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词汇 that
释义 thatUK:* strong: /ˈðæt/, weak: /ðət/US:/ðæt; unstressed ðət/US:(ᵺat; unstressed ᵺət)UK-RP:UK-Yorkshire:Irish:Scottish:US Southern:Jamaican: See also: this and that主要翻译 that pron (demonstrative: it, she, he) (指示代词)那个Do you like that? That's not what I meant.你喜欢那个吗?那不是我的意思。 that pron (relative)那,那个The food that I ate last night gave me a stomach ache.昨晚我吃的那个食物,就是我闹肚子的元凶。 that adj (as indicated)那;那个的I like that scarf best.我最喜欢那条围巾。usage: used for referring backYou use it in various ways to refer to something that has already been mentioned or that is already known. When that is used like this, it is always pronounced /ðæt/.I was so proud of that car!How about natural gas? Is that an alternative?➜ See that - those that adj (the more distant of two) (与“这”相对)那,那个的I'm not sure if I like this one or that one.我不知道是喜欢这个还是那个。 that adv (so)那样;那么It's not that easy to learn a new language after age fifty.五十岁以后再新学一门语言就没那么容易了。 that adv (very) (表示程度,口语用法)非常,那么The movie was not that good.这部电影没那么好。 that conj (at which, in which)[关系代词,引导定语从句]From the direction that he was going in, I would say he was headed to town.从他走的方向来看,我认为他是往镇上去了。 that adv (to such an extent)那样;如此;那么I cannot believe I could sleep that deeply.You may not believe me, but it was that hot.我睡得那么沉,自己都不敢相信。 // 你或许不相信我,但那时候就是那么热。 that conj (so … that: to such a degree that) (引导状语从句,表示结果)以致于He was so hungry that he could hear his stomach rumbling.他饿得肚子咕咕叫,自己都能听到。 that conj (quoting)[引导间接引语]He said that he didn't want to go.他说他不想去。 其他翻译 that conj literary (in order that, so that)为了She studied hard, that she might become a doctor. that pron (the thing indicated)那个物品;那件东西Do you want this or that?你要这个还是那个? 动词短语that | this and that dawn on [sb] that vtr phrasal insep figurative (occur to [sb] that)意识到;想起Suddenly it dawned on her that her remarks might have been offensive to the others.;find [sth] out, find out that vtr phrasal sep (discover)发现,查明;明白,得知I just found out that my sister is pregnant.我才发现我妹妹怀孕了。;let [sth] out, let out that vtr phrasal sep informal (reveal accidentally)泄露I'll get in trouble if you let out the secret.如果你泄露了这个秘密,我将会有麻烦。 make out, make out that vtr phrasal sep UK, informal (with clause: pretend) (非正式用语)假装Liam tried to make out that he was sick, but it was clear he was not.利亚姆假装生病,但很明显他没有。note down that vtr phrasal sep (with clause: write for reference)记下;记录I will note down that only notarised statements may be presented in court.;suss out that vtr phrasal sep informal (with clause: figure out)搞清楚了;弄明白了;tumble that vtr phrasal insep informal (with clause: realize truth) (非正式用语)意识到;恍然大悟Seeing Liz and Bob hand in hand, I've just tumbled that they're an item!turn out, turn out that vtr phrasal insep (transpire that)结果是;情况是I thought Isabelle was American, but it turns out she's from Canada.我以为伊莎贝尔是美国人,但结果她是加拿大人。 复合形式:that | this and that a little bird told me, a little bird told me that, I heard from a little bird that expr figurative, informal (secret source told me)有人跟我说;某人告知我 accept [sth], accept that vtr (tolerate, agree with) (认为正确而接受)相信,接受She cannot accept that he is married to someone else now.她不能接受现在他要和其他人结婚的事实。 acknowledge [sth], acknowledge that vtr (admit, accept as true)承认; (对权威、地位、主张等)承认I acknowledge that I could have made better decisions.我承认我本来应该可以做出更好的决定。ⓘ这句话不是该英语句子的翻译。 我们一致承认他是我们城市最有威望的人。 adamant that adj (with clause: insistent)坚持;坚持要The politician was adamant that the law be passed.这位政治家坚持要通过法律。 admit [sth], admit that [sth] vtr (with clause: confess)承认;坦白Audrey admitted that she had started the rumours.奥德丽承认流言是她带头传播的。 admit to [sb] that vtr (confess)向…供认;向…承认;向…招认Jones admitted to the police that he had been involved in the criminal enterprise. admit [sth], admit that [sth] vtr (with clause: accept)承认;接受I admit that I was wrong. advise [sb], advise [sb] that vtr formal (with clause: notify [sb]) (人)通知,告知A text message advised me that my flight was delayed.有短信通知我说我的航班延误了。 affirm that vtr (with clause: assert that)断言,坚称He affirmed that he would provide funding for the group.他坚称他会资助集团。 afraid, afraid that adj (worried about possibility) (后接从句)担心的,忧虑的I'm afraid my money might run out before the end of the trip.我担心旅行结束前钱就花光了。 after that adv (then, next)然后We went to see a film, and after that had a meal in an Italian restaurant.我们去看了场电影,然后在一家意大利餐厅吃了饭。 agree, agree that vtr (with clause: share opinion)同意;认同All the pupils agree that she is a good teacher.所有学生都同意她是一名好老师。 all that n (everything that, everything which)所有;一切"All that you see here," said our tour guide, "was built in the 19th century." all that n colloquial (all those things) (口语)整件事,所有事情"What about the driving arrangements?" "Leave all that to me." all that adj slang (especially impressive)非常厉害,特别出色He thinks he's God's gift to women, but he's not all that. all that adv (particularly, especially)非常,特别My dog isn't actually all that mean, but his size scares people. All that glitters is not gold, All that glistens is not gold expr figurative (appearances can be deceptive)虚有其表;金玉其表,败絮其中 all that is n (everything that exists)所有一切What if all that is existed only in your mind? All's well that ends well., All is well that ends well. expr (everything is resolved happily)结果好;万事好备注: This is the title of a play by Shakespeare. allow that vtr (concede) (不情愿地)承认I will allow that this time I am wrong.我承认这次是我错了。 allow that vtr (acknowledge)允许;承认The law allows that there may be exemptions. allowing that conj (acknowledging the possibility that)考虑到可能发生… and all that adv informal (etc.)所有一切;诸如此类 and all that goes with it adv (and everything it entails) (非正式用语)连同其所包含的一切She gave her sister a birthday party, with cake, ice cream, and all that goes with it. and all that jazz adv slang, figurative (and the like, etc.) (俚语)...之类的事;云云;...之流 and all that sort of thing expr informal (and similar) (非正式用语)以及所有类似的事物;那一类东西;...什么的They found sea shells, driftwood, and all that sort of thing at the beach. announce that vtr (with clause: proclaim)宣告;声称Naomi unexpectedly announced that she did not want to attend her friend's wedding.娜奥米忽然声称,她不想去参加自己朋友的婚礼。 anticipate, anticipate that vtr (with clause: expect)期望,盼望;预期,预料The manager anticipates that the store will reopen in March, once the renovation is complete.经理预期,翻修一旦完成,店铺将在三月重新开张。 appear, appear that vtr (with clause: seem)似乎;貌似;显得It appears you were correct after all.似乎还是你对。 argue that vtr (with clause: assert, maintain)认为,主张Many physicists argue that black holes exist.很多物理学家认为黑洞存在。 ascertain that, ascertain whether vtr (with clause: determine)确定It is simply impossible to ascertain whether or not the department will receive enough funding next year.这个部门明年到底能不能获得足够的资金,这一点是不可能确定的。 assert, assert that vtr (with clause: say as true)断言;声称Vivian asserted her dog was not to blame for the mess.薇薇安声称,自己的狗不该为这片狼藉负责。 assume, assume that vtr (with clause: suppose)假设;假定;想当然地以为Many people assume that a tie indicates a person of authority.许多人想当然地认为领带象征着权威。 assuming, assuming that conj (supposing)假设;假如We will have a picnic tomorrow, assuming that it doesn't rain. assure [sb], assure [sb] that vtr (with clause: say confidently)对...肯定地说;向…断言The tour guide assured the group that they would be able to see whales from the boat.导游对旅游团肯定地说,他们可以从船上看到鲸鱼。