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词汇 put
释义 putUK:*/ˈpʊt/US:/pʊt/ ,(pŏŏt)UK-RP:UK-Yorkshire:Irish:Scottish:US Southern:Jamaican: 主要翻译 put [sth] vtr (place)放;放在He put his glass on the edge of the table.他把杯子放在桌子边上。 put [sth] vtr figurative (cause to be)处理, 安置He put all his affairs in order before leaving for Australia.他把所有的事情都处理好了才到澳大利亚去的。 put [sth] vtr (phrase, state)表达;陈述When I tell her, I'll put it in a way that won't upset her.告诉她的时候,我会用一种不让她难过的方式来表达。 其他翻译 put n (finance: option) (金融)卖权,看跌期权He placed a put on the stock as insurance against a fall in price.他给股票购买了看跌期权,作为股价下跌的一种保险措施。 put vi (vessel, craft: go, move)出发;前往;开航The aircraft carrier put to sea with eighty aircraft aboard.那艘航空母舰搭载着80架战机出海。 put [sth] in/into [sth] vtr (insert)插入;放入Please put the mail in the slot of the mailbox. put [sb] with [sb] vtr (place in the custody of)让...监护;使处于某人的照顾之下The social workers put the child with a foster family. put [sb/sth] to [sth] vtr (drive, force)迫使...做某事;逼迫...陷入The tank corps put the enemy infantry to flight. put [sth] vtr (phrase, express) (另一种方式)用...表达Can you put that in plain English for me? I don't understand your technical words. put [sb], put [sb] on [sth] vtr (assign, attribute)将…安排做;分配...做Let's put John to work on this task. put [sth] vtr (estimate)估计;估价;估量I would put the cost at around five hundred dollars. put [sth] vtr (wager)打…的赌;下…赌注I think I'll put twenty dollars on this horse. I think she'll win. put [sth] vtr (apply)应用;将…用于You should put your language skills to use in translating or interpreting. put [sth] vtr (make)使, 让Let's put an end to this argument. put [sth] vtr (pose: a question) (问题等)提出;发问Let me put this to you: How did birds evolve? put [sth] vtr (impose)强加;施加;施予The government put a charge on applying for a driving licence. put [sth] on [sth], put [sth] onto [sth] vtr + prep (add)给...增加;往...中添加The shopkeeper put an additional shipping charge on the purchase. 动词短语 put [sth] about vtr phrasal sep UK, informal (spread: a rumour) (谣言等)传播, 散布, 谣传It was put about that she was of loose moral character. put about vi phrasal (nautical: turn around) (航海)转向, 掉转航向, 改变航向He quickly put about to avoid the boat hitting the submerged rock. put [sth] across vtr phrasal sep (convey: message, point)(尤指以欺骗手段)成功地完成;使理解;使…被人接受He put his ideas across neatly and succinctly.他通过简明扼要的方式使自己的观点被人理解。 put [sth] away, put away [sth] vtr phrasal sep (tidy up, put in correct place)把…放好;收好;整理好My dad told me to put away my clothes.我爸爸叫我把衣服收好。 put [sth] away, put away [sth] vtr phrasal sep (save: money) (钱)存放;储存Every year, I put away some money for a new car.每年我都会存点钱,用来买辆新车。 put [sth] away, put away [sth] vtr phrasal sep informal (eat: a large amount) (大量的食物等)吃掉, 喝掉Tacos must be his favorite food because he can sure put them away!玉米饼一定是他最喜欢的食物,因为他能一下子吃掉! put [sb] away vtr phrasal sep often passive, informal (commit to a mental institution)把某人送进精神病院The sculptor Camille Claudel was put away in 1913 and died 30 years later.雕塑家卡蜜尔·克劳戴尔于1913年被送进精神病院,30年后去世。 put [sb] away vtr phrasal sep often passive, informal (put into prison)把…关进监狱If they catch the murderer, they are likely to put him away for a very long time.如果他们抓住凶手,他们很可能会将他关进监狱很长一段时间。 put [sth] away vtr phrasal sep US, informal (pet: have killed) (宠物等)杀害, 杀掉Sadly the dog's illness was untreatable, so the vet had to put it away. put [sth] back, put back [sth] vtr phrasal sep (postpone)推迟;延期Dan has gone to Houston on urgent business, so we will have to put back our meeting until next Tuesday.丹因紧急事务去了休斯顿,所以我们不得不将会议推迟到下周二。 put [sth] back, put back [sth] vtr phrasal sep (replace, tidy away)把…放回原处;把…放回原地When you've finished the book, please put it back on the shelf.你看完这本书后,请放回书架。 put [sth] by vtr phrasal sep (reserve, keep to one side)存放在一边;存放起来 put [sb] down vtr phrasal sep informal (disparage, speak ill of)蔑视, 贬低, 诽谤You shouldn't put him down like that.你不该那么贬低他。 put [sth] down vtr phrasal sep euphemism (animal: kill as an act of mercy) (因不忍动物受苦而将其杀死)杀死The vet had to put our guinea pig down because she was very sick.兽医不得不将我们的天竺鼠杀死,因为她病得非常重。 put [sth] down vtr phrasal sep (write, make note of)写下;记下I will put down that information in my notebook.我会把那些信息记在我的笔记本上。 put [sb] down for [sth] vtr phrasal sep ([sb] promises to contribute [sth])记下…承诺捐赠So, can I put you down for a $20 donation this month? That's very generous of you. Can I put you down for £1,000?那么我能记下你这月准备捐款20美元?你真是太大方了。那我能记下你准备捐款1000英磅吗? put [sb/sth] down as [sth] vtr phrasal sep (consider [sb/sth] to be [sth])认为…是,把…看作 put [sth] forth, put forth [sth] vtr phrasal sep (propose, outline) (论点、观点、建议等)提出 put [sth] forward, put forward [sth] vtr phrasal sep (propose, suggest)提出;建议;提议The responsibilities were so overwhelming that no-one wanted to put himself forward.