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词汇 T, t
释义 T, t 复合形式: T, t n (20th letter of alphabet)[字母表中第20个字母]The roads meet in the shape of a T.道路以T型交汇。 T-shirt, tee-shirt n (short-sleeved collarless top) (外穿)T恤衫,短袖圆领运动衫In the summer I usually wear just shorts and a T-shirt.夏天,我常常只穿一条短裤和一件T恤衫。 to a T, to a tee adv informal (perfectly)丝毫不差地,完美地That dress fits you to a T!You've described Martin's personality to a T! to a T, to a tee adv informal (exactly)恰好地;恰到好处地I don't know what I did wrong; I followed the recipe to a T, but my cake didn't rise!




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