usage: ‘assure’If you assure someone that something is true or will happen, you tell them that it is definitely true or will definitely happen, often in order to make them less worried."I can assure you that neither of our two goalkeepers will be leaving," O'Leary said.The government assured the public that there would be no increase in taxes. at that expr (in addition)而且;另外The car is too expensive, and it's ugly at that. at that expr (and then)于是;然后At that, the chairman ended the meeting. at that moment, at that instant adv (at a specified instant in the past)就在那个时候;就在那一刻At that moment, I realized that she truly loved me. I was about to tell her, but at that instant the phone rang.在那一刻,我认识到她是真的爱我。我正想要告诉他,但是那一刻电话响了。 at that time adv (during a specified past period)在那时;在当时;那个时候I was born in 1999. At that time my father was a captain, but now he is a major.我出生于1999年。在那时,我的父亲还是位上尉,但现在他是少校了。 at the same time that prep (at precise moment)同时;当…时Joey returned home at the same time that Zula was preparing to leave. attest that vtr (with clause: demonstrate)表明The plethora of scientific evidence attests that global warming is a very real and growing problem.有许多科学证据表明全球变暖是个真实存在且不断加剧的问题。 avouch [sth], avouch that vtr (avow, assert openly)公开声明;公开断言 avow that vtr formal (with clause: declare, confess)公开宣称;坦率承认 aware that adj (knowing [sth])知道的,了解的I'm well aware that you're ready to leave, but would you please be patient?我很清楚你想离开,但能请你再多些耐心么? bark that vtr figurative (with clause: say angrily)怒吼;愤怒地说Roger barked that he wasn't ready yet.罗姐怒吼道他还没有准备好。 be that as it may expr (despite [sth])尽管如此;即便如此The weather forecast says there will be heavy rain tomorrow. Be that as it may, we will not cancel the open-air concert. be under the impression, be under the impression that v expr (with clause: believing, sensing)认为;觉得 bear in mind that, bear [sth] in mind v expr (consider, take into account)记住,牢记Bear in mind that we already have an enormous sum invested in the project.请牢记,我们已经往该项目投资了一大笔资金。 bearing in mind, bearing in mind that conj (considering that)记住That is a great score, bearing in mind that you just started studying yesterday. because of that expr informal (for reason specified) (非正式用于)因为如此,因为那样She won't quit smoking and because of that we are breaking up. been there, done that expr (have already experienced [sth])经历过;去过I don't want to watch a presentation about bankruptcy--been there, done that. Been there., Been there, done that. interj informal (I have experienced that.)经历过。,体验过。 before that adv (prior to a given occasion)在那之前I started wearing glasses a couple of years ago; before that I wore contact lenses for 40 years. believe, believe that vtr (have faith)相信;信仰I believe God exists.我相信上帝是存在的。 believe, believe that vtr (with clause: have confidence) (后接从句)相信;对…有信心I believe he will return as promised.我相信他会如约回来的。 believe, believe that vtr (with clause: think, suppose)认为;觉得I believe that it won't rain tomorrow, but I'm not sure.我认为明天不会下雨,不过我不敢肯定。 bet, bet that vtr figurative, informal (with clause: expect) (表示确信)打赌,敢打赌,敢说I bet Ian won't come to work today.我打赌伊恩今天不会来上班。 bet [sb], bet [sb] that vtr informal, figurative (with clause: expect)跟...打赌I bet you the math test will be easy.我跟你打赌,数学测试会很简单。 bite the hand that feeds, bite the hand that feeds you v expr figurative (repay kindness with malice)恩将仇报;忘恩负义 boast that vtr (claim arrogantly)自夸,吹嘘Elaine boasted that she can do a backflip, but no one has actually seen her do it.伊莲恩吹嘘说自己能后空翻,不过没人真正见识过。 brag that vtr (with clause: boast)吹嘘;自夸John bragged that he owned ten motorcycles.约翰吹嘘说他有十辆摩托车。 bring home to [sb] that v expr (with clause: make clear)使...清楚地认识到 by that time adv (in the past)那时;那时候 by that time adv (in the future)那时,到那时; (书面语)届时Where will you be in 50 years? By that time, I will be an old man! in the certain knowledge, in the certain knowledge that expr (with feeling of certainty)确定;确实了解;确定知道Joe waited his turn to go on stage in the certain knowledge he was about to make a fool of himself. certify that vtr (testify: that [sth] is true)为…作证;证明The witness was able to certify that the documents were not fake.证人能够证明这些文件不是伪造的。 check that vtr (with clause: verify) (后接从句)核实,查证Please check that the balance of my account is at least four hundred dollars.请核实下我的账户余额至少有400美元。 claim, claim that vtr (with clause: assert that)声称;断言;自称Roger claims that he has seen aliens.罗杰声称看到过外星人。 come to that expr UK, informal (in fact, what is more)如果事实是那样的话;不致如此 concede [sth], conceded that vtr (admit)承认You have to concede that you misunderstood the question. conceive [sth], conceive that vtr (think up: an idea, etc.)构思出;想出We conceived a plan to sneak away in the night.我们想出了个计划,打算趁夜色偷偷溜走。 conclude, conclude that vtr (with clause: decide that)断定;推断After reviewing the clues, the detective concluded that the butler had committed the murder.审查过线索后,侦探断定谋杀是管家所为。 confident, confident that adj (with clause: feeling certain)确信的;肯定的;有把握的Janine is confident that she will win.她确信自己会赢。 conjecture [sth], conjecture that vtr (speculate)推测;预测The detective conjectured that the murderer hid the weapon in the forest. connote that vtr (imply, have as a nuance)暗示;隐含His statement connoted that he would not be attending the event. be conscious that v expr (with clause: aware that)知道;明白When I took the exam, I was conscious that my parents were expecting a lot of me.参考时,我清楚地知道父母对我抱有极高的期望。 considering, considering that conj (given that)既然Considering that you've decided to go, I'll come too.既然你决定要去了,我也和你一起去。 contend that vtr (argue)主张;宣称;争辩The scientist contended that global warming is mostly due to human activities.那位科学家宣称,全球气候面暖很大程度上是由于人类活动导致。 convince [sb] [sth], convince [sb] that [sth] vtr (make [sb] believe [sth])使…信服;使…相信;说服某人相信The jury had been sceptical, but the evidence convinced them the defendant was not guilty.Reading the manifesto convinced me that this was the party I wanted to vote for. counter, counter that, counter with vi (respond to argument)反对;反驳He countered that the plan was impractical.他反驳说这个计划不切实际。 decide, decide that vtr (with clause: conclude)断定,推断;认为,决定Wendy decided it was time to leave home and get her own apartment.温蒂决定是时候离开家,找个属于自己的公寓了。 declaim that vtr (with clause: proclaim, declare)公开宣告;慷慨陈词 declare that vtr (with clause: announce that)声明;通知Julie declared that she was taking the afternoon off.朱莉声明她下午要休息。 decree that vtr (with clause: order officially)命令The king decreed that every maiden in the kingdom had to try on the glass slipper. deduce that vtr (work out)推断How did you deduce that no one had been here? demand, demand that vtr (with clause: insist)要求备注: 后接从句She demanded that he take out the trash.她要求他把垃圾拿出去。 demand, demand that vtr (with clause: require) (后接从句)需要,要求,必须The job demanded that he arrive at 8:30 every day.这份工作要求他每天8:30到。 denote [sth], denote that vtr (indicate)暗示;暗指;示意This abbreviation denotes the person's country of origin. despite that adv (nevertheless)不管;尽管Thomas had slight leg injury, but, despite that, he managed to win the race. despite the fact that conj (even though)尽管Despite the fact that he had revised really hard, Billy could not answer a single question on the exam paper.尽管他真的很努力地复习,但比利仍无法解出试卷上任何一道题。 determine, determine that vtr (with clause: resolve)决定;决心Charlie determined that he would do everything in his power to raise money for the charity.查理下决心竭尽全力为慈善筹款。 disclose that vtr (with clause: make known that)披露;公开The company disclosed that it had lost money on the deal.公司披露,在这笔交易中受到了损失。 