要承担的责任太大,没人愿意自告奋勇。 put [sth] in, put in [sth] vtr phrasal sep (contribute)拿出, 贡献, 分担If we all put in £15, that will cover the bill.如果我们每人拿出15英镑,那就足够支付账单了。 put in [sth], put [sth] in vtr phrasal sep informal (work, make effort)干,工作I put in 15 hours today.我今天工作了15小时。 put [sth] in vtr phrasal sep (say, make: a comment)插话;提出"I've got a better idea," Abi put in.艾比说:“我有个更好的主意。” put [sth] in vtr phrasal sep (submit)提交;递交I've put an application in for that job.我已经申请了那份工作。 put in for [sth] vtr phrasal insep (submit request)申请;提请Martha put in for 2 weeks of unpaid vacation at work. put into [sth] vtr phrasal insep (ship: enter port)入港;进港口;put [sb] off vtr phrasal sep informal (discourage, deter)劝阻I don't want to put you off, but that make of car you're thinking of buying is very hard to maintain.我不想扫你兴,但是你想买的那个品牌的车很难保养。 put [sth] off vtr phrasal sep (delay until later)推迟;延迟;拖延I'm busy this afternoon; can we put our meeting off until tomorrow? He was too busy in the morning, so he put his appointment off until the afternoon.今天下午我很忙。我们能将会议推迟到明天吗?他上午太忙了,所以他把预约推迟到下午。put [sb] off [sth] vtr phrasal sep (cause to dislike)使…反感,使…对…失去兴趣That was disgusting; it has put me off my dinner.这太恶心了,我都不想吃饭了。put [sb] off of [sth] vtr phrasal sep informal, nonstandard (cause to dislike)使…不喜欢…He was put off of seafood after getting food poisoning from some prawns.他吃虾导致食物中毒,从此之后就不喜欢吃海鲜了。put [sth] on, put on [sth] vtr phrasal sep (wear: clothing) (衣服、鞋袜)穿上She put on a pretty dress to wear to the party.她穿上一件漂亮的裙子去参加派对。put [sth] on, put on [sth] vtr phrasal sep (switch on: lights, stove, etc.) (灯等)打开Put the lights on, will you? It's getting dark.把灯打开,好吗?天开始黑了。put [sth] on, put on [sth] vtr phrasal sep (set going: music) (唱片等)放, 播放Could you put a CD on? I fancy some music.你能播放一张CD吗?我想听听音乐。put [sth] on, put on [sth] vtr phrasal sep (exhibition, event, show) (展览,活动,表演)上演,举办They're putting on a production of Hamlet at the local theatre.当地剧院正在上演《哈姆雷特》。put [sth] on, put on [sth] vtr phrasal sep mainly UK (gain: weight)体重增加Keith has put on 10 lbs since he split from his wife.自从和妻子离婚后,基思胖了10磅。put [sth] on, put on [sth] vtr phrasal sep (facial expression) (面部表情)露出,做出My dog always puts on a sad face when he wants food.我的狗想吃东西时总是露出一副愁眉苦脸的样子。put [sth] on, put on [sth] vtr phrasal sep informal (fake [sth])假装,装出;佯装He put on an annoying high voice to imitate his sister.The footballer pretended to be injured but he was putting it on, hoping to be awarded a penalty.他装出烦人的尖锐声,模仿他妹妹。//这位足球运动员假装受伤,但实际他在演戏,希望骗得一个点球。put [sb] on vtr phrasal sep US, informal (try to fool)尝试愚弄;尝试欺骗备注: Usually used in continuous tenses."You're putting me on!" said Bob. "No," Neil insisted, "it's true".鲍勃说:“你在骗我!”奈尔却坚称:“我没有骗你,这是真的。”put [sth] on, put on [sth] vtr phrasal sep (provide a service)提供The activists are putting on coaches to take protesters to London.put [sth] on vtr phrasal sep (apply: makeup)上妆;化妆put [sb] on vtr phrasal sep (pass phone to)让...接电话Your mother's just come in and wants to speak to you; I'll put her on.put [sb] on to [sb], put [sb] onto [sb] vtr phrasal insep informal (put in touch with)介绍...联系某人A friend of his father's put him on to Mr. Smith, and Mr. Smith hired him as a printer.put [sb] on to [sth], put [sb] onto [sth] vtr phrasal insep informal (inform about)向某人报告;将…告知某人put [sth] out vtr phrasal sep (fire: extinguish)熄灭;灭火Quickly! Someone please put out the fire!快!谁能来把火扑灭!put [sth] out vtr phrasal sep (light: switch off) (灯)关,熄I put out the light and within moments, I was fast asleep.我将灯关了,没多久我就睡着了。put [sb] out vtr phrasal sep informal (inconvenience)给…造成不便I need a lift to the station, but I wouldn't want to put you out.我需要搭车去车站,但我不想给你添麻烦。put [sb] out vtr phrasal sep often passive, informal (aggrieve)使…苦恼;使…烦恼Sophie was put out by the fact that her partner expected her to do all the housework.苏菲的配偶希望她能做所有的家务,这让她很烦恼。put out vi phrasal US, vulgar (woman: have sex)发生性行为If you expect me to put out on a first date, you can think again!如果你期待在第一次约会的时候就和我发生关系,那你可再考虑考虑!put [sth] out vtr phrasal sep (body part: extend) (身体部位)伸出Jim put his hand out for Karen to shake.I put my left leg out to show the doctor the strange growth.吉姆伸出手让凯伦握手。//我伸出左腿,给医生看那长出的奇怪东西。put [sth] out, put out [sth] vtr phrasal sep (publish, issue)出版;发行They put out a new issue of the magazine every 5th of the month.每月5号他们就会出版该杂志的新一期。put [sth] over, put over [sth] vtr phrasal sep (convey, communicate)把…表达清楚;阐释;传达The lecturer knows how to put over his theories.讲师知道如何把自己的理论表达清楚。