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词汇 Saxon
释义 SaxonUK:*/ˈsæksən/US:(sak′sən) 主要翻译 Saxon n ([sb] from ancient Germanic tribe)撒克逊人 Saxon n ([sb] from Saxony)萨克森州 Saxon n (dialect of Saxony)萨克森方言 其他翻译 Saxon adj (of ancient Germanic tribe)撒克逊的 复合形式: Anglo-Saxon adj (of English ancestry)盎格鲁-撒克逊人的The family can trace their Anglo-Saxon heritage back several centuries. Anglo-Saxon n historical (person)盎格鲁-撒克逊人The Anglo-Saxons converted to Christianity in the sixth and seventh centuries. Anglo-Saxon n (settler)英国移民后裔;盎格鲁-撒克逊后裔Anglo-Saxons are a minority in this part of the country. Anglo-Saxon, Old English n historical (medieval language of England)盎格鲁-撒克逊语;古英语These works were originally written in Anglo-Saxon.




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