

词汇 key words
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key word───关键字;保留字


key cards───(用来开启电子锁的)钥匙卡(keycard的复数)


key workers───n.核心工作者,社会支柱工作者,关键岗位员工(从事的工作对社会有重要意义的人,如护士、教师或警察等);专门人员

key worker───n.核心工作者,社会支柱工作者,关键岗位员工(从事的工作对社会有重要意义的人,如护士、教师或警察等);专门人员

Sea Lords───领主




Key words: non - market economy, antidumping, replacing country, market economy status.───关键词: 非市场 经济反倾销法替代国市场经济地位.

Key words: Shanghai, World Expo, modern service industry, harmonious co - development.───关键词: 上海世博会现代服务业良性联动.

Education is one of the key words of our time.───教育是我们这个时代的关键性字眼之一.

Key words: dural tear, degeneratie lumbar surgery, repair, reoperation, complication.───关键词: 硬膜囊破裂, 退变性腰椎手术, 修补, 再手术, 并发症.

Dynamics, functional relationships, and control mechanisms are key words in an evolutionary ecology.───动态, 功能关系和调节机制是进化生态学中三个关键字眼.

KEY WORDS ] the Right of the New Plant Variety . Tort . Legal Responsibility.───[关键词]植物新品种权;侵权行为;法律责任.

Key words: luxury brand consuming, Chinese market, consuming psychology.───关键词: 奢侈品消费中国市场消费心理.

Key Words: shoulder ? arthroscopic Bankart repair ? open Bankart repair? muscle strength.───要害词: 肩关节镜下Bankart修复切开行 Bankart 修复肌力.

Key words: right ( left ) visual field, character, graph, reaction time ( RT ).───关键词: 左右视野, 文字, 图形, 反应时.

Key words operational amplifers , gain - bandwidth product, circuit - mode , active filter.───关键词运算放大器, 带宽增益积, 电流型, 有源滤波器.

The key words are underlined.───关键的字下面划了线.

Key words: commercial real estate, resource developing and utilizing.───关键词: 商业房地产资源开发利用.

Key words: disc herniation, discectomy, outcome, quality of life, disability.───关键词: 椎间盘突出症, 椎间盘切除术, 结果, 生活质量, 功能障碍.

We also notice the key words are repeated throughout the text.───并且要关注文章中反复出现的关键词.

Learn to read KEY WORDS.───学会阅读关键词语。

They can even add key words of interest, such as "water", "violence" or "UN".───他们甚至可以添加感兴趣的关键字,比如“水”、“暴力”或者“联合国”。

Gentle and subtle are the key words here.───柔和与细微是这里的关键词。

Key words: spondylolysis, spondylolisthesis, magnetic resonance imaging, fusion, spondylodesis.───关键词: 峡部裂, 脊椎滑脱, 磁共振成像, 融合, 脊椎融合术.


He wrote down a few key words to help him remember what to say.

Key words: supply chain, border trade , NAFTA.

Key Words: biceps ? tendon ? avulsion? rupture? elbow.

Key words: Birmingham, Bull Ring , partnering in development.

Key words pepper, piperine, irradiation, liquid chromatography.

Key words: enterprises civics, enterprise, competition ability.

Key words: living cost of the cities, ranking.

The debate turns on six key words that constitute its two poles.

Key words: spondylolysis, spondylolisthesis, magnetic resonance imaging, fusion, spondylodesis.

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