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词汇 too
释义 tooUK:*/ˈtuː/US:/tu/ ,(to̅o̅)UK-RP:UK-Yorkshire:Irish:Scottish:US Southern:Jamaican: 主要翻译 too adv (also)也;还I like ice cream, and cake, too.我喜欢冰淇凌,也喜欢蛋糕。
 too adv (furthermore)另外;而且You will stay behind after class, and I want to speak to your parents, too.下课后你要留下来,另外,我还要和你的家长交流。 too adv (to excess)太;过于;过度Dan is too talkative.This food is too salty.丹的话太多了。// 这顿饭太咸了。usage: ‘too’Too suggests an excessive or undesirable amount. The soup is too salty.She wears too much make-up.Too can be used with a to-infinitive or with for to say that a particular result does not or cannot happen. He was too late to save her.The water was too cold for swimming.➜ See too too adv informal (very)非常;很She's not too eager to get involved in this.她对参与这件事非常不感兴趣。 too adv informal, infantile (emphatic, protesting) (儿语,非正式用语)确实;的确;就是I am too going to go!我就是要去! 复合形式: a bit too adv informal (overly) (口语)有点太过…His hair was a bit too long for me.She seemed a bit too calm; something must be wrong.对我来说,他的头发有点太长了。她看起来有点过于冷静了,一定有什么事出问题了。 a few too many expr (an excessive number of)太多次This has happened a few too many times now. It has to stop. all too, only too adv disapproving (overly)实在太;只是太She is all too eager to help. all too soon adv (prematurely)很快All too soon, the lovely dinner date came to an end. too ... by half adj UK, slang, figurative (extremely)非常,相当,远远地Your problem is, you're too clever by half!你的问题时你实在太聪明了! far too adv (excessively)非常;太;太She was far too skinny to be attractive. go too far v expr figurative (take [sth] past acceptable limits)做得过头, 做得过火I've warned you about your disobedience before but this time you've gone too far!我之前对你的不服从给予过警告,但这次你做得太过分了! have a few too many v expr UK, slang (drink alcohol to excess)喝多了;喝醉了The bartender kept her car keys because she had had a few too many. have a lot on your plate, have too much on your plate v expr figurative, informal (be overburdened)太过繁忙;手上的事太多 have too much v expr (have an excess)有太多Do you want a slice of this cake? I've got too much.你想要一块蛋糕吗?我买了太多了。 have too much [sth], have too much of [sth] v expr (have [sth] to excess)有太多的 in too deep, in deep adj figurative (involved)深陷其中的;无法自拔的 It's none too soon, it is none too soon expr informal (it is overdue)一点也不早;有点晚了It seems like spring has finally arrived, and it is none too soon for me. me too interj (so do I, so will I, etc.)我也是You're going to her party? Me too! I'll see you there.你要去参加她的聚会?我也去!到时见。 me-too adj mainly US, informal (copying a peer, competitor)模仿的;仿效的Voters weren't fooled by the senator's me-too policies.选民们并没有被那位参议员的效仿政策所愚弄。 me-too adj mainly US, informal (copying [sth] established)模仿的;仿效的; (非正式用语)山寨的That's such a me-too company; all its products are just inferior versions of someone else's.这是一家山寨公司,它所有的产品都是别家产品的劣质版本。 Me Too, MeToo expr (anti-sexual harassment movement) (女权运动)MeToo 运动;反性骚扰运动MeToo brought this actor's transgressions to light.反性骚扰运动让这位演员的侵犯事件公布与众。 not too bad adj (OK)不太坏;不太糟"How's the new job going?" "Not too bad, thanks." Not too shabby interj informal (expressing that [sth] is good)不错;很棒 not too shabby adj informal (good)不错的;很棒的 one too many n (a slight excess of [sth])太多东西The elevator won't move; we have one too many on board. one too many n informal, euphemism (an excess of alcoholic drink)太多酒John had one too many and was hungover the next day. one too many adj (a slight excess of)太多的 only too ... to do [sth] adv (especially)非常…做某事备注: Followed by an adjective.He is only too keen to leave school. pay too much v expr (be overcharged for [sth])出价太高;付得过多I paid too much for the taxi from the airport to the city centre. protest too much v expr (insist unconvincingly that [sth] is untrue) (指导致人怀疑的)一口拒绝, 激烈否认“The lady doth protest too much”, as they say. Quite right too! interj (expressing emphatic agreement)就该这样!;这样就对了!"I'm not going to lend Pete any more money because he never pays me back." "Quite right too!" spread yourself too thin v expr figurative (try to do too much)让自己太过忙碌 talk too much v expr (speak excessively)说话太多;话太多She talks too much … and most of what she says is rubbish. too bad interj informal (that's unfortunate) (非正式用语)太糟糕了!