discover that vtr (with clause: realise)意识到,发现She discovered that she still had money in that account.她发现她的那个账户里还有钱。 dispute that [sth] vtr (deny, argue against)反对;否认;驳斥The board does not dispute that these changes will cause some temporary difficulties, but we feel the end result justifies this. divine that vtr (with clause: predict)预言;预测;预示The oracle divined that the emperor would die a violent death. divine that vtr (with clause: guess, infer that)推测出;猜到From Tim's unhappy expression, I divined that something terrible had happened. Don't give me that! interj informal (Stop making excuses)别再找借口了!'I'm sorry, I forgot.' 'Don't give me that!'. doubt that vtr (not believe) (后接从句)不相信,怀疑He doubted that her story was true.他不相信她的故事是真的。 doubtful, doubtful about [sth], doubtful that adj (unconvinced, not sure)不确定的;不能肯定的John is doubtful about whether he made the right choice.约翰不确定自己是不是做了正确的选择。;dream that vtr (with clause: imagine while asleep) (睡觉时)梦见,梦到I dreamed that you would come.我梦到你会来。 emphasize that, also UK: emphasise that vtr (say, repeat for clarity)强调;着重He emphasized that he didn't want to stay working there.他强调说他不愿意继续留在那里工作。emphatic that adj (with clause: adamant, determined)明确表示的Kevin was emphatic that the event be canceled.ensure, ensure that, also US: insure, insure that vtr (with clause: make sure)保证;确保George wanted to ensure that he got a good seat, so he bought his theater tickets a month early.乔治提前一个月就买了戏票,保证订下好座位。estimate that vtr (with clause: judge, guess)估计;判断Glenn estimated that his team would lose.格伦估计自己的队伍会输。except, except that prep (were it not for the fact that) (后接从句)如果不是,要不是Liz would have come with us except that she had already accepted another invitation.要不是莉兹已经接受了其他邀请,她就和我们一起来了。expect, expect that vtr (with clause: anticipate)预料,预计I expect our team will lose again.Big business is expected to maintain America's ability to compete in the world market.我预计我们的球队又会输。// 人们预计大型企业能够保持住美国在全球市场中的竞争力。expect, expect that vtr (with clause: suppose, speculate)预料;料想I expect that he got lost again.我料想他又输了吧。explain, explain that vtr (with clause: make clear) (后接从句)解释,讲解Parents should explain that it is dangerous to play with matches.父母应该解释清楚,玩火柴是很危险的。failing that adv (if that is not possible)不然的话Ask your sister to help you with the answers, or failing that, just make them up.fancy that vtr UK (imagine)设想;想象He fancied that we would win the sweepstake.他假想着我们能中大奖。fantasize that, also UK: fantasise that vtr (with clause: imagine)想象;幻想Vicky often fantasizes that she is married to a famous footballer.fear, fear that vtr with clause (be worried that)担心;害怕I fear they have had an accident.feel, feel that vtr (with clause: think)认为,觉得He felt that her actions were unfair.他觉得她的行为有失公允。feel bad that vi + adj (feel guilty)感到内疚;感到惭愧feel strongly that vi + adv (believe passionately)坚信figure, figure that vtr US, informal (with clause: reckon)料想,觉得,估摸I figure that I better get my hair cut soon.figure, figure that vtr mainly US (with clause: assume, conclude)估计;认为;以为When I didn't see him at school, I figured that he'd probably stayed home sick.我在学校没看到他,就估计他可能是生病了,待在家里。find, find that vtr (with clause: learn, discover)发觉;了解到We found that the cars performed just as well as each other.我们发觉这些车每辆性能都一样好。be fitting that adj (appropriate, justified)恰当的;合适的It's fitting that Jimmy was punished for his bad behavior.for all that adv (even so, in spite of this)尽管如此;虽然He was a scoundrel and a wastrel but, for all that, she still loved him.for fear that conj (fearing that)以免…;唯恐She stayed home all week for fear that she would catch the swine flu.for that matter adv (intensifier: what is more) (强调,增强语气)而且,再说,就那件事而论I know she doesn't like his music - for that matter, neither do I.我知道她不喜欢他的音乐,再说,我也不喜欢。for that reason adv (consequently)鉴于此;由于…缘故;因为…原因She's always so much fun at parties. For that reason, I'm sorry she can't come tonight.for the reason that expr (because)因为;由于foresee that vtr + conj (with clause: anticipate)预见到;预料到Tim did not foresee that his ex-wife might actually remarry.提姆没有预料到,自己的前妻竟然真的再嫁了。from that moment on adv (starting from that point)从那时开始;从那一刻起She kissed him, and from that moment on he knew she would some day be his wife.gather that vtr (understand) (后接从句)猜想,推断,断定I gather that you've decided to resign from your post.我推断你已经决定要离职了。Get a load of this/that/him/her! interj slang (look at that)看;瞧get the feeling, get the feeling that v expr (with clause: sense)有...的感觉;觉得get the impression, get the impression that v expr (with clause: sense)有印象;留下印象I'm getting the impression that the election didn't really change anything.give assurance that vtr + n (with clause: guarantee)保证give your assurance that, give [sb] your assurance that v expr (with clause: guarantee)向...保证...give notice of [sth], give notice that vtr + n (warn, inform)通知The Council's letter gave notice of the election to all the voters.委员会写信向全体选民通知本次选举。give your word that v expr (promise)保证;承诺Rachel had given her word that she would lend me the money.given that conj (in view of the fact that)考虑到...;鉴于…Given that you weren't really listening, I see why you don't understand.鉴于你没有认真听,我就知道你为什么搞不懂了。glean [sth], glean that vtr figurative (discover slowly)逐渐发现, 慢慢发觉We eventually gleaned that he had never been to Baghdad.我们最后才知道他从未去过巴格达。granted that conj (if we accept that)即便;假定;就算Granted that the government has done its best, the question is whether its best is good enough.就算政府尽力了,那我们也要问,这“尽力”到底够不够好。groan [sth], groan that vtr (say with a groan)呻吟道;哼着说'Not another red light!' the driver groaned.guarantee that, guaranty that vtr (with clause: promise)保证;确保Tina guaranteed that the store would still be open.蒂娜保证那家店还会营业。guarantee [sb] that, guaranty [sb] that vtr (with clause: promise [sb])向...保证;向...确保I guarantee you that I will have the contract ready by Friday.我向你保证我会在周五前将合同准备好。happy, happy that adj (with clause: pleased that)高兴的;愉快的;快乐的I'm happy you came.你来了,我很开心。have it, have it that vtr (declare, assert)声称;坚持说Legend has it that the lakes are the footprints of a giant.have a feeling, have a feeling (that) v expr (suspect) (表推测)感觉,直觉I have a feeling that it will rain this afternoon.have a hunch that, have a hunch [sth] v expr informal (suspect, sense)直觉…;预感到…I have a hunch that the show will be cancelled; they haven't sold many tickets.have an inkling that, have an inkling [sth] v expr (suspect, sense)略微知晓We had an inkling that the film might be a success, but we weren't sure.have faith that vtr + n (trust: future)坚信;相信;坚持I have faith that I will be able to pay the rent this month.have no doubt that v expr (be certain)确信, 肯定I have no doubt that he'll be back tomorrow with the same story.have no expectation that v expr (with clause: not count on [sth])不指望, 没有期待I have no expectation that he will be able to answer my question, but I will ask him anyway.have the impression, have the impression that v expr (sense)有印象;形成印象I have the impresssion you do not trust me enough.having said that adv (however, nevertheless)然而;尽管如此;话虽如此Most politicians have good intentions; having said that, some are corrupt.hear, hear that vtr (information: receive) (消息)听说,得知Did you hear that Mr. Johnson has died?你听说约翰逊先生去世的消息了吗?hint [sth], hint that vtr (make allusion)示意;透露'Your gift will be blue', he hinted.“你的礼物会是蓝色的。”他暗示说。hold that vtr (believe that) (立场、观点)保持;持有The professor holds that it is best to learn a foreign language at the earliest age possible.教授认为年龄小开始学外语效果最好。