跳入; 急于做某事,急速行动
bump into───无意中遇到、碰到
bumps into───无意中遇到、碰到
jump in───v.投入
bumped into───无意中遇到、碰到
drums into───反复向某人灌输
jump lines───转页附注行
bumping into───无意中遇到、碰到
Players of every skill level are to jump into a match.───不同技能水平线的运动员迅速投入比赛.
Most music journalists jump into the name game regarding their references.───大多数音乐记者拿着通讯录大玩名字游戏.
Let us not jump into any conclusion, always remember.───让我们不要跳进任何结论, 永远记住.
If you love yourself, you could jump into the life confidently.───如果你爱自己, 你就能在自信的跳板上跃入生活.
I must get into sumptuous raiment , and it wouldn't do to run and jump into it.───我得穿上富丽奢华的的衣服, 而且猛一下子穿上还不行.
They've just made the jump into hyperspace.───他们刚冲进超太空.
No amount of encouragement would make him jump into the pool.───再怎样鼓励,他也不肯往游泳池里跳。
Right then, let's jump into the conference, shall we?───那好, 让我们直接进入会议.
If we had every klutz jump into the orchestra pit, or prance on the opera stage, or slop paint with Picasso, we would have some great parties but no art.───如果我们让每一个笨手笨脚的人都跳进乐池,或在歌剧舞台上腾跳,或与毕加索一起泼洒涂料,我们可能会造就一些不错的聚会,但绝不是艺术。
Then I could get the rope off my neck and jump into the river.───然后我就可以把脖子上的绳子取下来,跳进河里。
Nothing will induce me to jump into the icy water.───我怎么也不会想跳进这冰冷的水里.
If we wished to save our lives, we had to jump into the water at once.───如果我们想活命, 必须马上往水里跳.
The boys egged their friend on to jump into the water.───那些男孩的朋友怂恿他跳入水里.
I got there early and couldn't wait to jump into the water.───我早到了一会儿就迫不及待地跳下了水.
Move slowly and savor the journey before you jump into romance.───在坠入爱河之前,要放慢速度充分享受这段美好时光.
Attention, please! I meant to jump into the meeting at once.───请注意! 我打算现在直接进入会议议程.
As soon as I get through custom I jump into a taxi.───我一通过海关就跳进了一辆计程车.
Meanwhile, Charity and Paul saw Hanson jump into his truck.───与此同时, 查里蒂和保罗看见汉森跳进了他的卡车.
No amount of encouragement would make him jump into the pool.
The new law is a jump into the unknown.
Is he good enough to make the jump into Formula One?
If you jump into a black hole you will get torn apart and crushed out of existence.
Now jump into bed so I can tuck you in.
The little boy gabble his prayers and jump into bed.
Would you jump into puddles with me?
Then - jump into the deep dark pit, Beano.
We expected to jump into the new trainer and show our new IPs we were pilots.
- jump start interpersonal
- jump back
- jumped out of
- jumped over
- jump the bar
- jump from
- jump only
- jumping spiders
- jump up high
- jumped at
- jump into
- jump the track
- jump king
- jumper movie
- jump shots
- jump the line
- jump ball
- jump world
- jump ng
- jump you
- jump under