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词汇 pig
释义 pigUK:*/ˈpɪg/US:/pɪg/ ,(pig)UK-RP:UK-Yorkshire:Irish:Scottish:US Southern:Jamaican: 主要翻译 pig n (porcine animal) (动物)猪We have a lot of pigs on our farm.我们农场里养了很多猪。 pig n figurative (dirty person)猪一样的人;肮脏的人Larry is a real pig, and his room is a mess.拉里真是像猪一样脏,房间里一团糟。 pig n figurative ([sb]: greedy, selfish)贪婪的人,贪吃的人He was a pig at the buffet.He was acting like a real pig.他在自助餐上非常贪吃。他这人真的非常贪婪。 其他翻译 pig n (pig meat: pork) (食物)猪肉Many religions forbid eating pig. a pig (of a) n UK, informal, figurative (difficult task)困难的工作,艰难的任务This job's a real pig. pig n often plural, offensive, slang (police officer) (对警察的蔑称)猪猡The pigs came to arrest us. pig n (pigskin)猪皮Do you want goatskin gloves, or pig? pig n (mass of metal) (金属)质量At the foundry, molten iron was poured into moulds, forming pigs. pig vi (give birth to piglets)生小猪;产仔The sow is getting ready to pig. pig [sth] vtr (give birth to piglets) (猪仔)生, 下The sow pigged eight piglets. 动词短语 pig out vi phrasal slang (eat to excess)大吃特吃;饕餮;暴饮暴食Mardi Gras is a time to pig out before the Lenten fast begins. 复合形式: guinea pig n (small South American mammal)豚鼠My daughter has a pet guinea pig.我女儿养了一只豚鼠当宠物。 guinea pig n figurative ([sb] used as experimental subject) (比喻)实验对象We volunteered to be guinea pigs for the new untested class format.我们自愿成为未经检验类格式的实验对象。 male chauvinist pig n slang, pejorative (man with sexist attitude, misogynist) (俚语,轻蔑语)大男子沙文主义猪I've met a lot of male chauvinist pigs before now but I think you're the worst ever! pig farmer n ([sb] who raises pigs for meat)养猪户Our senator is a lawyer but sometimes he acts like a rural pig farmer. pig iron n (crudely processed iron) (冶金)生铁Pig iron is produced in a blast furnace. pig it v expr US, informal (live like a pig)像猪一样住在脏乱差的环境里;住在猪圈一样的地方Colin is pigging it in his apartment. pig-out n slang (instance of overeating)饕餮;暴饮暴食For Jen's birthday, she and her friends enjoyed a pig-out at her favourite restaurant.为了庆祝珍的生日,她和她的朋友在她最喜欢的餐厅中大吃一顿。 pig's ear n (ear of a pig)猪耳朵 pig's ear n UK, figurative (mess, botched job)一团糟,混乱 pigheaded, pig-headed adj figurative, pejorative, slang (stubborn) (俚语)愚蠢的,愚顽的,顽固的I'm afraid my husband can be incredibly pig-headed at times. suckling pig n (piglet not yet weaned)猪崽;乳猪Suckling pigs need to be given water as well as milk. suckling pig n (dish of whole small pig) (一道菜)(烤)乳猪




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