hold that vtr (believe, consider)相信;认为He holds that those actions should be illegal.hope [sth], hope that vtr (desire) (期望)盼望, 期望, 希望I hope I win the lottery. We hope that you will recover quickly.我希望自己能中彩票。我们希望你不久就康复。usage: ‘basic meaning’If you hope that something is true or will happen, you want it to be true or to happen.She hoped she would have a career in the music industry.I sat down, hoping to remain unnoticed.hope [sth], hope that vtr (expect)期望,希望,预期We hope that we'll be able to move house before the end of next year.我们希望能在明年年底前搬家。hope to God, hope to God that v expr (hope sincerely)对上帝的希望;真心希望Tim hoped to God the Wifi was working in the hostel. I hope to God that Anna will forgive me.蒂姆真心希望青年旅社的无线网能正常工作。我真心希望安娜会原谅我。hopeful, hopeful that adj (with clause: optimistic)有望;大有希望Holly was hopeful that this year would be better than the last.霍莉希望今年能比上一年更好。How about that! interj (delight, surprise) (表示惊喜的感叹词)还真不错吧?挺让人惊喜的吧?My sister is expecting twins. How about that!How about that! interj (impressed)太好了! 太棒了!;难以置信!How about that? interj (asking opinion)怎么样? 好吗?How about that? interj (wanting to impress)觉得怎么样?Yes, I did win the gold medal. How about that?how is it that...? (explain why)…是怎么回事?How is it that all of your hats are black?How's that? interj (what) (请对方说明)怎么回事?How's that? What did you say?hypothesize that, also UK: hypothesise that vtr (with clause: make a hypothesis) (后接从句)假设,假定Even several decades ago, experts hypothesized that smoking caused cancer and other diseases.I believe, I believe that expr (with clause: I think that)我觉得;我相信I believe the class begins on Monday.I daresay, I daresay that, I dare say, I dare say that v expr (I assume, I think likely)我敢说;我确信I daresay you're hungry after your long walk.I wish, I wish that expr informal (if only) (非正式用语)我希望,但愿I wish that we could talk about what's been bothering you.我希望我们能谈谈一直以来困扰你的事情。I'm afraid, I'm afraid that expr (regretfully) (表示遗憾)恐怕I'm afraid I didn't do a very good job yesterday.I'm afraid I must go now.imagine, imagine that vtr (with clause: think probable)料想;猜想Kyle imagined that his new job wouldn't be very hard and that he could just do whatever he wanted.凯尔料想自己的新工作不会太难,他想做什么就做什么。implicate that vtr (with clause: imply)暗示Are you implicating that I started the fire? I assure you that's not true!in order that conj (so that)为了…The company is designing each store in order that customers may shop comfortably and conveniently.这家公司正在给每一间商店进行设计,为了让顾客能够舒心、便利地购物。in that adv (in as much as)因为,由于;既然It's true, in that it was proven in a court of law.由于它在法庭得以证明,那它就是真的。in that case adv (then)那种情况下;如果那样The College may require you to provide a medical certificate, and in that case it will reimburse you any expenses that event adv (if that should happen)那种情况下;如果那样You will be informed if any goods are unavailable and in that event, the store will offer you an that place adv (there)在那里in that respect adv (in terms of that)在那方面,就那一点而言She's kind of shy but in that respect she's no different than I that vicinity adv (near there, locally to that place)在附近;在临近处Let's meet near the park, and we'll look for a restaurant in that that way expr (through the stated method)用那种方法;以那种方式in that way expr (in the stated manner)那样;那个Sorry if I offended you; I didn't mean it in that the event that expr (if it happens that)如果;万一In the event that it doesn't arrive, don't worry about the hope that [sth] (eagerly anticipating that)希望能;怀着 ... 希望I am writing to you in the hope that you will be able to offer me a the sense that expr (for a specified reason)就...而言;在某种意义上in view of the fact that expr (given that)考虑到…的事实In view of the fact that it's raining hard, we are going to cancel the game.inclined to believe that expr (tending towards: opinion)倾向于认为Stan was inclined to believe that Sue had not intended to offend anyone.indicate that vtr (with clause: show that)表明;显示Jim's behavior indicates that he's committed to his work.吉姆用行动表明了他专注于自己的工作。indicate that vtr (with clause: show that)表明The doctor's instruments indicate that you have very high blood pressure.医疗仪器表明你血压很高。inform [sb] that vtr (tell)告诉,告知,通知We regret to inform you that your account has been suspended.我们很遗憾地告诉您,您的账户已经被冻结了。insinuate, insinuate that vtr (with clause: imply)暗示;隐射He insinuated that they were lying without actually saying so.insist, insist that vtr (with clause: assert)坚称;坚持认为She looks very pale, but she insists she is OK.他的脸色十分苍白,但坚称自己没事。instruct [sb] that/when/where vtr (with clause: inform [sb]) (接从句)告知;通知The officials were instructed that their duties included ensuring health and safety rules were adhered to.intimate, intimate that vtr (with clause: suggest)暗示;暗指Sarah's comments intimated that there could be an opportunity for advancement.莎拉的评论暗指可能有晋升的机会。It doesn't hurt that v expr informal (It is helpful that)做某事有用;做某事有帮助it follows that expr (it makes sense that)可以理解;情有可原;符合道理It is conceivable that expr ([sth] is possible)有可能;有几率it is written that expr (Bible: it has been prophesied that)(圣经上)写道…It is written that the meek shall inherit the earth. No sign of that so means, it means that v expr (this signifies)这意味着If I have a bruise, it means something has hit seems to me, it seems to me that expr (I think, in my opinion)在我看来;我认为;it stands to reason, It stands to reason that expr (it is logical)合情合理;顺理成章It stands to reason that if an employee is suffering from stress, then their productivity will decrease.jump to the conclusion that, leap to the conclusion that v expr (deduce hastily)急于下结论just like that adv informal (suddenly)就像那样突如前来One minute Lucy was here, then she disappeared – just like that!just so happen, just so happen that v expr (with clause: coincidentally)碰巧;恰巧keep hoping, keep hoping that v expr (remain optimistic, wishful)一直希望I keep hoping he'll notice me.keep [sth] in mind, bear [sth] in mind, keep in mind that, bear in mind that v expr (remember [sth])记住Now, keep in mind that in May of 1929 the stock market hadn't crashed yet.现在请记住,1929年5月股市还没有崩盘。know that, know who, know what, know why vtr (be aware)知道;清楚Does he know that we've arrived?他知道我们已经到了吗?usage: awareness of factsIf you know that something is true, you are aware that it is true. The past tense of know is knew. The -ed participle is known.I knew that she had recently graduated from law school.I should have known that something was seriously wrong.Be carefulDon't use a progressive form with know. Don't say, for example, ‘I am knowing that this is true’. You say ‘I know that this is true’.know better, know better than that vi + adv informal (be sufficiently wise) (非正式用语)见解更为高明;怎么这么不懂事Shame on you – at your age you should know better!know damn well [sth], know damn well that v expr slang, potentially offensive (be aware)非常清楚Don't play coy with me, you know damn well what I'm talking about!know for a fact, know for a fact that, know [sth] for a fact v expr (with certainty)知道,确定I know for a fact that she made over $1 million last year.know for certain, know for certain that, know [sth] for certain v expr (be sure)确切知道;肯定知道Until we know for certain, I think it is best to just be patient.know [sth] instinctively, know instinctively (that) vtr + adv (sense)凭直觉知道As soon as Carmel saw Anne's face, she knew instinctively that something was wrong.learn, learn that vtr (with clause: become aware)知道;获知;得知I only learned yesterday that he had died.我昨天刚得知他去世的消息。