;put [sb] under vtr phrasal sep informal (anaesthetize)杀死;埋葬;使昏迷Local anesthetics don't work on me, so the dentist has to put me under.put [sth] up, put up [sth] vtr phrasal sep (mount on wall)张贴;支起He put a picture up for visitors to see.I need to put up some new shelves in the kitchen.他挂了一幅画供参观者欣赏。//我需要在厨房里安装一些新架子。put [sth] up, put up [sth] vtr phrasal sep (price: increase) (价格)抬高We've been forced to put up our prices to cover the costs of raw materials.我们被迫提高价格来弥补原材料的成本。put [sth] up, put up [sth] vtr phrasal sep (raise)举起Put your hand up if you know the answer.知道答案的请举手。put [sth] up, put up [sth] vtr phrasal sep (erect)搭起;竖立起The scouts put up their tent as soon as they arrived at the campsite.That building firm is putting up a new block of flats near the river.侦察兵们一到营地就支起了帐篷。//那家建筑公司正在河滨盖一幢新的公寓楼。put [sb] up, put up [sb] vtr phrasal sep informal (accommodate: [sb])为…提供住宿, 供给…住宿We would be happy to put you up when you next come to London.你下次来伦敦的时候,我们很乐意为你提供住宿。put [sth] up, put up [sth] vtr phrasal sep informal (sum: contribute) (金额)出资,提供Charlotte's parents put up £1,000 towards her travelling expenses.夏洛特的父母为她提供了1000英镑的旅行费。put up at [sth] vi phrasal + prep (stay, be accommodated at)住在;在…投宿We put up at a lovely hotel just outside of town.我们在城外一家精美的宾馆里住了下来。put [sb] up to [sth] vtr phrasal sep (persuade [sb] to do [sth])唆使某人做某事;怂恿某人做某事Rick was questioned by police but would not reveal who put him up to the crime.里克遭到警方的审问,不过就是不透露出唆使他犯罪的元凶。put upon [sb] vtr phrasal insep informal (burden)强加于…头上The head of the department put upon Roger by giving him the responsibility for checking all the figures in the report. 复合形式: wear a black hat, put on a black hat v expr US, informal, figurative (be the bad guy)成为黑帽;黑化 gain weight (US), put on weight (UK) vtr + n (get fatter, heavier)增加体重;长胖Most college students gain weight during their first year of school. I've put on so much weight, my trousers won't do up!多数大学学生在学习第一年中会长胖。我长胖了好多,裤子都穿不上了! be hard put to do [sth] v expr (have difficulty doing [sth])难以做某事 put the kibosh on [sth] v expr informal (put an end to)终止, 阻止 lay on a spread, put on a spread v expr (prepare a feast)准备丰盛大餐;准备宴席 make a dent in [sth], put a dent in [sth] v expr (metal: leave an indentation)在…上砸出小坑The hailstones made dents in the roof of the car. make a dent in [sth], put a dent in [sth] v expr figurative, informal (reduce noticeably)使…明显减少Paying for a new roof has really made a dent in my savings.Despite all the interruptions, I managed to make a dent in the work. not put [sth] past [sb] v expr (think [sb] capable of doing [sth])认为某人能够做某事 put [sb] out of the running v expr (end [sb]'s chances in competition)让...出局;使...淘汰 put a brave face on it, put a brave face on, put on a brave face v expr informal (endure [sth])装出一副若无其事的样子;假装勇敢Let's put on a brave face and get on with it. put a crimp in [sth] expr (cause a slight problem)阻碍;破坏 put a curb on [sth] v expr (restrict [sth])限制 put a damper on [sth], also UK: put a dampener on [sth] v expr informal, figurative (spoil [sth])使...蒙上阴影;泼冷水 put a gloss on [sth] v expr figurative (make appealing)使..有吸引力;使具有魅力 put a halt to [sth] v expr (end [sth], call a stop to [sth])阻止,让…停止Quick action by the authorities put a halt to the street riots after the football match. put a lid on [sth] v expr figurative (fix an upper limit)给…设定上限The manager decided to put a lid on pointless spending in the department. put a sock in it v expr figurative, informal (stop talking)闭嘴;住口 put a spell on [sb/sth] vtr (bewitch)蛊惑, 对…施魔法, 施魔咒于The witch put a spell on the man, who then turned into a toad. put a spell on [sb] vtr figurative (charm, enchant)迷惑, 使...着迷, 使...沉迷 put a stop to [sth] vtr (end, curtail)制止;停止The students are cheating; we'll put a stop to that right away.Prohibition did not put a stop to people drinking alcohol, in fact the reverse was true. put a strain on [sth/sb] v expr (subject to stress)使...紧张 put all your eggs in one basket v expr proverb (rely on a single plan)孤注一掷;把全部希望寄托在一件事上If you put all your eggs in one basket you risk losing them all. put an embargo on [sth] v expr (ban trade with)对…实行禁运 put an end to [sth] vtr (stop, curtail)结束,终止;杀死The fall put an end to her skiing career. I'll put an end to this nonsense right away! put [sth] aside, put aside [sth] vtr + adv (place to one side)暂时放下;暂时把…搁置在一边Put aside what you are doing; it's time to have lunch.请暂时放下手头的工作,是吃午饭的时间了。 put [sth] aside, put aside [sth] v expr figurative (ignore, disregard)忽视;不理睬;搁置Let's put aside our differences, so we can come up with a solution to our common problem.让我们暂时搁置分歧,这样我们就能找到我们共同问题的解决办法。 