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词汇 pit
释义 pitUK:*/ˈpɪt/US:/pɪt/ ,(pit)UK-RP:UK-Yorkshire:Irish:Scottish:US Southern:Jamaican: 主要翻译 pit n (hole in ground)大坑;深坑The pit went down a long way.这个大坑陷得很深。 pit n (quarry)石场;矿场The workers were blasting rocks in the pit.工人们在石场内爆破岩石。 pit n (mine)矿坑;矿井A lot of Welshmen found themselves out of work when the pits closed in the 1980s.20世纪80年代,矿井大关门时,许多威尔士人发现自己失业了。 pit n (depression in surface)窝;凹;凹陷This road is full of bumps and pits.这条路上突起和凹陷遍布。 pit n (small scar) (因青春痘等留下的瘢痕)痘痕,麻点Ben's face is covered in pits from the acne he had as a teenager.本的脸上全是他年轻时长的青春痘所留下的痘痕。 pit n US (stone: fruit seed) (樱桃等核果的种子)果核Careful, those cherries still have pits.吃的时候小心点,那些樱桃还没有去核。 其他翻译 pit n (enclosed area for fights)斗兽场The two dogs were in the pit, being held back by their owners before the fight.那两只狗都在斗兽场里,赛前,由各自的主人控制着。 pit n (motor racing) (赛车)维修加油站The driver has pulled into the pit so the car can be refuelled.赛车手将车开进维修加油站加油。 the pits npl figurative, slang ([sth] unpleasant)讨厌的事物I hate this job; it's the pits.我恨这份工作,太讨厌了。 pit [sth] vtr US (fruit: remove pit) (从核果中除去种子)把…的核剔除出去Pit the plums, cut them in half, and arrange them in the flan case.给梅子去核,然后对剖开来,再把它们塞进馅饼盒里。 pit [sth] vtr (mark with indents)使坑坑洼洼The constant passage of the truck had pitted the country lane.由于不断地有卡车驶过,这条乡间小路变得坑坑洼洼的。 pit [sth] vtr usually passive (create holes)使…坑坑洼洼The ground all around here has been pitted by bombs. 复合形式: bear pit n (bear enclosure in zoo, etc.)熊坑,熊池 borrow pit (civil engineering) (土木工程)借土坑;取土坑 bottomless pit n informal, figurative (person: never sated)贪得无厌的人Have lots of food on hand, he's a bottomless pit.他手上拿了许多食物,简直贪得无厌。 bottomless pit n informal, figurative (thing: absorbs money, effort)无底洞 catch basin (US), catch pit (UK) n (drainage pit)滤污池;集水槽 fire pit n (hole in ground where fire is made)火坑 fire pit n (container fire is made in)火炉 gravel pit n (open pit-mine for obtaining gravel)碎石坑;采砂坑 money pit n figurative, informal ([sth] continually costing money) (比喻义)金钱陷阱,资金无底洞He bought a cheap house which ended up being a money pit. mosh pit n informal (area where music fans dance aggressively) (音乐现场)冲撞区 olive pit n (stone inside an olive)橄榄核Watch out for olive pits when eating--they can chip a tooth. open-pit (US), open-cast, opencast (UK) adj (mining)露天开采的;露天采矿的 orchestra pit, the pit n (musicians' seating)乐池That dancer tripped off the stage and into the orchestra pit. pit [sb/sth] against [sb/sth] vtr + prep (set to compete or fight)让…与…较量This match pits the titleholder against a complete unknown. pit bull terrier, pit bull n (English dog breed)斗兽场斗牛犬;美洲嚣犬The pit bull terrier is an athletic breed. pit latrine n (outdoor toilet)旱厕 pit stop n (motor racing: pause to refuel)赛车在途中紧急停车加油 pit stop n (motor racing: place to refuel)途中赛车紧急停车加油站 pit viper n (venomous snake)蝮蛇 pitapat, pit-a-pat n (tapping sound: of rain, etc.) (雨水等轻拍的声音)噼啪声n sandpit, sand pit n UK (child's sandbox) (可供儿童在里面玩耍的)沙盒;沙箱Two little boys played in the sandpit while their mothers watched them. sandpit, sand pit n (pit from which sand is dug)沙坑Don't go near the sandpit; it's dangerous. saw pit (place for pit sawing)锯木坑;锯木处 snake pit n US, slang, figurative (place of pain, disorder)混乱的地方;痛苦可怕的地方There's no way I'm going into the snake pit that is American high school. snake pit n US, slang, figurative, pejorative (mental institution)疯人院;乱糟糟的精神病院




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