let drop that v expr (with clause: hint) (接从句)暗示Maria let drop that she wanted a new phone for her that adv (in that way)像那样;那样地If you do it like that, you will only hurt yourself.If you translate the sentence like that, it's going to sound funny in the target language.likely (that) adj (probable)可能的;很可能的It's likely that he'll want to come with us.他可能想与我们同去。usage: used as an adjectiveLikely is usually an adjective. You say, for example, that something is likely to happen.These services are likely to be available to us all before long.You can also say that it is likely that something will happen.It is likely that his symptoms will disappear without treatment.If this is your first baby, it's far more likely that you'll get to the hospital too early.that little extra, that little bit extra n informal (additional effort)额外的努力He always puts in that little extra in order to make his projects a success.the long and short of it is, the long and the short of it is that expr informal (in summary)长话短说;简而言之The long and short of it is that I'm pregnant.maintain [sth], maintain that vtr (say is true)坚持;坚称He maintained that the shooter was wearing a black sweater.他坚称枪手穿着一件黑毛衣。make [sb] aware that v expr (notify, tell)使发现;使意识到make believe, make believe that v expr (with clause: pretend)假装make certain, make certain that v expr (with clause: ensure)使…确定;让...放心Let's make certain we get there early.I always book in advance at the theatre to make certain of getting a good seat.make clear, make clear that, make it clear, make it clear that v expr (with clause: clarify, state clearly)解释;将...解释清楚Let me make clear that I don't object to the person, only to his policies.I just want to make it clear that I won't accept any swearing.make clear to [sb] that, make it clear to [sb] that v expr (with clause: state [sth] clearly to [sb])向...澄清;向...解释清楚The headteacher made it clear to the student that she would be excluded if her behaviour did not improve.make it clear, make it clear that v expr informal (be unambiguous)讲清楚I'd like to make it clear to the council that I do not approve of this decision.make it plain that v expr (with clause: make obvious) (接从句)让...明显;让...显而易见make sure, make sure that v expr (with clause: ensure)确保;使…确定He made sure they were all listening before starting to speak.I always make sure that I lock the door when I leave.他确保他们都在听才开始讲话。//我总是会去确认离家时锁上了门。make sure, make sure that v expr (with clause: ascertain)确定The teacher counted heads to make sure all her students were present.老师统计了人数,确保所有的学生都到场。make sure, make sure that v expr (try to do [sth])试图做到某事;尝试做到某事Make sure you're home before nightfall.make the case, make the case that v expr (argue: in favour of [sth])证明;佐证The report makes the case that current policies are inadequate.marvel [sth], marvel that vtr (be impressed that)对…称奇;惊叹于He marveled that she could recite the entire play from memory.他惊叹于她能凭记忆背出整部戏。mean [sth], mean that [sth] vtr (with a clause: signify) (后接从句)意思是;意味着When the dog barks, it means that there is danger nearby.狗吠叫意味着附近有危险。mean to suggest, mean to suggest that v expr (imply)暗指;暗示Did you mean to suggest that you didn't like my shirt?mention that vtr (refer to a fact) (后接从句)说到,谈到,提及He mentioned that he had lived in Rome once.他曾提到,他一度在罗马居住。mention to [sb] that v expr (tell [sb] [sth])向…谈起;对…提及During our conversation, Julia mentioned to me that she thought Kara had a new boyfriend.在与茱莉亚的谈话中,她对我提及,她认为卡拉交了位新男友。so minded, that way minded expr (disposed, inclined)想要如此;愿意如此;希望如此We could go to the museum instead, if you are so minded.mutter that vtr (with clause: say indistinctly)小声地说,低声地说;嘟嘟囔囔地说A lady in the queue muttered that she had been waiting for 20 minutes.队伍中一名女士小声嘟囔着说她已经等了20分钟了。no way, no way that, no way in which n (no possible means)绝无可能;不可能There's no way we can get there on time; our car broke down.我们车子抛锚了,绝无可能准时到那儿的。none of your business, that's none of your business interj informal (it isn't your concern) (非正式用语)没你的事,不关你的事,别管闲事How much do I earn? None of your business!notify [sb], notify [sb] that vtr (with clause: tell)通知,告诉,告知Amy's boss notified her that she qualified for a raise.艾米的老板告诉她说她有资格加薪。notwithstanding that conj formal (although)尽管;虽然Notwithstanding that a liberal arts degree was unlikely to get him a really high-paying job, Tom decided studying a subject he was passionate about was more important than money.虽然自由主义艺术专业学位可能找不到什么高薪工作,汤姆还是认为,学习自己热爱的专业比钱更重要。now, now that conj (since at present)既然;由于Now you are a famous singer, everyone wants to be your friend. Now that Sally is here, the meeting can begin.既然萨利来了,那么会议就可以开始了。因为你是位著名歌星,所有人都想和你做朋友。now that adv (because at present)既然Now that you're finally back home, you can finish your chores.Now that spring has come, I can plant my garden.nurse a hope that v expr (hope)怀抱希望object that vtr (with clause: state disapproval) (后接从句)对…表示反对;否认Peter and Mary objected that John had cheated.彼得和玛丽否认约翰有出轨行为。observe, observe that vtr (with clause: comment on, note) (后接从句)评论,评价,评述;说Helen observes that they are late.海伦说他们迟到了。of that nature expr slightly formal (similar, of that kind)那一类;类似of that sort, of that kind expr (similar)类似的;相似的on condition that conj (providing that)假设…;如果…;在…条件下I'll lend you £500, on condition that you pay me back by Monday.on that note expr (ending on this) (结束语)说到这儿,在此on that note expr (staying with this subject) (表示转换话题)这么说的话on that score expr (as far as that is concerned)在那一点上;在那个方面on the chance, on the chance that expr (just in case)万一;碰巧on the condition that conj (providing that, as long as)在…条件下;只要…You can buy this house on the condition that you sell yours first.on the grounds that conj (because)因为;基于...的原因William was fired on the grounds that his work performance was insufficient.on the off chance, on the off chance that expr informal (with clause: in case) (非正式用语)抱微弱希望;万一On the off chance that it rains, we will postpone the competition until tomorrow.on the proviso that conj (providing, on condition that)条件是;前提是on the supposition that conj (on the assumption that)假定…;认为…;在…假设之下On the supposition that I can get flour, we will have cake tomorrow.on top of that expr informal, figurative (in addition)除那以外What a day! First I woke up late, then the hot water heater burst, and on top of that, I got a flat tire.今天真倒霉!先是我睡过头了,然后热水器坏了,除那以外我车胎还爆了一个。ordain that vtr (with clause: order, decree)命令;规定It was ordained that all citizens should journey to the city of their birth for the census.order [sth]/that vtr (decree)命令;指令The judge ordered that he stay away from the victim.other than that expr (apart from this, otherwise)除此之外own, own that vtr dated (admit) (过时用语)供认;承认He owned that he was the one who broke it.perceive, perceive that vtr (with clause: realize that)意识到;认识到Ian perceived that his efforts were of no use.伊安意识到,他的努力都白费了。persuade [sb], persuade [sb] that vtr (with clause: convince) (后接从句)说服,使…相信Alice persuaded Emily that she was telling the truth.爱丽丝使艾米丽相信自己说得是实话。pinky promise that, pinkie promise vtr slang (hook fingers to make pact)拉勾承诺,拉勾发誓play the hand you are dealt, play the hand that you are dealt, play the hand you're dealt v expr figurative (work with what you have)把手中的牌打好;拿到什么牌就怎么打备注: 比喻面对现实,不怨天尤人pledge, pledge that vtr (with clause: promise) (后接从句)保证,许诺Wendy pledged that she would never leave him.温蒂保证她绝不会离他而去。