论.

All these rules work against the young women graduates to the labour market.───所有这些规定都起到妨碍年轻女毕业生进入劳动市场的作用.

young people about to enter the labour market───即将进入劳动力市场的年轻人

A good economy will tighten the labour market and push updates, further boosting consumption.───一个好的经济形势将使劳动力市场紧缺, 薪酬上涨,从而更进一步推动消费.

Take the labour market.───以劳力市场为例.

Inflation continues to decline, even though labour market conditions remain tight.───虽然劳工市场仍见紧绌,但通胀却持续下降.

In summary, they have obviously contributed a lot to the reality of the NZ labour market.───总之, 他们显然为现在新西兰劳动力市场的现状“贡献良多”.

The labour market is weakening at a pace that has in the past heralded recession.───劳动力市场以某种速度变弱,过去这种速度就已经预示出衰退.

In such a tight labour market, companies appease workers by offering higher wages.───在劳动力卖方市场, 企业以提供更高的工资来满足雇员.

Across the road from the Dajingli jobs fair , the Changping Labour Market competed for business.───与大径里人才市场隔街相对的常平劳动力市场,也在争夺生意.

Firms are trying to shift the balance of power in the labour market back in their favour.───各公司正在试图让劳动力市场的均势向有利于自己的方向倾斜。

The longer people have been unemployed, the harder it is for them to compete in the labour market.───失业时间越长,就越难在劳动力市场与别人竞争。

Labour market conditions will remain weak.───劳动力市场仍将萎靡不振.

Amidst the economic setback, the labour market eased visibly over the course of 2001.───随着经济倒退, 劳工市场在二零零一年明显放缓.

A good economy will tighten the labour market and push up wages, further boosting consumption . 1.───一个好的经济将牢固劳动力市场和推升工资, 进一步推进消费.

For now the only bright spots in the labour market are small businesses and high-tech startups.───目前劳务市场上仅有的一些亮点是小企业和新创办的高科技公司。

The problem is that the labour market divides insiders from outsiders.───问题在于劳工市场对业内人士和非业内人士进行区分.

The labour market is the primary source of the inequalities which are carried into retirement.───劳动力市场是从就业到退休一直存在的不平等的主要来源.


The objective of the research is to gain a better insight into labour market processes.

  • labour day
  • labour worker
  • labour intensive
  • labour productivity
  • labour pains
  • labour charge




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