n.主场; [体]本方球台
hold court───(国王)上朝;开庭,开审
home port───船籍港
home country───祖国;原籍国
lower court───地方法院;初级法院
face court───面对法庭
food court───(商场内)饮食区;美食街
Boston and Orlando will have another battle, this time Orlando takes the home court.───凯尔特人与魔术再次上演决斗, 不过这一次是在奥兰多的主场.
Oh yeah the Cavaliers also had home court advantage.───对了,骑士队还是有主场优势的.
The Celtics also have home - court advantage in the Finals'2 - 3 - 2 format.───在总决赛的 2-3-2 形式安排下,凯尔特人还拥有主场优势.
What constitutes a home court advantage?───什么是球队的主场优势?
game taken from Portland, or did the Blazers waste their opportunity to seize home court around LaMarcus Aldridge's 27 points?───比赛从波特兰手中溜走还是在阿尔德里奇拿下27分情况下开拓者球员浪费了扳回主场优势的机会?
Not only were we in the playoff race, we were fighting for home court advantage!───我们不仅仅赢下了季后赛名额的争夺,还有机会为了主场优势而战。
- home made dilos
- home point
- home court
- home depot
- homeless to harvard
- homework clubs
- homeopathy medicine
- home brand bias
- home of the
- home room
- homestead rescue cast
- home we ll go
- home school
- home help
- home server
- home goods
- home people
- home truth
- home country
- home alone
- home economic