posit that vtr (with clause: postulate)假定;假设The professor posited that students learn better in a comfortable environment.postulate, postulate [sth], postulate that vtr (put forward, propose)假定;假设The professor postulated a dramatic increase in population.the powers that be npl (those in command)当权者;掌权者The powers that be say that we must pay taxes.pray, pray that vtr figurative (with clause: wish) (后接从句)祈祷,祷告Abigail prayed Paula would come home safely from her dangerous mission.阿比盖尔祈祷宝拉能结束她危险的任务,安全回家来。predict, predict that vtr (with clause: foretell) (后接从句)预料,预计,预言Betty predicted that Paul would get a place at Oxford.贝蒂预言,保罗会在牛津赢得一席之地。presume, presume that vtr (with clause: assume)假定,认为;假设,推测As you are sitting at my assistant's desk, I presume you are the temp who will be standing in for him while he's on holiday?既然你正坐在我助理的办公桌前,那我就假定你是他度假期间暂时顶替他的临时助理?presuppose, presuppose [sth], presuppose that vtr (assume in advance)预先假定;假设;预想Your theory presupposes that time existed at the beginning of the universe.pretend [sth], pretend that [sth] vtr (with clause)假装;装作Julie pretended everything was OK, but she was struggling.朱莉假装没事,但其实遇到了很大的困难。proclaim, proclaim that vtr (with clause: announce) (接从句)宣告;宣布The president proclaimed that he was in favor of same-sex marriage.proclaim, proclaim that vtr figurative (with clause: show)表明, 显示The results clearly proclaimed I'd been right all along.profess [sth], profess that vtr (with clause: declare) (接从句)表明Sarah went to the concert to profess her love to Justin Bieber.project [sth]/that vtr (predict)预测;预言Economists project GDP growth of 3% next year.经济学家预言明年的国民生产总值增长率会是百分之三。promise [sb] that vtr (with clause: commit to doing)允诺;向…做保证I promised my mom that I would buy postage stamps today.我向妈妈做了保证,今天我会买些邮票。prophesy that vtr (with clause: predict) (后接从句)预告,预测propose, propose that vtr (with clause: suggest)建议;提议I propose that we adjourn the meeting until next Tuesday.我建议我们休会到下周二。protest, protest that vtr (with clause: assert)断言,坚称The defendant protested that he had never even met his accuser before.被告坚称自己以前甚至根本就没有见过原告。prove [sth]/that vtr (demonstrate conclusively)证明;证实The scientist attempted to prove his theory.这位科学家试图证明自己的理论。usage: ‘prove’If you prove that something is true or correct, you provide evidence showing that it is definitely true or correct.He was able to prove that he was an American.Tests proved that the bullet was not fired from a police weapon.provided, provided that, providing, providing that conj (on condition that)如果;假如I will come to visit you tomorrow, provided it doesn't rain.如果不下雨的话,我明天会去看你。provided always, provided always that, always provided that, always provided conj (as long as)只要The product may be replaced free of charge, provided always that the purchaser has complied with the terms of use.providing that conj (as long as)以...为条件;假设;假如We will refund your money providing that you return the product to us.put it to [sb] that v expr (assert, posit)断定;断言quip [sth], quip that vtr (remark wittily)说俏皮话;打趣Richard quipped that he would need a forklift to move him after eating so much.reaffirm, reaffirm [sth], reaffirm that vtr (restate, assert again)重申;再断言I just want to reaffirm my support for this cause.realize, realize that, also UK: realise, realise that vtr (with clause: be aware that)意识到Did you realize that the school term starts next Monday?你意识到下周一学校的新学期就开始了么?reason, reason that vtr (with clause: support by facts)论述;论证He reasoned that there would be flooding, taking past rainfall into account.他争论说,考虑到过去的降雨情况,这一次可能发生洪灾。reason, reason that vtr (with clause: infer, conclude)推论出;作出…推断From the evidence of a half-eaten sandwich, she reasoned that he must have left in a hurry.从吃了一半的三明治她判断,他离开得很匆忙。there is reason to believe, there is reason to believe that expr (there are grounds for believing)有理由相信There is reason to believe that the man is lying.have reason to believe, have reason to believe that v expr (have grounds for believing)有理由相信reassert, reassert [sth], reassert that vtr (state or affirm again)重申;重复主张The president reasserted his commitment to anti-terrorism policies.;reckon, reckon that vtr informal (with clause: guess, believe)认为;猜想I reckon you must be the new sheriff. It's lunchtime, so Glenn will be in the pub, I reckon.我猜想你一定是新来的治安官。午餐时间到了,我猜想格伦肯定在酒吧里。recognize that, also UK: recognise that vtr (with clause: concede that)承认;认识到I recognize that I could be wrong.我承认我可能错了。recollect that vtr (with clause: remember that)想起I recollect that Mary had a son, right?recommend [sth], recommend that vtr (advise)推荐;介绍His lawyers recommended that he settle quickly.他的律师劝他尽快解决这个案子。recount that, recount how vtr (with clause: tell)讲述The old soldier recounted how his unit had defended themselves against the enemy.recur, recur to [sb] (that) vi (return to mind)重新浮现;重现The idea keeps recurring to me that I should throttle you.reemphasize that, also UK: reemphasise that vtr (with clause: stress that) (接从句)再次强调,再次突出reflect, reflect that vtr (with clause: think)思考,想The detective reflected that his job required patience.那名侦探想,自己的工作需要耐心。refuse to accept that v expr (with clause: deny)拒绝相信;拒绝接受He refused to accept that his illness was incurable.refuse to acknowledge that v expr (with clause: disregard)不理会, 无视The hotel management refused to acknowledge that my room was dirty.refuse to admit, refuse to admit that v expr (with clause: deny)否认Doris is refusing to admit that she was wrong.refuse to believe that v expr (with clause: be unwilling to accept)不愿接受, 无法相信I refuse to believe that he's only interested in her money.regret, regret that vtr (with clause: be sorry)后悔,懊悔;抱歉I regret we are unable to issue a refund.很抱歉,我们不能退款。reiterate, reiterate [sth], reiterate that vtr (state again)重申;重复讲;反复地讲I wish to reiterate my objection to this appointment.rejoin, rejoin that vtr (say in reply)回答, 应答, 答辩After being accused, the politician rejoined that the problem wasn't his fault.remark, remark that vtr (with clause: say, point out)说Andrew remarked that he had only been trying to help.安德鲁说他只是试图帮忙。remember, remember that vtr (with clause: bear [sth] in mind) (后接从句)记起,想起;记得,记着Petra suddenly remembered that her mother was planning to visit.佩特拉突然记起她妈妈打算来看她。remind [sb], remind [sb] that vtr (with clause: prompt [sb] to remember)提醒Remind me that I have a doctor's appointment tomorrow!记得提醒我明天去看医生!remonstrate, remonstrate that vtr (with clause: protest)抗议reply, reply that vtr (answer, say in response)回答;答复"Yes", he replied. I replied that I was grateful for the invitation but too busy to attend.他回答说是的。report, report that vtr (with clause: give an account of)举报;告发He reported that he saw the tall guy hit the other person first.request that vtr (ask that [sth] be done) (后接从句)要求He requested that she finish the work by Friday.他要求她在周五之前完成工作。require [sb] to do [sth], require that [sb] do [sth] v expr (order)规定;要求The queen required her subjects to bow.女王规定臣民要向她鞠躬。resolve that vtr (with clause: promise self)下决心Glenn resolved that he would lose weight.格伦下决心要减肥。