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词汇 register
释义 registerUK:*/ˈrɛdʒɪstər/US:/ˈrɛdʒəstɚ/ ,(rej′ə stər)UK-RP:UK-Yorkshire:Irish:Scottish:US Southern:Jamaican: 主要翻译 register vi (sign up)注册,登记If you'd like to do one of the evening classes on offer, please make sure you register in good time as there aren't many places available.这里列出的晚课快被选满了,如果想上一定要及时登记。 register n (cash box)收银机,现金出纳机,现金进出记录机The cashier took my change out of the cash register.出纳人员从现金出纳机中取出零钱找给我。 register n (record book)登记表;注册簿The newlyweds signed the register.这对新婚夫妇在登记表上签了名。 register n (ship's document)船籍登记册A ship's register often included the name of the master, as well as the home port.船籍登记册中一般包括船主姓名和归属港口。 register [sb] vtr (enter formally)登记;注册;把…正式记入编制The president of the organisation registered the new members in the official books.机构主席将新成员加入了正式记录。 register [sth] vtr (record in a log)把…记录在案;把…登记在册The office registered all written complaints.办公室记录了所有书面投诉。 register [sb] vtr (enrol: [sb] in school) (学校)注册, 登记His parents decided to register him at a different school.他父母决定给他转学。 register for [sth] vi + prep (enrol)注册Louisa registered for a pottery class at the community center.路易莎在社区中心注册了一门陶艺课。 其他翻译 register n figurative (list)列表;目录;名单His rude remark added to the register of offences in her mind. register n (music: range)音域;音区This soprano's register is wider than most. register n (organ: pipes)调风器;挡板If you want less airflow, just close the register a little. register n (printing: adjustment) (印刷)(打印页正反面)套准,对齐Press sheets include marks to show the page's register. register n (language: degree of formality) (语言学)语域Register is an important part of languages that have honorifics systems. register vi (be understood)被记住;留下印象;被牢记在心That he had been fired did not register, and he came to work the next day. register vi (create list of desired items at store) (指在商店)创建心愿单;登记想买的东西The couple has registered at a large department store, so you can check to see what they want on the store's website. register [sth] vtr (measurement reading) (仪器读数等)显示The earthquake registered four on the Richter Scale. register [sth] vtr (printing: adjust) (印刷)对齐;套准If you don't register the plates, the colours will overlap. register [sth] vtr (show emotion) (情绪等)流露出;显出Charlie's face registered surprise. register [sth] vtr (image: transform data) (数据)发送;注册;记录The program registered the data in the image and now it shows a lot more detail. 动词短语 register with [sth] vtr phrasal insep (sign up or enrol with)向…登记;向…注册If you wish to vote you must first register with the electoral commission. 复合形式: cash register, sales register n (cash till)收银机;现金出纳机The new computerized cash registers don't make the pleasant whirr-and-ring sounds the old ones did. register a complaint v expr (make an official criticism)公开表达不满If you wish to register a complaint about the website, please contact Customer Services. register office, registry office n (building where civil records are kept)登记处;注册处People who don't want to get married in church can get married at their local registry office. school register n (list of pupils' names)学生登记册Every morning the teachers call all the names in the school register to check if the students are present.




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