put [sb] at ease v expr (make comfortable)使…放松;使…觉得不拘束Gillian put us at ease before the test by making a joke. put [sb/sth] at risk v expr (endanger)使处于危险境地You have put our lives at risk by driving so carelessly. put [sb/sth] at risk of [sth], put [sb/sth] at risk of doing [sth] v expr (expose to)使陷入…的风险We were put at risk of severe sunburn, working outdoors at midday. put [sth] at stake v expr (risk)使…冒风险It was a large amount of money to put at stake but he was willing to take the risk. put [sth] back on v expr (lid, cover: replace) (盖子、罩子等)重新盖上;重新罩上Stir the soup and put the lid back on for thirty minutes. put [sth] back on [sth] v expr (lid, cover: replace) (盖子)盖上Put the lid back on the toothpaste tube so that it doesn't dry out. put [sth/sb] before [sth/sb] vtr + prep (prioritize more highly than)比...更重视;将...放在比...更优先的地位I will always put my children's welfare before my own desires. put [sth/sb] behind you v expr (forget [sth/sb])把…抛在脑后 put [sth/sb] down vtr + adv (place on surface)把…放下Patsy put her pens down on the desk.The child's mother put him down and he ran off to play on the swings.帕齐把笔放在桌上。//那个孩子的妈妈将他放下,他便跑去荡秋千了。 put [sth] down to [sth] v expr UK, informal (consider as reason) (书面)归因于,归结为;是因为Sharon never speaks to me; I put it down to shyness.莎伦从不跟我说话,我把这归因于她的腼腆害羞。 put down roots v expr (settle: in a place)在某地扎根;定居;安居After years of wandering, we've finally put down roots in this area. put [sth] down to [sth] v expr (ascribe to)归因于Jake's parents put his mood swings down to him being a teenager. put faith in [sth/sb] vtr (trust, believe in)信任;对…抱有信心We need to do something now; we can't put faith in their promises of a future solution.As an atheist, I put my faith in the power of the human mind. put [sb/sth] first v expr (prioritize)把…放在首位, 以…为本No one likes Nancy; she always puts herself first and doesn't think of anyone else.没人喜欢南希,因为她总是把自己放在第一位,从不为别人着想。 put [sth] in [sth], put [sth] into [sth] vtr + prep (insert, place inside)插入;把…放入…中Put the plug in the socket and turn the power on at the wall.把插头插在插座上并打开墙上的电源。 put [sth] in, put in [sth] vtr + adv (insert)插入Isla put her coin in and pressed the button but the vending machine did nothing.艾拉把硬币投进去,按下按钮,但自动售货机没有任何反应。 put [sth] in, put in [sth] vtr + adv (add)加入If the soup tastes bland, put in more salt.如果汤尝起来比较淡,可以多放些盐。 put [sb] in a fix v expr informal (make situation difficult)让某人陷入困境;让某人两难 put in a good word for [sth/sb] vtr informal (say [sth] in support of) (非正式用语)为…说好话;为...美言几句Dad's angry at my big sister; Grandpa's going to put in a good word for her.You're applying for a job at that firm? I know the boss; I'll put in a good word for you. put in an appearance v expr (show up, be present briefly)露面,短暂出席The boss usually puts in an appearance at the annual employee picnic. put [sb] in an awkward position v expr (cause [sb] social embarrassment)让某人处于尴尬境地;使某人感到尴尬Her thoughtless remarks about Janet put us all in an awkward position. put [sb] in chains v expr figurative (enslave)锁住, 囚禁, 给…戴上镣铐Millions of Africans were put in chains and sent to the New World. put [sb] in danger v expr (risk the life of)使…处于危险中;危及…的生命He's putting his own life in danger by driving so recklessly. put [sth] in danger v expr (risk the security of)使处于危险状态;危及…的安全The success of the project has been put in danger by the recent economic downturn. put [sb] in jail v expr (imprison)囚禁;监禁 put [sth] in jeopardy v expr (endanger)使处于危险之中The politician put his career in jeopardy by having an affair.You may have put his life in jeopardy. put [sth] in motion v expr (initiate, set off)开始;开动;启动Just say the word and the plan will be put in motion. put [sth] in operation, put [sth] into operation v expr (initiate, set off)启动;运行It was time to put the plan in operation. put [sth] in order v expr (arrange correctly)按顺序放好The pages of the manuscript were muddled up so I had to put them in order. put [sth] in order v expr (make correct)按顺序安排好Before he died, my father was careful to put all his affairs in order. put [sth] in perspective, put [sth] into perspective v expr (make appear proportionate)正确看待;透析The disaster helped me put my problems in perspective. put [sth] in perspective, put [sth] into perspective v expr (make appear insignificant)使人正确地看待,使人认识到事物真正的价值The problems faced by people in developing countries certainly put our little problems into perspective. put [sth] in place v expr (implement)实施;施行;落实The school has put measures in place to ensure no stranger can gain access to the building.学校已采取措施,确保没有陌生人可以进入教学楼。 put [sb] in his/her place v expr figurative (humble)使…感到卑微Eleanor's sharp rebuke put Daniel in his place.埃莉诺严厉的斥责让丹尼尔感到很卑微。 