太不幸了!I hear Jim was fired from his job – too bad!我听说吉姆被开除了,太糟糕了! too big, too-big adj (excessively large)过分大的;太大的备注: A hyphen is used when the adjective precedes the nounThe lorry is too big to fit under the bridge.These hand-me-down clothes are too big for me. too clever by half adj informal (devious)聪明过头;过分精明 too close for comfort adj (dangerously near to [sth/sb])离得太近;步步紧跟The suspicious-looking man was too close for comfort, so we crossed the street. too cool for school adj figurative, slang (conceited, superior)前卫的;自信满满的 too early adv (excessively soon, prematurely)时机不成熟地;过早地When I get to work too early, I have to wait till they unlock the doors. You took the cake out of the oven too early. too far adj (distance: excessively distant)遥远的;距离过远的I wanted to walk to Paris but it was too far for me. too far adv (further than necessary)过远;太远We parked too far from the concert venue and had to run to get there on time. too far adv figurative (past acceptability)过分,太过Carol's one of those people who take things too far in an argument. too few adj (not a high enough number of)数目不够大的;太少的I have too few books to fill my bookcase. too few adj (not enough: in number)不够的;过少的We tried to fight the plans to build a huge shopping centre just outside our village, but we were too few against a huge corporation; we lost. too good to be true expr (so good it does not seem possible)好到令人难以置信;好到不真实 too late adj (not in time for [sth])太晚的Simon was too late to catch his train. too late adv (not in time for [sth])太晚地You turned in your homework too late to get full credit for it.I arrived an hour too late for my appointment. too little adv (not enough)不足地;不够地;太少地She was cold outside because she wore too little clothing. too little adj (not enough)不够的;太少的 too little n (an insufficient amount)不足量;太少 too long adj (of excessive length)过长的Her hair was too long so she decided to cut it. too long adv (for an excessive time)时间过久的 too many adj (an excessive number of)过量,太多There are too many people and not enough seats!人太多,座位不够了! too many pron (an excessive number)过多的Help yourself to chocolates, but don't eat too many or you won't have an appetite for dinner.巧克力请随便吃,但不要吃太多,这样晚餐你就没胃口了。 too many cooks spoil the broth expr figurative (projects fail with many people involved)人多误事;人多反倒误事 too many cooks spoil the broth 人多误事 too much, too much [sth], too much of [sth] adj (an excess of)过多的Too much coffee makes me jittery.喝过多咖啡使我神经紧张。 too much adv (excessively, to excess)过度地;太…He loved her too much to leave her.他太爱她,所以离不开她。 too much n (an excessive amount)过多,太多I can't possibly eat all that – it's too much.我不可能把那些全都吃光,太多了。 too much at once n (sudden excess of [sth])突然过量I took a big gulp of beer and got too much at once. too much for [sb] prep (overwhelming)超出…的能力之外,非…所能应付;超出…的忍耐范围之外Caring for six children was too much for the exhausted young mother. too much for [sb] prep (intolerable)超出…的能力之外,非…所能应付;超出…的忍耐范围之外Losing his wife was too much for him to bear. too much of a good thing n informal ([sth] spoilt by excess)过犹不及,物极必反There was so much to eat; sometimes you can have too much of a good thing! too much to ask n informal (excessive, unreasonable demand)过分的要求 too often adv (with excessive frequency)过于频繁地 too old adj (not young enough)太老的;年龄太大的Most people in their 40's are too old to play rough sports. too proud adj (arrogant)自大的;过分骄傲的He is too proud to admit he made a mistake. too short adj (not long enough)太短的Your essay was too short for the exam standards. too short adj (not tall enough)太矮的He was too short to join the basketball team. too soon adj (excessively early)太早的;太快的It's too soon to tell whether the operation is a success or not. too soon adv (prematurely)过早地;时机未成熟地I arrived too soon and had to wait for them to open the store. too young adv + adj (not old enough)太年轻的Children are much too young to donate blood. way too much adj informal (an excess of)太多的;过多的 way too much adv informal (excessively)太多了;过于...




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