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词汇 assistant professor
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assistant professors───n.助理教授(级别高于讲师而低于副教授)

assistant professorship───助理教授

assistant pastor───助理牧师

assistant priest───助理牧师

assistant priests───助理牧师

associate professor───副教授

visiting professor───n.客座教授


The engagement between a struggling photographer and an assistant professor is marred an act of violence.───陷于困境中的摄影师和一个助教的婚约被一系列的暴力行动所破坏.

After that, the instructors instructor could become an assistant professor.───获得博士学位之后, 讲师就可以转成助教.

Assistent " Assistant professor is the first job on this path. "───助理教授是获得终生制的第一步.

Chinese academy of science , assistant professor, major research in plasma physics.───应模拟实验室负责人,硕士生导师.主要研究方向空间等离子体物理.

In 1968 , he joint University of Chicago as assistant professor.───1968年受聘于芝加哥大学担任助理教授.

Duncan, assistant professor and professor of education and social policy, respectively.───分别为教育与社会政策学助教授与教授.

Dawn DeMeo an assistant professor at Harvard Medical School in Boston, Massachusetts.───哈佛大学医学院位于马萨诸塞州波士顿市, DawnDeMeo在此担任助教授.

As the assistant professor of the Honors Programs at the university, one of my jobs was to review students' report cards to make sure they met requirements for continuing in Honors.───作为大学荣誉项目的副教授,我的工作之一就是检查学生的成绩单,以确保他们满足继续获得荣誉的要求。

The writer is an assistant professor at the NTU's School of Communication Studies.───作者是南洋理工大学电脑工程学院的助理教授.

An assistant professor who receives tenure becomes associate professor.───一个助理教授获得终生教席就成为副教授.

If tenure is denidedenied, then the assistant professor usually has a year to find another job.───如果任期被拒, 助理教授一般有一年的时间用来寻找新的工作.

After that they, the instructor could become an assistant professor. Assistant professors do not have teniertenure.───然后, 讲师可能会变成副教授, 副教授没有任期.

After that, their the instructor could be come become an assistant professor.───然后, 指导老师可以升为助理教授.

He was appointed an assistant professor in 1972, associate professor in 1976, and professor in 1988.───1972年被任命为助理教授 、 1976年被任命为副教授 、 1988年被任命为教授.

Ying Hua , Assistant Professor , Department of Design and Environmental Analysis, Cornell University.───谢菲尔德哈勒姆大学社会与发展高级讲师.

After that, the instructor could become an assistant assistant professor.───在那之后, 导师可以成为助理教授.

After that, the instructor could become an assistant professor. Assistant professors do not have tenure.───在更高的阶段, 讲师可以成为助理教授, 副教授不是终身职位.

Mark Wu is an assistant professor at Harvard Law School.───Mark Wu是哈佛法学院的助理教授。

After that, the instructors instructor could become assistant professor.───之后, 讲师可能会成为助理教授.

After that, the instructor could become an assistant professor.───那样博士生讲师才能成助理副教授.

An assistant professor who receives tenure becomes anprofessor.───得到任期的助理教授将会成为副教授.

After that, the instructor instructor could become an assistant professor.───在那之后, 讲师可以成为助理教授.

Caleb Adler, an assistant professor of psychiatry and neuroscience atUniersity of Cincinnati College of Medicine.───该研究的另一作者CalebAdler医生说,他是辛辛那提大学医学院的一名精神病学和神经科学的副教授.

James Bibb , assistant professor and the study's senior author.───JamesBibb博士说,他是一名心理学副教授,也是该研究的主要作者.

Several instructors were promoted to assistant professor this year.───今年有几位讲师晋升助理教授.

Michael Flaxman, Assistant Professor, Department of Urban Studies and Planning, MIT.───加州大学洛杉矶分校交通研究中心执行主任,城市规划教授.

Mr Tao Shaobo , an assistant professor and born in 1958, is a masterful painter.───陶少波先生, 副教授,1958年出生, 实力派画家.

Pat is an assistant professor on arts.───派特是一位艺术助理教授。

I am Janos Pekmester , assistant professor medieval history department at the University of Alba Iula.───我是亚诺斯·佩克梅斯特, 艾尔巴尤拉大学中世纪史系助教.

Assistant Professor, Department of English Language & Literature ( Hong Kong Shue Yan University ).───香港 树仁 大学英文系助理教授.

Liz was an assistant professor of biology at a university in California.───莉斯是加州某大学的生物学助理教授.

Assistant Professor, University of North Carolina.───现任教于美国北卡罗莱纳大学.

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