

词汇 in favour
释义 in favour
in favour发音



in favor───有利于;被喜爱的

to favour───赞成

in favour of───支持,赞成

to flavour───调味




in colour───在颜色上

in for───从事;免不了遭受


A clear majority of voters were in favour of the motion.───绝大多数选民赞成这一动议。

On the whole, I'm in favour of the idea.───大体说来,我赞成这个想法。

The majority of people in the province are in favour of devolution.───该省大多数人赞成权力下放.

They established a credit for 100, 000 dollars in favour of me.───他们给我10万美元贷款来帮助我.

Mac talked loudly in favour of the good works done by the Church.───麦克对教会的善举大加赞扬。

Some are in favour of it, some are against it.───有的赞成, 有的反对.

The proposal was instantly voted through with two to one in favour, accompanied by enthusiastic applause.───在热烈的掌声中,提案以2比1的优势很快通过了表决。

I'll raise both hands in favour of damming the river.───我举双手赞成拦河筑坝.

I'm in favour of liberty, of course — but against licence.───我当然赞成自由, 不过我反对放纵.

His arguments in favour of a new school are very persuasive.───他赞成办一座新学校的理由很有说服力.

The general opinion is in favour of us.───舆论普遍对我们有利.

The vote passed with 111 in favour and 25 against.───111票赞成,25票反对,表决通过。

Those present were in favour of change.───在座的人都赞成变革。

Those in favour, please raise your hands.───赞成者举手.

The voting was 15 in favour, 3 against and 2 abstentions.───表决结果是15人赞成,3人反对,2人弃权。

She spoke in favour of the new tax.───她发表演说,支持新税。

He abdicated in favour of his son.───他把王位让给了儿子。

Ten people voted in favour, five against and two abstained.───十人投票赞成,五人反对,两人弃权。


She discriminated in favour of her daughter.

Delegates have voted in favour of the motion.

The prevalent opinion is in favour of reform.

Would all those in favour please raise their hands?

The president discriminates in favour of his relatives.

The city council has voted almost unanimously in favour.

He argued in favour of capital punishment.

The majority of people in the province are in favour of devolution.

Ninety percent of the people surveyed were in favour.

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