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词汇 sauce
释义 sauceUK:*/ˈsɔːs/US:/sɔs/ ,(sôs)UK-RP:UK-Yorkshire:Irish:Scottish:US Southern:Jamaican: 主要翻译 sauce n (liquid condiment)酱油;调味汁;酱Peter made a sauce to go with the fish.彼得调了一点酱配鱼吃。 sauce n (syrup, coulis) (如枫蜜、果酱等)酱料;调味品Fiona drizzled the sauce onto the ice cream.费昂娜往冰激凌上淋了些酱料。 sauce n figurative, informal, dated (impudence)无礼的话;无礼的行为Mrs. Brown couldn't believe the young man's sauce; how dare he say such a thing to her!布朗夫人无法简直无法相信那个年轻人如此无礼的话,他怎么敢对她这样口出狂言! 其他翻译 on the sauce expr figurative, slang (drinking alcohol)烈酒Martin's been on the sauce again. 复合形式: apple sauce n (fruit purée)苹果酱;苹果沙司Roast pork is traditionally served with apple sauce. applesauce (US), apple sauce (UK) n (sweetened stewed apples)苹果酱Roast pork is traditionally served with applesauce.烤猪肉的传统吃法是要加苹果酱。 barbecue sauce, BBQ sauce n (spicy condiment)烧烤酱;烧烤调味酱You can buy barbecue sauce, or make your own with tomato sauce, vinegar, sugar, and spices. Béarnaise sauce, Bearnaise sauce n (sauce made with eggs and butter) (用蛋和黄油制成的酱)贝亚尔奈斯酱Béarnaise sauce is similar to hollandaise, but it has tarragon added. caramel sauce n (toffee syrup)焦糖酱;焦糖汁 chili sauce, chile sauce (US), chilli sauce (UK) n (spicy condiment)辣椒酱I love chips with chilli sauce. chocolate sauce n (syrup: liquid chocolate)巧克力酱Vanilla ice cream smothered in dark chocolate sauce is both a decadent and divine after-dinner treat. cocktail sauce n UK (ketchup and mayonnaise)开胃用沙司What the British call Mary Rose sauce or cocktail sauce the Americans call Thousand Island dressing. cocktail sauce n US (ketchup and horseradish)鸡尾酒酱Mix ketchup and horseradish to make a great cocktail sauce for shrimp. cranberry sauce, US: cranberry jelly n (fruit relish)小红莓果酱;蔓越莓酱Cranberry sauce is a traditional part of the Thanksgiving dinner. cream sauce n US (cookery: white sauce)奶油沙司;奶油制成的浓汁The secret to French cooking is making a good cream sauce. curry sauce n (sauce made from Asian spices)咖喱沙司;咖喱酱Biryani is a rice based dish which is often accompanied by a simple curry sauce. dipping sauce n (condiment: for dunking)蘸酱 garlic sauce n (liquid garlic-flavored condiment)蒜汁;蒜酱 hoisin sauce (Chinese cookery)海鲜酱 hollandaise sauce, hollandaise n (buttery sauce)荷兰调味酱Hollandaise sauce must be prepared on the spot because it spoils rapidly. hot sauce n (spicy liquid condiment)辣酱Eating too much hot sauce can make you feel as if your tongue were on fire. mushroom sauce n (sauce of mushrooms and cream)蘑菇沙司We're going to have pasta with mushroom sauce for dinner. oyster sauce n (thick oyster-flavored Asian relish)蚝油 spaghetti sauce (US), pasta sauce (UK) n (savory liquid for a pasta dish)意大利面酱 pepper sauce n (sauce made with peppercorns)辣椒沙司;调味辣椒酱Steak with pepper sauce was his favourite meal. pizza sauce n (tomato-based pizza topping)披萨酱 sauce boat, sauceboat n (vessel for pouring sauce)船状调味碟The maid placed a sauce boat on the dining table.A sauce boat is pretty but it never keeps the gravy as hot as a jug does. soy sauce n (food seasoning)酱油He sprinkled soy sauce over his chicken chow mein. soya sauce n UK, dated (soy sauce)酱油;生抽Mark sprinkled soya sauce on his noodles. sweet-and-sour sauce n (Oriental sauce of honey and vinegar)酸甜调味汁Cubes of meat are battered and deep-fried and put in a sweet-and-sour sauce. tartar sauce, tartare sauce n (sharp mayonnaise dressing for fish) (一种调味酱)塔塔酱,韃靼酱I'll have fish sticks with tartar sauce, please. tomato sauce n UK (ketchup) (英国英语)番茄调味酱,番茄沙司Lots of people put tomato sauce on their hamburgers. tomato sauce n (spiced sauce with tomato base) (美国英语)番茄酱I ordered a plate of spaghetti with tomato sauce. What's good for the goose is good for the gander, What's sauce for the goose is sauce for the gander expr figurative ([sth] should apply equally)一律平等;同样适用 white sauce (cuisine)白汁;白酱




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