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词汇 red
释义 redUK:*'red', 'Red': /ˈrɛd/US:/rɛd/ ,(red)UK-RP:UK-Yorkshire:Irish:Scottish:US Southern:Jamaican: 主要翻译 red adj (color) (颜色)红色的The red car passed quickly.那辆红色小车飞快地开过去了。 red adj (hair color) (头发)红褐色的,红色的Bridget has red hair.布雷吉特长着红色的头发。 red n (color) (颜色)红色My favourite colour is red.我最喜欢的颜色是红色。 其他翻译 red adj (cheeks: flushed) (脸颊)发红的,通红的,潮红的Our cheeks were red in the cold air. red adj figurative (bloody)血腥的;暴力的;有流血事件发生的The protests evolved into a red revolution. red adj figurative, informal (communist) (口语)共产主义的,社会主义的The West fought against the "red menace". Red adj (Soviet)苏维埃的; (指苏联)红的Boris fought in the Red Army. red n (red clothing)红色衣服;红衣The woman is wearing red. red n (red wine)红酒;红葡萄酒I prefer a red with pasta. red, Red n figurative, informal (communist)共产党;拥护社会主义和共产主义的人Trotsky was a red. red n (traffic light: stop)红灯Please stop on red. 复合形式: beet red (US), beetroot red (UK) n (food colouring)甜菜红备注: A hyphen is used when term is an adjective that precedes the noun beet-red, beet red (US), beetroot red, beetroot-red (UK) adj (reddish purple in colour)紫红色的 beet-red, beet red (US), beetroot red, beetroot-red (UK) adj (person: flushed)面红耳赤的He turned beet red with embarrassment. blood red, blood-red adj (vibrantly red)血红的;猩红的She was wearing blood red lipstick. blood red n (vibrant red colour)血红;猩红That carpet is a garish blood red. catch [sb] red handed vtr + adj figurative (discover [sb] committing a crime)把…抓个正着I caught the thief red handed stealing my jewels. cherry red n (deep red colour)樱桃红;鲜果红;樱红色Her lips were of cherry red, her eyes of the palest blue. cherry red, cherry-red adj (of a deep red colour)樱桃红的;鲜红色的备注: A hyphen is used when the adjective precedes the noun.The beautiful jewel was a deep cherry-red colour. chough, red-billed chough n (zoology: bird)红嘴山鸦 in the red adj figurative (owing money)负债;亏损The company had been in the red for years, but under the new CEO it recovered completely. light red n (washed-out red color)淡红色 light red, light-red adj (light red in color)淡红色的备注: A hyphen is used when the adjective precedes the noun. be like a red rag to a bull v expr colloquial (that provokes anger)令人勃然大怒;令人火冒三丈 manuka, red tea tree n (New Zealand tree) (新西兰)麦卢卡树 paint the town red, paint the town v expr figurative (go out and celebrate) (比喻)狂欢,欢庆To celebrate their win, the whole football team went out to paint the town red. red alert n (readiness for emergency)紧急警报;紧急戒备We've all been on red alert since the last attack. red ant n (stinging insect)红蚂蚁You can often see red ants foraging for food in the forest. red bean n (legume: kidney bean)红豆 red blood cell n (red corpuscle: component of blood)红血球Red blood cells carry oxygen around the body. red brick n (reddish building material)红砖 red brick, red-brick n as adj (building: made of red bricks)红砖筑造的 red brick, redbrick n as adj UK, figurative (university: newer, not Oxbridge)红砖大学的 red cabbage n (red-purple leafy vegetable)紫甘蓝 red card n (soccer: shown when player is sent off) (足球)红牌 red carpet n (long mat laid out for [sb] important) (迎接贵宾)红地毯The red carpet was rolled out ready for the Queen's visit. red carpet n figurative (preferential treatment)隆重接待;隆重待遇Our suppliers gave us the red carpet treatment when we visited their factory. red cell (anatomy)红细胞 red clay (geology)红色黏土 red clover n (flowering plant)红三叶草;红三叶 the Red Cross n (medical relief agency)红十字机构;红十字会The Red Cross is frequently the first relief agency to operate in war-torn areas. red currant, redcurrant n (small edible red berry) (一种可食用浆果)红酸栗I love redcurrant jam on croissants. Her lipstick was the color of redcurrants. red deer n (animal in Europe and Asia)红鹿 red drum (fish)红鼓鱼 red dwarf n (astronomy: type of star)红矮星Astronomers have discovered a new planet circling a red dwarf which is 30 light years away. red flag n (communist symbol) (共产主义的象征)红旗The red flag no longer flies over the Kremlin. red flag n figurative (danger sign)示警红旗Drinking more than four beers every evening is a definite red flag for alcoholism. red flag n figurative (provocation)挑衅;让人冒火之事His constant complaining was acting as a red flag to me. red fox (animal)红狐狸;赤狐 red giant n (astronomy: type of star)红巨星A red giant can be seen in the constellation of Orion. red hair n (auburn or ginger hair)红头发 red herring n ([sth] deliberately misleading)故意误导之物Agatha Christie used red herrings in her books to keep readers guessing.阿加莎·克里斯蒂通过在书中使用一些故意误导之物来让读者不断地猜测。 red herring n ([sth] drawing attention from main issue)转移注意力之物All that show of charm was just a red herring to distract us from his evil plan.所有那些魅力展示都只是为了转移我们对他邪恶计划的注意力。 red kidney bean n (red-purple legume)红芸豆 red lead, minium n (lead oxide: pigment) (铅化合物)红丹 red light n (traffic light indicating stop) (交通信号灯)红灯You should always stop at the red light. red light n figurative (signal not to act) (比喻)红灯;停止令The building project got a red light from the town planners. red line [sth] vtr (draw line through to cancel) (用红线)划去;取消 red line n (ice hockey rink marking) (冰球)红线 red line [sth] vtr (establish safe maximum speed)为...