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词汇 asset class
释义 asset class
asset class发音

资产类别; 资产种类



master class───高级讲习班;由大师主讲的讲习班

art class───美术课

asset base───资产基础


asset values───资产价值

master classes───高级讲习班;由大师主讲的讲习班

sunset clauses───日落条款

art glass───玻璃艺术制品;美术玻璃器皿

asset sales───资产出售(assetsale的复数)


Huaan Fund in the 2009 A - share investment strategy report, the stock attractive asset class is growing.───华安基金在2009年A股投资策略报告中指出, 股票类资产的吸引力正在增强.

Which asset class might turn into the next bubble?───那么哪一种资产又将引发新一轮泡沫?

Art is not the only inflated asset class, either.───艺术品也不是唯一有水分的资产。

Hedge funds are not one asset class.───对冲基金不是一个资产类别。

Single sector funds provide an interest in many different investments within one asset class.───单股基金提供资产类别内,在许多不同的投资兴趣.

However, some asset allocators have doubts about pension funds'current interest in the asset class.───不过, 对于养老基金当前对这一资产类别的兴趣,一些资产配置者心存疑虑.

It was the only major asset class that was up last year.───它是去年唯一上升的主要资产类别.

Investing in precious metals is going main stream as an asset class.───投资贵金属市场已经成为资产投资的主要潮流.

Since Lehman Brothers went bust three months ago, almost every asset class has been hammered.───三个月前雷曼兄弟破产, 几乎所有资产都被拍卖.

As an asset class, commodities are obscure and few investors really understand them as an investment.───作为资产的一种, 商品不引人注意,很少有人真正指导将他们作为一种投资工具.

They don't consider angel investing as an asset class.───他们并不认为天使投资是一种资产增值的方式.

It is understood that the investment should be mainly securities, asset class of shares.───据了解,投资应该主要是证券 、 股票类资产.

It became a more interesting and diverse asset class.───它成为了一种更有趣更多样化的资产类别。

Equities were the asset class of choice.───股票是最受青睐的资产类别.

The appeal of real estate as an asset class is growing.───房地产作为一种资产类别,吸引力与日俱增.

Pension funds are also showing interest in the asset class, seeking to diversify portfolios.───寻求投资组合多元化的养老基金也对这一资产类别表现出兴趣.

Therefore , bonds , like stocks or any other asset class , can fulfil certain investment ob - jectives.───这样可以保住他的储蓄, 以及加强他的投资回报.


Gold has been moving hand-in-glove with oil (as part of the commodity asset class) and in the opposite direction of the dollar (since it is seen as an alternative currency).

Prices go up and they go down, but give stocks enough time and they deliver returns that trounce those of bonds, real estate, commodities or any other asset class.

"Whenever you have negative interest rates, which we have today, and you have continuous deficit spending, gold becomes an attractive asset class," Holmes said.

They are attracted by the new asset class as an investment which would trade out of synch with traditional assets such as equities, bonds and real estate.

If you have large investment in this asset class, a portion of the interest earned can be invested in out-of-the-money gold calls.

However, some asset allocators have doubts about pension funds'current interest in the asset class.

But while no one large asset class is currently showing signs of grotesque overvaluation, few are still at bombed-out levels.

  • asset allocation
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  • asset definition
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  • asset class




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