put [sth] in practice, put [sth] into practice v expr (carry [sth] out)将…付诸实践The new regulations have still to be put into practice.We have worked out the plan, and now it's time to put it into practice. put [sb] in touch, put [sb] and [sb] in touch v expr informal (connect: with [sb] else)使联系You've never met Jeff before, but I can put you in touch. put [sb] in touch with [sb] v expr informal (connect with [sb] else)安排...与...联系;给...提供...的联系方式You've reached the wrong department, but I can put you in touch with someone who can help you. put [sth] in touch v expr (rugby ball: kick out of bounds)踢出界She kicked the ball and put it in touch. put [sth] in writing vtr (make official or binding)把…写下来Contracts for the sale of land must be put in writing to be valid. put [sth] into [sth] vtr + prep (insert or place in)将...插入。;把…放到…里面To start the car, put the keys into the ignition.要发动汽车,先将钥匙插入点火开关。 put [sth] into action v expr (implement: plan)付诸实践;付诸行动 put [sb] into action v expr (use: team, staff, etc.)让...开始工作;让...着手工作 put [sb] into care v expr UK, often passive (child: give government custody) (儿童)由政府托管When James's parents died, there was no one to look after him and he was put into care.The couple were found to be unfit parents and their kids were put into care. put [sth] into effect v expr (law, rule: enforce)实施;使生效The government should move immediately to put the law into effect. put [sth] into place v expr (establish)建立 put [sth] into place v expr (position correctly)放在正确的地方;使归位 put [sth] into words v expr (express in language)用语言表达;用语言描绘;描述I cannot put into words the debt I owe my parents for all their support. put it about v expr UK, slang (have sex with many people) (俚语)(在性行为方面)乱交,乱搞男女关系I hear Tracy's been putting it about with the entire football team! put it about v expr UK, informal (disseminate information)到处放风, 散布消息Someone had been putting it about that the gang boss was getting soft.;put it away v expr slang (drink a lot of alcohol)喝了很多酒;大量饮酒Aunt Gladys was really putting it away at the wedding reception yesterday! put it on v expr informal (show pretend behavior)假装;做样子备注: Commonly used in continuous tenses.The footballer fell to the ground clutching his leg, but the referee could see he was putting it on; he wasn't really injured.put it to [sb] that v expr (assert, posit)断定;断言put money in v expr (deposit a sum: in a bank)将钱存入;存钱Make sure you put money in before the end of the month.put money in [sth] v expr (make a financial contribution)把钱投入;投资I put some money in my friend's new business, but I've yet to see any return on my investment.put-off n (unattractive thing)令人反感;令人讨厌Tom's a nice guy, but his habit of putting himself down all the time is a real put-off.汤姆人挺不错的,不过他总是自我贬低的习惯着实令人反感。put-off n (evasive statement)推脱;避实就虚,闪烁其词The boss's response to the question of whether there would be redundancies was clearly a put-off.老板对于是否会进行裁员一问的回答显然是在避实就虚。put you off your stride v expr figurative (interrupt rhythm)打乱节奏;使慌乱Forgetting her words put the actor off her stride and she never quite recovered before the end of the play.put [sb] off the scent v expr figurative (mislead, distract)使失去线索, 误导, 使人迷失线索, 布下迷阵He laid a false clue to put the detective off the scent.put on a front v expr (pretend)假装;装点门面Alexander seems very confident, but that's because he knows how to put on a front.Julie likes everyone to think she's rich, so she puts on a front.put on a [adjective] front v expr (pretend to be)强装勇敢Paul tried to put on a brave front when he lost his job, but he must have been very anxious.put [sb] on a pedestal v expr figurative (idolize [sb])把……捧上天;将...视为偶像Fred put Miranda on a pedestal; in his eyes she could do no wrong.put on a show v expr (perform)表演;演戏Young children often like to put on a show for their friends.put on a show v expr (organize a performance)组织演出;组织表演put on a show of [sth], put on a display of [sth] v expr (feign, give impression of)假装...;假扮...;做出...的样子The parents put on a show of unity so as not to worry their children.put on airs v expr (be pretentious)矜持;摆架子Fran's country relatives accused her of putting on airs.put on an act v expr (behave falsely)装出一副模样;装模作样put [sth] on display v expr (show off, exhibit)展览;展出That tight shirt really puts his muscles on display nicely.put [sb] on his/her guard v expr (make wary)使…警惕The way she looks at me puts me on my guard.put [sth] on hold v expr (suspend)延期;暂停Construction of the new shopping center was put on hold during the credit crisis.信贷危机期间,新购物中心停建了。put [sb] on hold v expr (phone: keep waiting) (打电话)使处于待机状态When the customer service department puts you on hold, they play annoying music.客户服务部门让你等待时,他们会播放令人厌烦的音乐。put [sth] on hold v expr (reserve)保留;预留I've asked the library to put the book on hold for me.我请求图书馆帮我预留一下那本书。