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词汇 pursue
释义 pursueUK:*/pərˈsjuː/US:/pɚˈsu/ ,(pər so̅o̅′)UK-RP:UK-Yorkshire:Irish:Scottish:US Southern:Jamaican: 主要翻译 pursue [sb] vtr (follow: physically)追赶;追踪The police officer pursues the thief along the street.警察沿街追赶那个小偷。 pursue [sth] vtr (try to attain)继续;从事Melanie is pursuing a career in medicine.梅兰妮从事医药行业。 pursue [sth] vtr (follow: information)寻求;追查The police are pursuing a number of leads in their hunt for the suspect.为追捕嫌犯,警方正追查数条线索。 pursue [sth] vtr (apply yourself to [sth])致力于;努力做James is pursuing his studies in comparative literature.詹姆士正致力于研究比较文学。 pursue [sb] vtr (romantically)追求Sarah pursued Ian for weeks before he agreed to go out with her.萨拉追求了伊安好几周,他才同意和萨拉约会。 其他翻译 pursue [sth] vtr (discuss further)继续讨论;进一步讨论I'd really like to pursue the interesting point you made earlier about the link between poverty and poor nutrition.你之前就贫困与营养不良之间联系提出的观点很有意思,我想与你进一步进行讨论。




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