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词汇 sick
释义 sickUK:*/ˈsɪk/US:/sɪk/ ,(sik)UK-RP:UK-Yorkshire:Irish:Scottish:US Southern:Jamaican: See also: sic主要翻译 sick adj mainly US (ill)生病的;患病的;不舒服的I can't come in to the office today; I'm sick.Maria took the sick puppy to the vet.我今天不能来上班了,我病了。// 玛丽亚带生病的小狗去看兽医。 feel sick vi + adj mainly UK (be nauseous)恶心的,想吐的I felt sick after eating a whole bag of sweets.我吃了一整包糖,觉得恶心想吐。 be sick vi + adj mainly UK (vomit)呕吐的;恶心的Jane has eaten too many cakes, and now she's being sick in the toilet.简蛋糕吃太多,现在正在卫生间犯恶心呢。 be sick of [sth/sb] v expr informal (be weary or bored of [sth/sb])厌倦…的;对…感到厌烦的After all this snow, I am really sick of winter!下了这么多雪,我真的厌倦了冬天! be sick of doing [sth] v expr informal (be weary of doing [sth])厌烦做某事的;厌倦做某事的I'm sick of looking for shoes for you; please pick something out.我厌倦了陪你试鞋子,请赶紧挑一双吧。 sick adj informal (perverted, disgusting)令人作呕的;令人厌恶的Eating worms! That's sick!吃虫子!真令人作呕! be sick with [sth] v expr (feel extreme: worry, anxiety, fear)极为焦虑的;心烦意乱的;极为担心的The boy's mother was sick with worry when he didn't come home.男孩儿没有回家,他母亲极为担心。 sick n UK, informal (vomit)呕吐物I stepped in a puddle of sick.我踩到了一滩呕吐物。 the sick npl (ill people)病人The nurse is taking care of the sick.护士正在看护病人。 sick adj slang (amazing, cool)很棒的;极好的You're getting a brand new car for your birthday? Dude, that's sick!你生日礼物是辆全新的车?兄弟,棒呆了好吧! 复合形式:sick | sic call in sick, also UK: phone in sick, ring in sick v expr (notify employer you will be off sick)请病假 carsick, UK: car-sick, car sick adj (nauseous from car travel)晕车的Reading in the car can make some people carsick. Extreme Unction, anointing of the sick, Last Rites n (Catholicism: rites for [sb] about to die) (天主教)临终涂油礼Grandmother received the sacrament of Extreme Unction when she was very ill; she received it again just before she died. be fed up to the back teeth of doing [sth], be sick to the back teeth of doing [sth] v expr figurative, informal (be exasperated by [sth] repeated)烦透了;失望透顶备注: also "with doing sth"She said angrily that she was fed up to the back teeth of hearing us bicker. feel sick vi + adj (feel nauseous)觉得恶心;感觉不舒服;想吐I was starting to feel sick so I drank a lot of orange juice for vitamin C. get sick v expr (fall ill, become unwell)生病;患病Yesterday I got so sick I couldn't go to work. I hope I don't get sick this winter.昨天我病得厉害,都不能去上班了。这个冬天,我希望不要生病。 make [sb] feel sick v expr (nauseate [sb])让某人觉得想吐;让某人反胃I couldn't stay with him at the hospital because the sight of blood makes me feel sick. make [sb] feel sick v expr (disgust or offend [sb])让某人觉得恶心;让某人反感Hearing about the mass murder made me feel sick. make [sb] sick vtr + adj (cause to vomit or feel nauseous) (本义)使,,,恶心,使…想吐The sight of blood makes him sick. make [sb] sick vtr + adj figurative (disgust)令某人恶心的;令某人厌恶的That man makes me sick! He is so rude! make [sb] sick vtr + adj figurative (disgust morally) (比喻)使…感到厌恶,让…觉得恶心It makes me sick to hear such racist views. off sick expr informal (absent due to illness)因病不上班;因病请假 be sick and tired of [sth] v expr informal (have had enough of)厌烦;厌倦I'm sick and tired of living in this freezing cold house.我厌倦了住在这冰冷刺骨的屋子里。 get sick and tired of [sth] v expr informal (start to be weary, exasperated)厌倦;厌烦I'm getting sick and tired of that child's whining! sick as a parrot adj UK, humorous, dated, slang (very disappointed)病得很重;得了重病 sick bay (US), sickbay, sick-bay (UK) n (infirmary)船上的医务室The soldier reported immediately to sick bay. sick call n US (military: when personnel can report sick) (军队)伤病员集合 sick day n (paid absence)病假 sick leave, also UK: sickness leave n (time off work for illness)病假Freddy's teacher has been on sick leave for three weeks or more.弗雷迪的老师已经休了三周或者更久的病假了。 sick list n (register of staff who are ill)病人名单The company currently has a long sick list because so many people have got the flu. sick mind n (unhealthy mental state)病态心理 sick note n UK (proof of illness)病假条 sick pay n (compensation for absence while ill)病假工资I've already used up all my sick pay for this financial year. sick person n (patient, [sb] who is unwell)病人;生病的人It is a nurse's job to look after sick people. sick puppy n figurative, pejorative, slang (mentally ill or depraved person)变态 be sick to death of [sth/sb] v expr figurative, informal (have had enough of)极度厌倦;极度厌烦 sick to your stomach, also US: sick at your stomach expr informal (nauseous)令人厌恶的 sick to your stomach, also US: sick at your stomach expr informal, figurative (extremely disgusted)令人恶心的 take sick v expr informal (become ill)得病;生病;染病She has taken sick after the weekend. travel-sick, travel sick adj UK (car sick, motion-sick)晕车的;晕船的;晕机的备注: A hyphen is used when the adjective precedes the noun. worried sick about [sth] adj informal (extremely anxious about [sb] or [sth])非常担心Where have you been? You're two hours late - I've been worried sick! worry yourself sick v expr figurative (be anxious)担心得要命When I didn't hear from him for a month, I worried myself sick instead of calling him.




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