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词汇 relieve
释义 relieveUK:*/rɪˈliːv/US:/rɪˈliv/ ,(ri lēv′)UK-RP:UK-Yorkshire:Irish:Scottish:US Southern:Jamaican: 主要翻译 relieve [sth] vtr (ease) (病痛等)缓解The doctor gave the patient drugs to relieve the pain.那位医生给病人开了缓解疼痛的药物。usage: ‘relieve’Relieve /rɪ^liːv/ is a verb. If something relieves an unpleasant feeling, it makes it less unpleasant.Anxiety may be relieved by talking to a friend.The passengers in the plane swallow to relieve the pressure on their eardrums.If someone or something relieves you of an unpleasant feeling or difficulty, you no longer have it.The news relieved him of some of his embarrassment.Relieve is often used in the passive structure be relieved. If you are relieved, you feel happy because something unpleasant has stopped or has not happened. I was relieved when Hannah finally arrived.Be relieved is often followed by a to-infinitive.He was relieved to find he'd suffered no more than a few scratches. relieve [sth] vtr (lessen worrying) (忧虑等)解除,缓解Patricia's reassurances relieved Marcus's concerns.帕特丽夏的宽慰让马库斯的忧虑解除不少。 relieve [sb] vtr often passive (make less worried)使某人宽心;宽慰某人It relieved Robert to learn that he didn't have to give a presentation after all.得知自己其实不用做演示稿,罗伯特宽心不少。 relieve [sth] vtr (pressure: lessen) (压力等)减轻,缓解Oliver loosened his grip and relieved the pressure on James's arm.奥利佛松开了自己的拳头,减轻了加在詹姆士胳膊上的压力。 其他翻译 relieve [sb] vtr (work: take over from)接替;替换;换...的班The night shift workers arrived to relieve Monica and her colleagues. relieve [sb] of [sth] vtr + prep (unburden of a weight)卸去…的负担;帮忙拿Just then John appeared and relieved me of my heavy shopping bags.正在那时,约翰出现,帮忙拿走了我沉重的购物袋。 relieve [sb] of [sth] vtr + prep figurative (take over responsibility)使卸下(责任)I've been relieved of most of my responsibilities at work.我工作上大部分的责任都已经被解除了。 relieve [sb] of [sth] vtr + prep often passive (remove from position)使卸下(职务),使卸除(职务)The vice-president of the company was relieved of his position.公司副董事长被卸任了。 relieve [sb] of [sth] vtr + prep (free from having to do)使免于做My brother's arrival relieved me of the task of caring for our parents alone.哥哥来了,我不必再独自一人照看父母了。 relieve [sb] of [sth] vtr + prep informal (take, steal from)从…处偷走The pickpocket relieved Ned of his wallet.扒手偷走了内德的钱包。 relieve yourself vtr + refl euphemism (urinate, defecate)大小便I can't believe you relieved yourself in the town square in daylight!我简直不敢相信你居然大白天在市中心广场随地大小便。 复合形式: relieve congestion in [sth] v expr (improve traffic flow in)缓解…的交通拥堵现象The town planners are building a bypass to try to relieve congestion in the city. relieve congestion in [sth] v expr (lungs: clear) (肺)清除…的阻塞 relieve [sb] of a burden v expr (release from a responsibility)为某人减轻负担;减轻某人的负担 relieve of their job, relieve [sb] of his job, relieve [sb] of her job v expr (dismiss or fire [sb])解雇 relieve the pressure on [sb] v expr (unburden)卸去…身上的压力The company is hiring extra workers to relieve the pressure on their existing staff. relieve the pressure on v expr (decongest) (交通)减轻…压力,缓解…拥堵The expansion of the rail network will relieve the pressure on the roads. relieve traffic congestion v expr (improve the flow of vehicles)纾缓交通拥堵




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