resolve [sth], resolve that [sth] vtr with clause (formally vote to do [sth])决议;正式决定The board resolved that investment must be made in upgrading the factories.Rest assured, Rest assured that interj (reassurance)放心吧;请放心Rest assured, this won't crash your computer! Rest assured, your case will be judged assured, rest assured that vi + adj (with clause: be confident)放心You can rest assured that your insurance will cover the colonoscopy.retell [sb], retell [sb] that vtr (with clause: inform again)重复告诉How many times do I have to retell you that smoking will kill you?retort [sth], retort that vtr (reply sharply)反驳;顶嘴;回嘴"Don't bother me now," he retorted.return [sth]/that vtr (retort)反驳;回嘴It's not over yet, he returned.rule [sth], rule that vtr (decree)判决;裁决The queen ruled that everyone must bow to her.rumor [sth], rumor that [sth] (US), rumour [sth], rumour that [sth] (UK) vtr usually passive (spread by rumor)据传It is rumoured that a new housing development will be built on the outskirts of town next to say [sth], safe to say that adj informal (true or likely to become true)可以肯定地说It's safe to say that most children love pizza.scream, scream that vtr (with clause: yell, shout) (后接从句)喊叫着说,尖声说出Patrick stormed out of the house, screaming that his parents would never see him again.帕特里克从房子里夺门而出,喊叫着说他父母再也别想见到他。see that vtr (assure)确定;确保He looked all around to see that no one was present.see [sth/sb], see that vtr (notice)注意到;看到I see the miners have gone on strike again, according to the paper.see to it, see to it that v expr informal (ensure, make sure)处理,办理; (后接that从句)务必,保证做到See to it that you're home by midnight, or you'll be grounded.seeing, seeing that, seeing as conj (considering, given that) (连词)由于…,鉴于…Seeing I won't be here, why don't you chair next week's meeting?鉴于我不能到场,为什么不能由你来主持下周的会议呢?sense, sense that vtr (detect)察觉;感受I sensed that she was telling the truth.我感觉她说的是真话。sign that vtr (say in sign language)以手势示意说;打手势说Veronica's hearing-impaired friend signed that he would prefer to meet at seven o'clock that evening.维罗妮卡的朋友有听力障碍,他打手势说,自己希望能晚上七点钟见面。signal [sth] to [sb], signal to [sb] that vtr (communicate sign)向某人示意…Harry signalled to Jasmin that they should leave.亨利向加斯明示意该走了。signify, signify that vtr (with clause: be a sign of)意味着;预示着;表明Wind like this signifies there's a storm on the ..., so ... that adv (to such an extent) (表示程度)如此He was so mad that he forgot to eat dinner.Laura was so hungry, everyone in the classroom could hear her stomach rumbling.他是如此生气,气得都忘了吃饭。so, so that conj (in order that)这样一来;如此一来;好让The teacher spoke slowly so her students would understand her.Drive carefully so that you will arrive safely.小心驾驶,好安全抵达。老师慢言细语,好让学生们理解她所讲的内容。so happen, so happen that v expr (with clause: be the case that)刚巧;碰巧It so happened that the house Goldilocks had wandered into belonged to three much for that! interj informal (disappointment, failure) (表示失望、恼火)就这样吧,就此作罢I failed my entrance exam yet again. So much for that!so much for that! interj informal (enough discussion)那件事就谈到这里Well, so much for that! Maybe we can talk about something else much so that expr (to such a degree that)以致于something like that n (a similar thing)差不多就是这样Clive claimed he was late because his car broke down or something like that.that special someone, a special someone n (person: object of affections)特别的人;某个重要的人speculate that vtr (with clause as object: guess)推测We speculated that he hadn't received our last letter.stand to reason, stand to reason that v expr (be logical)合情合理;合乎情理The gun was in Alex's hand; it stands to reason he fired the shot. It stands to reason that she's tired: she just gave birth to twins!state [sth]/that vtr (declare)表白;宣布The groom stated his love for the bride.新郎表白了自己对新娘的爱。stipulate that vtr (with clause: demand) (接从句)明确要求;规定The clause stipulates that you have to live on the island for one year.the straw that broke the camel's back n figurative (final bad thing)压垮骆驼的最后一根稻草;致命一击Ursula had tolerated her husband's bad temper for years, but when he yelled at her mother, that was the straw that broke the camel's back and she kicked him out.The lawsuit was the straw that broke the camel's back for the struggling business.suggest that [sb] do [sth] v expr (propose)建议;提议I suggest that you apologize.我建议你道歉。suggest, suggest that vtr (with clause: imply)暗示;意思是Are you trying to suggest that I need to lose weight?你是在试图暗示我需要减肥吗?suggest, suggest that vtr (with clause: logically follow)启发;使人联想到That idea suggests that we should offer this service for free.那个想法建议我们免费提供这项服务。suppose, suppose that vtr (think, guess)猜想;料想Harry phoned to say he was on his way, so I suppose he'll be here soon.亨利打电话来说他正在路上,所以我想他很快就会到。usage: ‘suppose’If you suppose that something is true, you think it is probably true.I suppose it was difficult.I suppose he left fairly recently.suppose [sth], suppose that [sth] vtr (consider, imagine)假设;假想Suppose Janet gets fired over your mistake; what will you do then?假设珍妮特因你的过失而遭到解雇,你到时又打算怎么办?supposing that conj (assuming that)假设;假如Supposing that you won the lottery, what would you do with all that money?sure, sure that adj (with clause: certain)确信的;确定的;肯定的I'm sure that I turned off the stove.我确信是关了炉子的。usage: definite truthsIf it is certain that something is true, it is definitely true. If it is certain that something will happen, it will definitely happen. It is certain that he did not ask for the original of the portrait.It seemed certain that they would succeed.Be carefulDon't say that it is ‘sure’ that something is true or will happen.surmise that vtr (with clause: deduce that)猜测;推测The police surmised that the woman told them the truth.suspect [sth], suspect that vtr (think possibly)怀疑,推测,猜想,料想The plumber says he can get all the work done in an hour, but I suspect it will take longer than that.水管工说他一个小时就能把所有活干完,但我怀疑需要更长时间。suss that vtr informal (with clause: figure out) (后接分句)搞清楚,弄明白Linda was able to suss that Ken had taken the book.sustain [sth], sustain that [sth] vtr (argue, maintain)证明The right-wing politician sustained that immigration was the cause of all these problems.swear that vtr (with clause: promise)保证;发誓When he woke up with a hangover, Glenn swore he'd never drink again.格伦宿醉醒来,十分难受,发誓再也不喝酒了。take it, take it that v expr (with clause: understand, believe)认为I take it that the minister will be resigning after this embarrassing incident.我认为这一令人尴尬的事件发生后,那位部长将会辞职。take the attitude, take the attitude that v expr (adopt the stance or belief)采取某种态度She took the attitude that no news is good news.take [sb]'s word for it, take [sb]'s word for that v expr (believe what [sb] says)相信某人的话tell [sb], tell [sb] that vtr (with clause: announce)通知;向…宣布He told the whole school that he was leaving to become a rock musician.他向全校宣布,自己要离开学校,去做一名摇滚音乐人。testify that vtr (with clause: state as evidence)证明;证实The witness testified that the accused had seemed nervous on the day of the robbery.that being so adv (if or since that is true)既然如此,既然这样,这样一来;假如说,假如这样The situation there is becoming extremely dangerous. That being so, I will avoid going there.that being the case adv (therefore)既然如此,既然这样,这样一来;假如说,假如这样He's a convicted rapist. That being the case, he shouldn't be allowed to live anywhere where he could attack other women.that day adv (on a specified day in the past)过去那一天I fell in love that day.that day adv (on a specified day in the future)未来某一天That day will be the happiest of my life.that goes without saying interj informal (that is self-evident)不消说;不用说You always look lovely - that goes without saying.that is adv (i.e., in other words)也就是说;即Sam will inherit the property when he reaches the age of legal majority; that is, when he is 18 years old.当山姆达到法定成年年龄,他将继承财产。也就是说,在他18岁的时候。that is adv (more precisely)更确切地说John was an unhappy man; that is, until he met Sonia.约翰是个不快乐的人,直到他遇见了索尼亚。that is to say adv (in other words)换言之;那即是说I'm sorry. That is to say, I won't do it again.我很抱歉。换言之,我不会再犯了。