put [sth] on ice v expr figurative (postpone [sth], stop [sth] temporarily)将…搁置She decided to put the wedding plans on ice after her fiance lost his job.put on makeup, put on make-up v expr (apply cosmetics)化妆While driving is not a good time to put on makeup.put [sth] on paper v expr informal (make official)把…写下来Now we've all agreed on the terms, let's put them on paper.put [sb] on probation v expr often passive (release a criminal conditionally)判某人缓刑put [sb] on probation v expr (employ [sb] for a trial period)试用某人;将某人作为见习人员put [sth] on the agenda v expr (intend to discuss)提上日程;列入议事日程What should we put on the agenda for our meeting this afternoon?put [sth] on the back burner v expr figurative (make a low priority)让...不那么重要;降低...的重要性When he heard the news, everything else was put on the back burner.put [sth] on the line v expr figurative, informal (risk [sth])冒…的风险I'm putting my life on the line by doing this for you.put [sth] on the line for [sb] v expr figurative, informal (risk [sth] for [sb])为了某人冒…的风险He put everything on the line for her: his job, marriage and his reputation.put [sth] on the map v expr figurative (place: make famous)让某地出名put [sth] on the market v expr (offer for sale)在市场上出售They put their house on the market a year ago, but it hasn't sold yet.put [sb] on the spot v expr informal (challenge, embarrass)使…处于难堪地位My teacher put me on the spot with a difficult question.put [sb] on trial v expr (make appear in court)使受到审判Sometimes innocent people are put on trial for murder.put option (finance)看跌期权;卖出期权put out adj informal (aggrieved)恼火的;苦恼的Mia felt put out when Shaun forgot to call her.肖恩忘记打电话给米娅,她感到很恼火。put out at [sth], put out about [sth] expr informal (aggrieved)对…感到不高兴;对…感到不满They were extremely put out at not being allowed to sit together.他们因不能坐在一起而感到极度不满。put [sb] out v expr informal (make unconscious for surgery) (在手术前)麻醉I hope the dentist puts me out when he removes my wisdom teeth.我希望牙医拔掉我的智齿时将我麻醉。put out a feeler, put a feeler out, put out feelers, put feelers out v expr figurative (solicit opinions or information)试探提出建议I have already put out feelers to get an idea of who might be an ally in this matter.put [sb/sth] out of business v expr (company, person: cause to fail)破产put [sb/sth] out of his/her/its misery v expr (kill [sb/sth])杀死The dog was so ill that the vet said it would be kinder to put him out of his misery.put [sb] out of his/her misery v expr figurative (finally give an answer, etc.)宣布最终结果The judges finally put the contestants out of their misery by announcing the winner.put [sth] out of order v expr (cause to malfunction)使…出故障Jellyfish got caught in the pipes and put the pump out of order.put [sth/sb] out to pasture v expr figurative (retire: [sb] or [sth] obsolete) (人)使…退休, 被迫离职put [sth] out to pasture v expr (cattle: leave to graze) (牛、羊等)放牧Let's wait until the weather warms up before we put the herd out to pasture.put out to sea v expr (leave land, embark)出航;起航;出海We put out to sea expecting an easy voyage, but the storm quickly forced us back to port.put paid to [sth] v expr informal (cause to end abruptly)中断,了结;使...告吹,使...泡汤The heavy rain put paid to Jan's idea of having a picnic in the park.put pen to paper v expr (start to write)下笔;开写put pressure on [sth] vtr (apply force to)向…施加压力Put pressure on the cut to stop the bleeding.put pressure on [sb/sth] vtr figurative (compel, coerce)对...施加压力, 强迫, 迫使, 逼迫The mayor put pressure on the police to drop the case.put [sth] right vtr + adj (rectify)纠正;矫正put [sth] right with [sb] v expr (make amends)对…进行弥补He attempted to put things right with her by bringing her roses.put stock in [sth/sb] v expr (trust)信任;依赖put the blame on [sb/sth] v expr (name as culprit)责怪;归罪于;归咎于put the boot in v expr figurative, slang (be cruel to [sb] already down)落井下石;雪上加霜put the cart before the horse v expr figurative (act prematurely) (比喻)本末倒置,前后颠倒,不分主次Sara insisted that having sex before marriage was like putting the cart before the horse.put the cat out v expr informal (let domestic feline outdoors for the night)晚上将猫放门外Don't forget to put the cat out before going up to bed tonight!put the finishing touches on, put the finishing touches to v expr (complete: [sth])对…进行收尾;做…最后的工作;画龙点睛I just need to put the finishing touches on my painting.put the kettle on v expr (boil water for tea, etc.)把水壶开启;开始烧水Put the kettle on; I'll be home in five minutes.put the screws on [sb], US also: put the screws to [sb] v expr figurative, informal (force, coerce [sb])威逼;胁迫put things v expr (express [sth] in particular way)表达某事;谈论某事Sam put things very differently.put [sb] through [sth] vtr + prep informal (force to endure)使经历The boy had been put through a lot of hardships in his brief lifetime.