

词汇 homeless shelters
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homeless shelter───流浪汉庇护所;收容所

women's shelters───妇女庇护所

womens shelters───妇女庇护所

women's shelter───妇女庇护所

bomb shelters───防空洞;避难室

Anderson shelters───家庭防空洞

animal shelters───动物收容所

bomb shelter───防空洞;避难室

bus shelters───公车候车亭


The researchers suggest that grocery stores should donate any food that is still okay to eat to homeless shelters, instead of throwing it away.───调研人员建议,杂货店应该把还可以吃的食物捐赠给流浪者收容所,而不是直接扔掉。

This year, she canceled the meal and donated a dozen turkeys to two homeless shelters.───今年她取消了这顿大餐,并捐赠了一打火鸡给两个无家可归者庇护所。

Many young people give part of their holiday to volunteer at homeless shelters or food pantries.───很多年轻人给自己的部分假期,在无家可归者收容所或食物茶房志愿者。

When he was a young boy, Princess Diana took him to visit hospitals and homeless shelters.───当他还小时,戴安娜公主带着他去拜访医院和无家可归者的避难所。

Volunteers in major cities all over the world are working at homeless shelters caring for those who are less fortunate than themselves.───世界上各大城市的志愿者在收容所照顾那些比自己不幸的人;

Yeah. . . -People are actually going out to the homeless shelters and recruiting these jokers!───是的…-人们实际上会去无家可归者庇护所招募这些家伙!

Financial malfeasance in Government and Big Business has placed millions of Americans into homeless shelters and unemployment lines.───在政府财政渎职和大企业公司已经将无家可归者收容所和失业线数百万美国人。

They have infested college dormitories, hospital wings, homeless shelters and swanky hotels from New York City to Chicago to Washington.───它们大量滋生于从纽约到芝加哥再到华盛顿的大学宿舍、医院病房、流浪人员安住地和时尚酒店内。

The volunteers come from homeless shelters, drug treatment and community centers.───这些自愿者来自无家可归的临时住所、戒毒所和社区服务中心。


They never had enough money, so they lived in various hotels, apartments and homeless shelters.

They lived in hotels and homeless shelters.

Everyone knew that would drive up spending on welfare and homeless shelters.

They enjoyed researching everything from homeless shelters to environmental advocacy groups.

Last month, children accounted for 1, 412 of the 5, 299 people living in homeless shelters in the city.

  • homeless to harvard
  • homeless person




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