that is why expr (that is the reason)这就是为什么;这就是原因that night adv (on a specified night in the past)那天晚上Sixteen ships were sunk that night. Do you remember what you were doing that night?that one pron ([sth] indicated at a distance)那一个This coat's mine and that one's yours.I'll take that one, please.that said adv (however, even so)然而;但是that time adv (on that occasion)那时候Remember that time we got lost in the woods?that way adv (in that direction)在那个方向To get to the railway station you have to go that way.You should go that way if you want to find the store.that way adv (in that manner)以那种方式The process will be more efficient that way.You don't have to insult me that way.that which pron (the one that)那一个;那些There are five balls, and that which has the most air in it will be used for the game.that which you hold dear n (everything important to you)珍视之物If you go to jail, you risk losing that which you hold dear - your marriage, your career, and your family.that's contraction colloquial, abbreviation (that is)那是Rick is always cheerful; that's one of the things I like about him.that's a different story interj informal (quite the contrary)那又是另一回事了Singing pop is pretty easy, but singing opera – well, that's a different story!that's all very well, but expr informal (nevertheless, even so) (非正式用语)好吧…但是,那也好…然而That's all very well, but it still doesn't explain why you didn't finish the work.that's all well and good, but expr informal (nevertheless, even so) (非正式用语)好吧…但是,那也好…然而That's all well and good, and I enjoy talking to your granny, but isn't it about time we left for the movies ?that's as may be interj (even so)即便这样that's for sure! interj informal (expressing agreement) (非正式用语)我很肯定。This operation will relieve the pain in your abdomen – that's for sure!that's how it goes sometimes interj informal (expressing philosophical acceptance) (非正式用语)有时候事情就是这样。I didn't get the job, but that's how it goes sometimes.I know it isn't fair but that's just how it goes sometimes.that's it interj informal (that is correct)就这样,完了;正是这样,正是这个问题That's it! - that piece is the center of the jigsaw puzzle.就是那个!那块拼图就是拼图中央的那一个。that's it interj informal (I've had enough)受够了,够了That's it! - all this noise has got to stop! That's it, you're fired: clear out your desk and leave!够了!所有的噪音必须停止!够了,你被开除了,收拾好桌面然后离开!that's just it interj informal (that is precisely the issue) (非正式用语)说的就是这件事。That's just it. We don't agree so we'll never arrive at a solution.that's just the thing interj (it's exactly what is needed)这正是我想要的Take an aspirin – that's just the thing for a bad headache.that's life interj informal (expressing acceptance of fate)这就是生活;生活就是这个样子I've missed the last train. Ah well, that's life!that's right interj informal (that is correct) (非正式用语)对!没错!That's right. The truck ran the red light and slammed into that car.that's that interj informal (that is the end of the matter)就这么定了You're not going to marry that boy, and that's that! You're not going to the party, and that's that.that's the idea interj informal (that's precisely what is expected) (非正式用语)这正是我想要的!这个我赞成!that's the idea interj (you understand what I meant)你明白我的话了!就是这个意思!that's the thing interj informal (that is precisely my point)正是所需要的东西;正合所需That's the thing! I never wanted to get married in the first place.that's the ticket interj informal (that is exactly what's needed)正是所需要的东西;正合所需That's the ticket! Now you're sure to win the science fair.that's the way the cookie crumbles interj informal, figurative (acceptance of [sth] disappointing) (指接受令人失望之事)生米已经煮成熟饭;生活就是这么回事;认命呗the exception proves the rule, it's the exception that proves the rule expr (a truth: doesn't apply)凡有规定,必有例外the fact remains that adv (nevertheless)事实是,然而theorise that, also UK: theorise that vtr (with clause: form a theory)创建理论Newton theorized that two bodies in the universe attract each other.there is an off chance, there is an off chance that expr (there is a slight possibility that)机会很小there is no question, there is no question (that/of) expr (it is indisputable that)…是毋庸置疑的There is no question many citizens resent paying taxes.think, think that vtr (believe)认为;觉得;想I think Tom's coming with us. I'll just ask him.I think that we should take that road.我想,汤姆应该会和我们一起来,我去问问他。//我觉得我们该走那条路。think, think that vtr (intend, determine)打算;想要I think I'll go to the grocer's now.我打算现在就去杂货店。to such an extent that conj (so greatly that)到如此大的程度;竟然到了这样的程度He yelled to such an extent that my ears almost that end expr (for that purpose)为此目的trow, trow that vtr archaic (with clause: think, believe)认为I trow thou art a liar, sir!trust, trust that vtr (with clause: be confident)指望;坚信I trust that my problem with the tutor will resolve, trust that vtr (with clause: hope)期待;希望;盼望I trust you had a good time?twig that vtr slang (realise, understand)明白,了解;懂得;意识到I suddenly twigged that it was his twin brother I was talking to.我突然意识到和我聊天的是他的双胞胎兄弟。Two can play that game, Two can play at that game expr figurative (intention to retaliate)一报还一报Two can play that game; if John refuses to help me, then I can refuse to help him!unaware, unaware that adj (with clause: not knowing)不知道;没有意识到Tamsin walked out of the house, unaware that she would never see it again.塔姆辛走出了屋子,并未意识到今夕一别便无缘再见。understand, understand that vtr (be given the impression that)认为I understand that the situation is grave.我认为情况很严重。venture to say [sth], venture to say that vtr (daresay, be so bold as to say)敢说,冒昧地说I would venture to say that most people are living with the discontentment of envious feelings.vow that vtr (with clause: promise)发誓;起誓;立誓When he woke up with a hangover, Brian vowed he would never drink again.宿醉醒来后,布莱恩发誓再也不喝酒了。wager [sth], wager that [sth] vtr (with clause: bet)打赌Dawn wagered the new trainee would last less than a month.warn [sb] [sth], warn [sb] that [sth] vtr (advise)提醒某人某事;告诫某人某事He warned me that the train might be late.他告诫我说火车可能会晚点。the way, the way that, the way in which n (method of doing [sth])做…的方法Show me the way you knead dough.请向我展示你揉面的方法。usage: ‘way’You use way to refer to the thing or series of things that someone does in order to achieve a particular result. You can talk about a way of doing something or a way to do it. There is no difference in meaning.This is the most effective way of helping the unemployed.What is the best way to help a child with reading problems?Be carefulIf you use a possessive with way, you must use of and an -ing form after it. I have to fit in with her way of doing things.They are part of the author's way of telling his story.Be carefulDon't use a to-infinitive. Don't say, for example, ‘I have to fit in with her way to do things’. ween [sth], ween that vtr archaic (think, suppose)以为, 认为, 料想, 想象I ween then that thy intention is not that of an honest man.What's up with that? expr slang (That is unfair, not logical) (俚语,表示不公平或不理解)搞什么啊?;怎么回事?She never does any work and now she's been made our manager. What's up with that?whisper, whisper that vtr (with clause: say softly)低声说;轻声说Steve whispered that he was sorry.史蒂夫低声道歉。whisper, whisper to [sb] that vtr + prep (with clause: say softly to [sb])悄悄告诉某人;低声告诉某人Ellen whispered to Lucy that she was leaving.艾伦悄悄告诉露西她要离开了。with that adv (immediately after that)接下来;紧接着You can say that again! interj slang (yes: emphatically)我同意;你说对了“This new gadget's just brilliant.” “You can say that again!”




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