这个男孩在他短暂的一生中经历了许多苦难。put [sth] through [sth] vtr + prep (subject to: a procedure) (程序)使经过Chloe decided against having surgery as she did not want to put her body through any more trauma.克洛伊决定不做手术,因为她不想让自己的身体遭受更多的伤害。put [sb] through [sth] vtr + prep (fund [sb]'s studies)为…支付上学的费用My parents are both working full time in order to put me through college.为供我上大学,我父母两人都全职工作。put [sth] through, put through [sth] vtr + adv (bill, law: pass) (法律等)使通过The government is unlikely to put the bill through without amendments being made.如果不进行修改,政府不可能通过这项法案。put [sth] through [sth] vtr + prep (bill, law: pass) (法律,法案)…通过了...The bill was put through Parliament in 1908.本法案于1908年由议会批准通过。put [sb] through vtr + adv (connect to [sb] on phone)为…接通电话The doctor is in now; I'll put you through.医生现在在了,我帮你转过去。put [sb] through to [sb] v expr (connect with: on phone) (打电话)帮…接通…的电话We will now put you through to the coordinator.I'll put you through to the switchboard.我们现在把你的电话转给协调员。//我帮你转总机。put [sth] through its paces v expr (test [sth] extensively)考察...能力Prior to the big race, the jockey put his horse through its paces.put [sb] through his/her/their paces v expr (test [sb]'s skill, ability)展示本领;展示能力put [sb] to bed v expr (tuck into bed)把…安顿上床睡觉I read my daughter a story every night when I put her to bed.put [sth] to bed v expr figurative, informal (stop, end)终止;使停止It's time we put all these vicious rumours to bed.put [sth] to bed v expr figurative, informal (prepare for printing)把…付印It's always a race to put the latest magazine issue to bed.put [sb] to death v expr often passive (execute)处决;处死In the past, criminals were often put to death in the most brutal manner.;put [sth] to good use v expr (use effectively)有效利用;好好利用;使…得以充分利用I'm going to put my lunch hour to good use by going to the supermarket.Chicken bones can be put to good use by using them to make put to it to do [sth] v expr informal (have difficulty)使陷入困境put [sth] to one side v expr figurative (save) (钱等)储存, 存I'll put it to one side and eat it later.put [sth] to one side v expr figurative (disregard)不理会, 忽视, 不顾Let's put this problem to one side for the moment and consider more important issues.He found it too hard, so he just put it to one side.put [sth] to one side v expr (place to the side)把…放在一边, 将…搁到一旁Put the cake to one side and start making the icing.put to sea v expr (ship: leave land) (船只)出海The aircraft carrier put to sea with eighty aircraft aboard.put to sea v expr (crew, sailor: set sail)出海; (海员等)出航We'll put to sea again once the sails have been repaired.put [sb/sth] to shame v expr (cause to look inferior)使…相形见绌;使羞愧;使丢脸My colleague's English is so much better than my French; she puts me to shame.put [sb] to sleep v expr (make sleepy)使…入眠, 使…失去知觉, 使睡着The sleeping pills quickly put me to sleep.put [sth] to sleep v expr euphemism (animal: euthanize) (动物等)使...无痛苦地死去, 人道地杀死, 使安乐死I was heartbroken when my cat had to be put to sleep.put [sb] to sleep v expr figurative (bore) (因枯燥无聊)让…昏昏欲睡His lecture put me to sleep in no time.put [sth/sb] to the test v expr (check performance)考验;经受检验The new safety procedures were put to the test when there was a fire in the basement.put [sb/sth] to use v expr (make use of [sb/sth])使用,利用put [sb] to work v expr (give a job, task to) (工作、任务)把…交给某人put [sth] to work v expr (use)让…发挥作用,让…投入工作Good investors say you should put your money to work if you want to make even more money.put [sth] together, put together [sth] vtr + adv (assemble)将…组合在一起;组装Can you help me put this bookcase together, please?你能帮我把这个书柜拼装起来吗?put [sth] together, put together [sth] vtr + adv figurative (consider as a whole)综合考虑...Once you had put all the clues together, it was obvious what Cassius was hiding.你把所有的线索合在一起,卡修斯想要隐藏的东西就很明显了。put together expr (combined)加在一起;结合起来That girl has more brains than all her siblings put together.那个女孩的兄弟姐妹加起来都没有她聪明。put topspin on [sth] v expr (ball sports) (球类运动)打出上旋球put two and two together v expr figurative, informal (deduce [sth]) (比喻,非正式用语)(依据事实)推理、推断I think you can figure out who sent you the Valentine's Day card: just put two and two together!put up a fight v expr (struggle)进行斗争;顽强抵抗;奋起战斗My daughter was so tired that she didn't even put up a fight when it was time for her nap.He put up a good fight but the other man was stronger.put [sb/sth] up for adoption v expr disapproving (child, pet) (含贬义)找人收养;将...