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词汇 question
释义 questionUK:*/ˈkwɛstʃən/US:/ˈkwɛstʃən/ ,(kwes′chən)UK-RP:UK-Yorkshire:Irish:Scottish:US Southern:Jamaican: 主要翻译 question n (query)问题;疑问I have a question about the procedure.我有一个关于程序上的疑问。 question n (matter, doubt)难题,问题,争议;疑问,不确定There are three questions that need to be resolved.有三个问题需要解决。ⓘ这句话不是该英语句子的翻译。 谁会当选下一届总统还不确定。 question n (function of, matter of)…的问题The completion date was a question of time and money.何时完工要看时间和财务情况。 question [sb] vtr (interrogate)讯问;审问;盘问The police questioned the suspect for five hours.警察审问了疑犯五个小时。 question [sth] vtr (doubt)怀疑;对…表示疑问He questioned the usefulness of the rule, but never asked anybody about it.他怀疑这规则没有用,但从来也没有问过任何人。 其他翻译 question n (interrogative sentence)问句;疑问句Is that a statement or a question?那是一句陈述句还是疑问句? question n (problem)问题;难题Should I go or not? That is the question.我到底该不该去?那才是问题所在。 question n (proposition)议题;提议;议案The question will be the subject of a vote at the town meeting.这个议题将是市镇会议期间投票表决的主题。 question n (subject of dispute)争论的问题;引起辩论的主题The question of regional autonomy has never been resolved.地方自治的问题从未被解决。 question n (law: controversy) (法律)有争议的问题,争议The question before the court today is whether habeas corpus applies here.今天,摆在法院面前有争议的问题是:人身保护法是否适用此地。 question vi (ask questions)提问;问问题You are free to question and dispute, but nothing will change as a result.你们尽请随意提问和争论,不过结果不会有任何改变。 question [sth/sb] vtr (inquire)询问;问I questioned the actor for hours about his profession. question [sth] vtr (challenge)挑战;对…提出异议In some countries one can be imprisoned for questioning authority. 复合形式: ask a question v expr (make enquiry)提问;问问题The teacher said to her students, "If you don't understand the material, please ask a question!". ask [sb] a question v expr (want to know [sth])向...提问;问...问题My young daughter asks me a lot of questions. beg the question v expr (invite obvious question)引人发问;引发质疑 beg the question v expr (assume truth of argument)假设...是真的 beyond question, beyond all question adj (certain)无可怀疑的;毋庸置疑的;毫无疑问的His integrity is beyond question. bonus question n (quiz question worth extra points)附加题,加分题 bring [sth] into question v expr (cast doubt on [sth])令人对…产生怀疑 burning question n (urgent matter for discussion)急需讨论的紧要问题 burning question n (question needing an urgent answer)急待回答的问题I have a burning question. I need to know when you saw him last. call [sth] into question, call into question [sth] v expr (cast doubt on [sth])质疑… closed-ended question n (enquiry eliciting "yes" or "no")封闭式问题 cross-examine [sb], cross-question [sb] vtr (law: interrogate witness)反复询问,交叉询问 direct question n (interrogative sentence) (语法)直接问句A question mark always comes at the end of a direct question. follow-up question n (additional enquiry)后续问题;附加问题 good question n (pertinent or insightful enquiry)好问题;有深度的问题Should you give money to beggars? That is a good question. good question interj (expressing [sth] not yet considered) (表示由于被提问者还没想过其内容,所以该提问比较难以回答)问得好!Do I love her enough to marry her? - good question! in answer to your question expr (in reply to you)作为对你的问题的回答;用以回答你的提问In answer to your question, no, he's not married. in question adv (being considered or discussed)在考虑中;在讨论中The judge noted that the legal precedent in question was quite tenuous. in question adv (being disputed)在争议中The legality of assisted suicide is in question in many countries. leading question n (question that suggests answer)诱导性问题,暗示性问题 open question n (question: invites long answer)开放式问题When interviewing someone, it is better to ask open questions which encourage them to talk about themselves. open question n (question: no decisive answer)尚未解决的问题;悬而未决的问题;尚无定论的问题How the project was going to be paid for remained an open question that needed an answer before voters would approve it. open-ended question n (question with many possible answers)无确定答案的The teacher told the students to ask open-ended questions.老师让学生提出开放式的问题。 out of the question adj (not possible or permitted)不可能的It is out of the question for a twelve year old to go to a night club! point in question n (issue being discussed)当前正在讨论的问题;争论的问题Could we please return to the point in question? pop the question v expr slang (propose marriage to [sb])开口求婚When will he ever pop the question? They've been dating for so long. pose a question v expr (ask [sth], make an enquiry)提出问题;提问One of the reporters posed a question about the Prime Minister's reaction to recent events in Spain. pose a question v expr (raise an issue)质疑;提出疑问This defeat poses a question about the team's ability to defend. question at issue n (matter being discussed)争论中的问题;争议的问题That's good to know … but the question at issue is entirely different. question mark n (interrogative punctuation symbol)问号A written sentence that is a question must end with a question mark. question mark n figurative (element of doubt) (比喻)质疑,疑问There's a question mark over his ability to manage the team. question tag n (interrogative ending to a sentence)反问;附加疑问 question-and-answer session n (conference)答疑大会;答问会;释疑会谈The presentation will be followed by a question-and-answer session. raise a question v expr (ask [sth], enquire)提问Mark raised a difficult question during the meeting and nobody wanted to answer it. raise a question v expr (pose an issue)提出待解决的问题The report raises the question of how to deal with the unemployed. rhetorical question n (statement in form of a question)反问 subject in question n (matter under discussion)提及的问题;正在讨论的问题 tag question n (interrogative ending to a sentence)反意疑问句 there is no question interj (it is indisputable)这毋庸置疑He's an evil man; there is no question. there is no question, there is no question (that/of) expr (it is indisputable that)…是毋庸置疑的There is no question many citizens resent paying taxes. trick question n ([sth] asked to mislead or incriminate [sb])陷阱问题 yes-no question n (only two possible answers)是非疑问句




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