

词汇 jesse jackson
释义 jesse jackson
jesse jackson发音



mess jacket───n.晚礼服

mess jackets───n.晚礼服

Fort Jackson───杰克逊堡

Port Jackson───杰克逊港(位于澳大利亚东南部)

blue jacks───蓝色千斤顶

brace jacks───撑杆千斤顶



The second day featured a presentation of the platform, and strong speeches by President Carter, Tom Harkin, and Jesse Jackson.───第二天的重头戏是政纲的正式推介和卡特总统、汤姆·哈金和杰西·杰克逊的演讲。

Jesse Jackson practically moved to New York to help Brown.───杰西·杰克逊事实上已经搬到纽约州来帮助布朗。

Many blacks and Hispanics cannot borrow money from banks on subjective grounds ( Jesse Jackson )───许多黑人和西班牙人因为他人的主观偏见而不能从银行贷款 ( 杰西杰克逊 )

Jesse Jackson was instrumental in the release of some of the hostages.───其中一些人质得以获释多亏了杰西·杰克逊。

The comedian appeared on the Reverend Jesse Jackson's syndicated radio show Sunday morning.───这个喜剧演员出现在耶西.杰克逊的企业联合电台的周六早晨的节目里.

Over the years he sparred with his friend Jesse Jackson over political tactics.───这些年以来,他一直跟他的朋友杰西·杰克逊为政治手腕的问题争论不休。

Maxine was a smart, tough politician who had endorsed me early, despite her long friendship with Jesse Jackson.───麦克辛是一位精明能干的政客,尽管与杰西·杰克逊是老朋友,但她很早就表态支持我。


Over the years he sparred with his friend Jesse Jackson over political tactics.

Jesse Jackson supplied a picture that helped give the civil rights movement moral weight.

Jesse Jackson, the renowned civil rights leader, was in the city again last night.

Other political figures are immediately obvious: an embittered Jesse Jackson stand-in.

Jesse Jackson descended upon Hollywood to protest the almost total absence of black and minority nominees.

Jesse Jackson has had entree to those countries and could be perceived as giving comfort to them.

Jesse Jackson ran a quixotic campaign against Michael Dukakis in 1988.

Where Jesse Jackson and Lou Reed share common ground is in the potency of their words.

Jesse Jackson would siphon enough black votes to prevent Clinton from carrying any of the industrial midwestern states.

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