设置限速 red line [sth/sb] vtr figurative (mark [sb/sth] for cancellation) (用红线)划去 red line [sth] vtr (cause plane to be grounded)让...安全降落 red meat n (steak, lamb, etc.) (牛肉等)红肉Red meat generally has a stronger flavour than white meat. red mullet, goatfish n (fish)红鲣鱼 red nose n (part of clown costume)小丑的红鼻子 red nose n (pathology) (病状)红鼻子 red oak n (North American oak tree)红橡树 red oak n (wood of North American tree)红橡木 red onion n (edible bulb)紫洋葱;红洋葱Sean made a sandwich with turkey, cheese, tomato, and red onion. red panda n (firefox: racoon-like animal native to China)小熊猫 red pepper n (vegetable: capsicum)红辣椒Technically speaking, red peppers are actually fruits, not vegetables.My wife says I use too much red pepper when I make chili. red ribbon n (symbol: AIDS awareness) (关注艾滋病防治的标志)红丝带 Red Riding Hood, Little Red Riding Hood n (fairytale character) (童话故事中的人物)小红帽The wolf disguised itself as Red Riding Hood's grandmother.大灰狼假扮成小红帽的奶奶。 red salmon, sockeye salmon, sockeye, blueback salmon n (variety of fish)红大马哈鱼Red salmon's a lot more expensive than it used to be. Red Sea n (channel to Indian Ocean)红海 red setter n (breed of hunting dog) (猎犬)爱尔兰赛特犬 red snapper n (large pink fish)红鲷鱼Red snapper is such a popular fish that it is endangered in many parts of the world.红鲷鱼是一种极其受欢迎的鱼类,也因此在世界许多地方都濒临灭绝。 red squirrel n (animal: Eurasian rodent)红松鼠Numbers of red squirrels in some European countries have declined since the introduction of the grey squirrel from North America. red tape n figurative, informal (bureaucracy) (比喻,非正式用语)官僚习气,繁文缛节Prepare yourself for a lot of red tape when buying a house in Italy.在意大利买房时,请做好准备面对一大堆繁文缛节。 red tide (sea discoloration)红潮;赤潮 Red Tops npl UK, informal (tabloid newspapers)花边小报 red wine n (alcoholic drink made from grapes)红酒Red wine is supposedly good for the heart if drunk in moderation. Would you care for a glass of red wine? red-blooded adj figurative (excitable) (比喻)容易激动的,血气方刚的 red-blooded adj US, informal (vigorous, virile) (非正式用语)精力充沛的,强健的John's a true red-blooded guy – I don't know anyone else quite like him. red-brown n (color: brown tinged with red)红褐色,棕红色,红棕色 red-brown adj (brown tinged with red)红褐色的,棕红色的,红棕色的 red-eye n uncountable (camera flash reflection in the eyes) (照片上的)红眼Most modern cameras have a setting which helps to reduce red-eye. red-eye, red eye, redeye n informal (late-night plane flight)红眼航班I'm exhausted: I took the red-eye from London to New York. red-eye, redeye n (fish)红眼鱼 red-eyed adj (having red eyes)红眼的 red-faced adj figurative (embarrassed)羞愧的;尴尬的 red-faced adj (with flushed face)脸红的 red-haired adj (having red hair)红发的;红头发的I met the cutest red-haired boy yesterday! red-handed adv figurative (in the act of committing a crime)手染血的,手染鲜血的The shoplifter was caught red-handed as he stuffed items into his pockets.The police nabbed the men red-handed with a hefty bag of heroin. red-headed adj (having auburn or ginger hair)红发的Red-headed people usually have fair skin that sunburns easily.What's the name of that red-headed actress who was in the film we watched last night? red-hot, red hot adj (very hot, burning)炽热的 red-hot, red hot adj figurative (very good, exciting)非常刺激的备注: The hyphen may be omitted when the adjective follows the noun. red-hot, red hot adj figurative (passionate)热烈的备注: The hyphen may be omitted when the adjective follows the noun. red-hot, red hot adj figurative (race: likely to win)几乎一定能获胜的备注: The hyphen may be omitted when the adjective follows the noun. red-hot iron n (burning brand)烧红的烙铁The farmer marked his cattle with a red-hot iron. red-hot poker (botany)剑叶兰 red-letter day, red letter day n (noteworthy or memorable day)大喜日;纪念日 red-light district n (part of town frequented by prostitutes)红灯区 red-purple, reddish purple n (purple tinged with red)紫红色 red-purple, reddish purple, reddish-purple adj (reddish purple in color)紫红色的 red-winged blackbird n (variety of bird) (一种鸟)美洲红翼鸫Down by the pond you can hear red-winged blackbirds singing in the reeds. redbird, red-bird, red bird n US (bird with red plumage)红雀 redbird, red-bird, red bird n US, slang (capsule of drug: secobarbital)速可眠, 司可巴比妥 redbrick, red brick adj (made of red brick)红砖的 reddish brown, reddish-brown, red brown, red-brown n (russet, auburn color)红棕色, 红褐色 reddish brown, reddish-brown, red brown, red-brown adj (russet, auburn in color)红褐色的Her hair was reddish-brown and really set off her fine green eyes. see red v expr figurative (get angry)怒火冲天;火冒三丈When he insulted my girlfriend I saw red and hit him.turn red vi informal (blush)脸红Audrey turned red when her 3-year-old son vomited over the bus driver.His compliments made her face turn red.turn red vi informal (go red in the face) (脸)变红;涨红Harry turned red with anger when he saw the scratch down the side of his new car.




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