

词汇 I m outside
释义 I m outside
I m outside发音



step outside───到户外去

at the outside───最多,至多


to outride───超越

to outstride───超越




I am on a business trip outside , the achievement of IELTS will be sent to student service. thank you for your care and support of Yang Wei , I 'm sure that she won't let you down in the future .───我在外出差,雅思正式成绩很快寄到学生服务处。谢谢您一直以来对杨韦的关心和支持,我相信她将来也不会让您失望的。

6 p. m. I waited outside a restaurant.───六点,我在餐厅外等她。

My most memorable sound, as I have written in this blog, was the deafening 6 a. m. broadcast of "The East is Red" from loudspeakers outside my Dong Fang Hotel window in Guangzhou in 1975.───我曾经在以前的博客里写过让我记忆最深的声音,其实就是1975年下榻广州东方宾馆,早晨6点从窗外大喇叭里传来的震耳欲聋的《东方红》乐曲。

Then I knew I was outside, and I realized, well, I must not be buried under the wreckage if I'm outside.───那时我意识到我在外面了,既然已经在外面了,那么,我一定不能被掩埋在废墟下。

John. It's Mary. I'm outside, and I didn't bring my cellphone with me today. I'll call you again in about half an hour. Talk to you later.───约翰,我玛丽啦。我人在外面,而且今天身上没带手机。我大约在半小时之后还会再打给你。待会儿再聊。

Joey: So what, like people are gonna come in and think, "Uh-oh, I'm outside again? " Of course!───那又怎样,好像人们进来后会想,“啊哦,我又出来了?”当然!

After it, the responsibility should be a warm little bed. I'm outside, children inside.───以后呢,责任应是一张暖暖的小床。我在外头,子女在里头。

So what, like people are gonna come in and think, "Uhoh, I'm outside again? "───那有什么,难道人们进屋后会想,哦,我又出去了?

When I'm indoors my attention usually settles on something inward, but when I'm outside it's a different experience.───当我在室内时,我的注意力通常集中于内心的某处。但是如果我在室外则完全是另外一种体验。

  • I bilive you
  • I live in
  • I was thin
  • I give wool
  • I can cut the
  • Is it snowing
  • I could not
  • I show you
  • Ilikemmass culture
  • I d love to
  • I m trying
  • I am so tired
  • Innocent Grey
  • I bts you
  • I am the best
  • I hear
  • I want fish
  • If you
  • It eats
  • It s OK
  • I am helpful




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