送给别人收养The teenage girl gave birth to a baby boy, but immediately put him up for adoption.When the puppies were 8 weeks old, we put them up for adoption.put [sth] up for auction v expr (offer for sale at auction)把…交付拍卖;将…拿出来拍卖We put our house up for auction, but we didn't get nearly as much as we'd hoped for.put up for hire v expr (make available to rent)将…招贴出去以招租Owners can put their caravans up for hire on the website.put [sth] up for rent v expr (make available to lease, hire)将…张贴出去以招租I don't know whether to sell my house or put it up for rent.put [sth] up for sale v expr (offer for purchase)将…出售He put his house up for sale because it had become too small for his family.put up the money v expr informal (make a financial offer) (非正式用语)提供资金,拨款,出钱I was ready to put up the money, but the seller withdrew at the last minute.put up with [sb/sth] v expr informal (tolerate)忍耐;忍受I will not put up with your whining any more. Go to bed this minute!我再也忍受不了你的满腹牢骚了。现在就给我去睡觉!put upon, put-upon adj informal (burdened)被迫承担重负的备注: hyphen used when term is an adj before a nounThe boss asks me to do extra work so often that I really feel put upon.put your arms around [sb] v expr (embrace, hug)拥抱;搂住put your best foot forward v expr figurative (do your best)全力以赴I'm not really much good at it but I'll put my best foot forward.put your best foot forward v expr figurative (make good impression)尽量给人留下好印象Put your best foot forward at the job interview.put your clothes on v expr (get dressed)穿上衣服;把你的衣服穿上What are you kids doing in that bed? Put your clothes on!put your feet up v expr informal (relax)搁起腿休息,翘起腿休息After work, Maurice loved to just put his feet up and watch TV in his easy chair.put your finger on [sth], lay your finger on [sth] v expr figurative, informal (identify, determine)确定,认定,确切地指出;说清楚,搞清楚I've just put my finger on why I find it so hard getting up in the morning: I hate my job!put your finger on [sth] v expr (touch or press)将手指放在…上, 用手指按If you put your finger on the dog's nose it may bite you.put your foot down v expr informal (accelerate, drive faster)加速;踩油门If you put your foot down, we can get through the lights before they turn red.put your foot down v expr informal, figurative (insist on [sth])坚持I had to put my foot down and tell him I wouldn't lie for him again.put your foot in it v expr UK, informal, figurative (make an embarrassing blunder)说错话;犯错put your foot in your mouth, also UK: put your foot in it v expr figurative (make spoken blunder)说错话;说不合适的话put your hands on [sth] v expr informal (obtain)获得, 得到Keep a flashlight where you can put your hands on it in case of an emergency.put your hands together v expr (applaud)鼓掌;拍手喝彩put your heart and soul into [sth] v expr figurative (devote yourself to)投身于;全身心投入put [sb]'s mind at rest, set [sb]'s mind at rest, set [sb]'s heart at rest v expr (reassure)使消除疑虑;使安心Let me just put your mind at rest: your condition is completely treatable.Put your money where your mouth is. expr (prove [sth])说到做到,付诸行动You think you can run faster than Tim? Put your money where your mouth is!put your nose to the grindstone v expr figurative (work hard)辛勤工作;刻苦工作put your thinking cap on v expr figurative (think hard or creatively)好好想想;仔细思考We need to put our thinking caps on to solve this problem.put your trust in [sb/sth] v expr (have faith in)信任;信赖You can put your trust in me.put yourself in [sb]'s shoes v expr figurative (try to empathize)设身处地为...想想;站在...的角度想问题put yourself out v expr informal (inconvenience yourself)为(某人)费事I don't want you to put yourself out, but I'd be grateful for any help you can give me.put yourself out for [sb] v expr informal (go to trouble for [sb])为了...而为难自己As he's let me down over and over again, I'm not going to put myself out for him.put yourself out to do [sth] v expr informal (go to trouble)不厌其烦地做…;不嫌麻烦地做…She never puts herself out to help me.put yourself through [sth] v expr (force yourself to endure [sth])迫使自己经受住;让自己挺过I can't imagine voluntarily putting myself through cosmetic surgery.put yourself through [sth] v expr (college, etc.: fund your studies)为自己支付上学的费用James worked at a burger restaurant two days a week to put himself through college.put-on n US, informal (trick, hoax)骗局;花招put-on adj US, informal (pretended, fake)假装的;伪装的;装出来的put-up job n informal (scam, con)阴谋;诓骗;诈骗;骗局putdown, put-down n informal (insult, disparaging remark)奚落, 贬低putout, put-out n (baseball play) (棒球)出局nset the record straight, put the record straight v expr (correct false account)澄清问题;纠正错误shot put n (sport: throwing event)推铅球;掷铅球stay put vi informal (remain in same place) (非正式用语)原地不动Stay put, don't move - I'll be right back.原地不动,我很快就回来。take out the trash (US), put the dustbin out, put the bin out, put the rubbish out (UK) v expr (take refuse can outdoors)把垃圾桶拉出去Remember to put the dustbin out tonight; the rubbish is collected early tomorrow morning.




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