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labour forces───n.劳动力

labor force───劳动力

labor forces───劳动力

labour market───劳动力市场

air force───空军

labour costs───人工成本;劳工费

labour shortage───劳动力短缺

labour ward───劳动病房

labour wards───劳动病房


The structure of labour force is mental the relation with physical strength and its scale.───劳动力的结构是脑力和体力的关系及其比例.

Discretion of rate of labour force literacy and net income become direct ratio.───劳动力文化程度高低与纯收入成正比.

Labour Force Participation Rate.───劳动人口参与率.

Female workers constitute the majority of the labour force.───女性雇员占劳动力的多数。

Allowing more immigrants would boost the labour force.───允许更多的移民来增加日本的劳动力.

Forbid redundant labour force to flow into big cities.───禁止过多的劳动力流向大城市.

Labour force and land are agriculture produces two the most primary factor of production.───劳动力和土地是农业生产两个最基本的生产要素.

Labour force can decide according to this model and come true oneself balanced.───劳动力可根据此模型确定并实现自己的均衡.

Labour force develops action to need external condition, its development has its oneself law.───劳动力发挥作用需要客观条件, 它的发展有其自身规律.

About labour force whether commodity problem, our country academia has been begun 8 years ago discuss.───关于劳动力是否商品问题, 我国学术界8年前就开展过讨论.

The qualifications and skill mix of the labour force might be undermined by outward migration.───劳动力的水平和综合技能可能由于外迁移民而被削弱.

He says the reduction of the labour force could be significant.───他说劳动力的缩减可能会有重大影响。

The space that causing fluctuant main reason is labour force of ab extra population distributings difference.───引起变动的主要原因是外来人口劳动力的空间分布差异.

The structure of the labour force in Britain is undergoing radical change.───英国的劳动力结构正在经历根本性的改变.

Some closer year come, massive labour force flow appeared between our country area.───近些年来, 我国区域之间出现了大规模的劳动力流动.

The mix of the labour force has also changed.───劳动力的人口构成也发生了变化.

Since the 2001 recession , however , the labour force has not grown as robustly as after previous downturns.───但是,自从01年衰退以来, 劳动力就不如前一次衰退后增长那样快了.

The existence of market economy is the fundamental condition that labour force makes goods.───市场经济的存在是劳动力成为商品的根本条件.

In busy months, we need a large labour force to reap the harvest.───忙月的时候我们需要大量的劳动力来收割庄稼.

People under the age of 40 constitute the majority of the labour force.───40岁以下的人占劳动力的大多数。

Others fear that women's move into the paid labour force can atexpense of children.───也有人担心女性加入雇佣劳动大军会影响孩子的成长.

The welfare benefits and retirement security of the labour force shall be protected by law.───劳工的福利待遇和退休保障受法律保护.

Be compared and character, the labour force flow of northeast area still compares sluggish delay however.───相比较而言, 东北地区的劳动力流动却依然比较滞缓.

Unemployment in Britain rose to 8.1% of the labour force.───英国的失业人数已上升至占劳动力总数的8.1%。

The labour force below condition of socialist market economy is commodity not only, and make capital.───社会主义市场经济条件下的劳动力不仅是商品, 而且成为资本.

In free capitalism, forestall capitalism, socialism primary level, labour force is commodity.───在自由资本主义 、 垄断资本主义 、 社会主义初级阶段, 劳动力都是商品.

Over the long term, however , America gloom: a shrinking labour force.───但是长期来看, 形势不容乐观, 劳动力减少是美国最头痛的问题.

The structure of labour force represents the relationship and ratio between mental power and physical power.───脑力是劳动者揭示规律和发明利用规律的中介物的能力,体力是由劳动者自身的生物能所形成的机械力.


The 1993 Labour Force Survey showed that 61 per cent of black women aged 16 to 59 had higher and other qualifications.

An increasing percentage of the labour force is now unemployed.

A large proportion of the labour force is unskilled.

An immigrant labour force would always be needed as a buffer to absorb the shocks of alternating booms and recessions.

As the most expensive section of the labour force, middle-aged workers have faced very severe pressures to terminate their employment.

The agricultural labour force continued its long term decline to just under 27,000, nearly two percent fewer than in 1991.

The labour force is expected to grow by 2% next year.

The labour force in our mine is running down rapidly.

It provided employers with a cheap labour force.

  • labour day
  • labour worker
  • labour intensive
  • labour productivity
  • labour pains
  • labour charge




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